
"If my mother loves me, she has to be the first to pick me up!" Kindergarten late pick-up is really harmful to the baby

Picking up and dropping off children to and from school is something that every parent often does, which is simple and doesn't have much technical content. However, picking up and dropping off children from school is not a trivial matter, and the impact on children is also very large.

"Mom, don't you like me anymore" The second-born mother picked up the child late, but she didn't want to hurt him

Before I was pregnant with my second child, our family was all I came to pick up the child from school, my father sent it in the morning, I went early after work to pick up, and the child was also very accustomed.

"If my mother loves me, she has to be the first to pick me up!" Kindergarten late pick-up is really harmful to the baby

However, after I was pregnant with my second child, especially in the third trimester and after giving birth to my second child, there was no way to pick up the child from school. Dad sent him to school in the morning, and then, when school was over, Dad left work a little later, so he asked the teacher to watch a little more.

So, for a long time, my son was always the last child in the class to be picked up. While holding my sister, I accompanied my son to read a picture book, and my son suddenly tilted his head and asked me: "Mom, did you give birth to a sister and don't like me?" I was surprised and said, "Of course not, my mother still loves you." ”

He lowered his head and said very grievously: "Then the children in our class all say that I am a drag oil bottle, there is always no one to pick up the school, if you love me, tomorrow you will be the first to pick me up from school." ”

"If my mother loves me, she has to be the first to pick me up!" Kindergarten late pick-up is really harmful to the baby

For a long time after I gave birth to my second child, the children went to kindergarten in the morning and were very resistant, and the mood was very bad. I also thought that the child was because Mom and Dad had a sister and he wanted to get our attention. Now it seems that we always let the child go home last, which has affected the psychological growth of the child.

The father and I quickly apologized to the child and promised that it would not be like this in the future. We need to take our sister, but the problem of no one to pick up after school for our son really has to be solved, and we can't let the child continue to be sad.

If you're also a mom picking up your kids home, don't think you're often a little late because you're late at work, which is a legitimate reason. Children will not understand our reasons, they will only be hurt inside.

"If my mother loves me, she has to be the first to pick me up!" Kindergarten late pick-up is really harmful to the baby

Children are always late, which will make children feel inferior in front of their classmates and lack of inner security

When the child comes home from school, it is the happiest moment, but others have been taken away, and he is alone, and the child's enthusiasm will become cold.

In the process of waiting for his parents, the child's thoughts may be: my parents do not love me, so they will not go home to pick themselves up.

"If my mother loves me, she has to be the first to pick me up!" Kindergarten late pick-up is really harmful to the baby

In addition, children are always received late from the views of their classmates, and even the teacher will have a little opinion, which makes the children unable to look up in front of others. The child's early childhood is the most important period for character cultivation, and after school is what children have to experience every day, so the child's feelings, we have to consider, otherwise the baby may not be able to get rid of the inferiority complex character.

Children are always late in picking up, easy to have no concept of time, and procrastinate in doing things

When we send our children to school, if our children often procrastinate, how will we feel? Parents always come late to pick up their children from school, and children feel the same way. Moreover, many of the child's habits are to learn from the parents, if the child is always picked up late, he may be procrastinating and not in a hurry after school.

"If my mother loves me, she has to be the first to pick me up!" Kindergarten late pick-up is really harmful to the baby

If you pick up your child often late and the child doesn't care at all, the child will easily develop the habit of procrastinating, and this habit may continue until the child reaches adulthood.

If you don't want your child to be a procrastinator, pick up your child on time and come home from school.

Picking up children from school is very simple, but there are also parents who do have considerable reasons. If you are occasionally late to pick up your child, comfort your child.

However, if there is a conflict between work and the time of the child's school, or the traffic is often congested, it is not good for us to always pick up the child late.

"If my mother loves me, she has to be the first to pick me up!" Kindergarten late pick-up is really harmful to the baby

Mom and Dad are always late to pick up their children, so they should think of some practical ways to solve it.

First, pick up and drop off children with other parents.

Kindergartens often have such a "combination" of parents, they send two children when their children go to school, they do not have time to pick up the children, they ask another parent to be responsible for picking up the children. If the children's home is relatively close, this method is still good.

"If my mother loves me, she has to be the first to pick me up!" Kindergarten late pick-up is really harmful to the baby

Second, after school, let children participate in activities in or outside the school.

For a while, my son became obsessed with playing football. After school, he joined a football club at school. We often pick up our children after work, and the time is just right.

Therefore, if you are a parent who cannot pick up your child at the first time, it is also very good to let your child participate in extracurricular activities at school. Children are safer and can develop their own hobbies.

"If my mother loves me, she has to be the first to pick me up!" Kindergarten late pick-up is really harmful to the baby

Third, hire someone else to pick up the child, and mom and dad must occasionally pick up the child personally from school.

Someone really can't help it, so they ask others to help pick up the child, and then they will give some rewards. If this is the case at home, we must let the child understand the pain of the parents and the parents, and then we should still find a way to pick up the child once in a while, so that the child can feel the love of the parents.

Let the child feel that he is loved, it is the responsibility of every parent, let's cheer together!

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