
Which ethnic group is the brutal Huns in history? How is life now?

When it comes to the Xiongnu, it will think of a synonym for cruelty, violence, and bloodshed, which was most active in the Han Dynasty. Which nation is this barbaric "Huns"? Fifty-six nationalities, fifty-six flowers, seven continents and four oceans, they were once anonymous.

Speaking out, many people can't believe that the ancient Xiongnu burned and plundered, bullied the people of the Central Plains, and spurned their nation everywhere they went, and the blood of the Xiongnu flowed to the present world, where did they leave the blood of the Xiongnu?

Which ethnic group is the brutal Huns in history? How is life now?

The Xiongnu were nomadic peoples, beginning in the Qin and Han dynasties, and the nomadic peoples had no place to live and rode on the steppes all year round. In ancient times, it was close to Europe and was also divided into two factions: the Southern Huns and the Northern Huns. The influence of the Southern Xiongnu on the Qin and Han Dynasties was not great, and it was later lost.

The Xiongnu, as modern people know it, are representatives of the Northern Xiongnu, and the Northern Xiongnu are inextricably linked to Mongolia. From the TV series, you will see that the Xiongnu will also have a yellow head, the appearance of foreign blood, when the men in neighboring countries were poor and could not find women, they came to the land of the Qin Dynasty and began to rape women and continue their descendants.

Which ethnic group is the brutal Huns in history? How is life now?

This is why the descendants of the Huns were so barbaric, because they were poor and bitter at first, and could only live in a life of the weak and the strong. Over time, their personalities become rude and unlearned, and they can only kill desperately in order to survive. Living a life of no place to live on the prairie all year round.

At first, the Xiongnu's ranks were fragmented, because the steppe regime was not ruled by one person, but by five or six rulers, and some people who had nowhere to go also went to Inner Mongolia and defected to the Huns. In general, the overall culture and quality of the Xiongnu are relatively low under the judging standards of modern society.

Which ethnic group is the brutal Huns in history? How is life now?

In ancient times, agriculture was the mainstay, so the birthplace of water sources such as the Yellow River Basin was a place where people lived and multiplied, and the temperate monsoon climate in the Central Plains was suitable for crop growth. Both the Qin Dynasty and the Han Dynasty were capitalized in the Central Plains and lived a beautiful and peaceful life.

But the rude Huns could not stand it, and they ate and slept in the open every day, with no place to live. The people of the Central Plains live a comfortable and comfortable life every day, with both water and grain, and the wind and rain are smooth. In contrast, the Huns came up furiously and began to gather cavalry to attack the Central Plains.

Which ethnic group is the brutal Huns in history? How is life now?

From the beginning of the Xiongnu invasion of the Central Plains, their troops grew stronger and stronger, causing headaches for the dynasties of the Central Plains. The Huns were nomadic peoples who lived on horseback every day and rode on the steppes. Three meals a day are mainly cattle and sheep and wild prey, and the personality is cruel and rough. In stark contrast to the Central Plains people, even the wind of the grasslands is that the People of the Plains can't stand it for a day.

In terms of physical fitness, the Central Plains people are not worse than the Huns. When it comes to war, the Xiongnu riding horses are all cavalry, while the Han people are mostly marines, and there is an absolute advantage in the people. Riding horses was also fast, so the nomadic Huns constantly harassed the border areas. Burning and looting, doing no evil, venting the anger in their hearts.

Which ethnic group is the brutal Huns in history? How is life now?

The Xiongnu invaded each other, but the rulers could not defend themselves, and the current Great Wall was built to defend against the Xiongnu. The peoples on horseback snatched away grain, livestock, and women from the Central Plains, and they became stronger and stronger. Seeing that the security of the Central Plains was about to be endangered, a way was thought of to let the nomads themselves get off their horses

Successive dynasties and dynasties have been fighting guerrillas with the Xiongnu, and even in order to negotiate with the Xiongnu, the Han Yuan Emperor also sent Wang Zhaojun to the Xiongnu and his relatives. However, peace and kinship were only a measure to slow down the army, and when the country changed hands, the Xiongnu still harassed the border. Until Qin Shi Huang unified the whole country, the army was really strong, and the Xiongnu were beaten to pieces and scattered.

Which ethnic group is the brutal Huns in history? How is life now?

The Xiongnu, who had grown from prosperity to decline, were naturally eliminated by the environment of the steppe, after all, it was difficult for the Huns, who did not eat, wear or hold a group, to survive in the wild for a long time. The Huns had a barbaric personality, and no one obeyed anyone, which led to a very serious infighting among them, and everyone wanted to claim the king and dominate the steppe. This also hastened their demise.

The tribes of the Mongols and Turks in the beginning also joined the blood of the Han people, and the first figure of the late Xiongnu, Xianbei, was the main force, but the army in the interior was still pressing forward, forcing Xianbei to the current Mongolia and the Altai Mountains.

Which ethnic group is the brutal Huns in history? How is life now?

They sometimes live on The territory of China, and after a few years they go to Central and South Asia, and after a while they go to Europe, and their despicable personalities will rob the people's women wherever they go, so no one can say what kind of blood they really are. The women who were snatched were from all countries, so the children and grandchildren were of mixed race.

According to historical records, they once lived with the Turkmen and then became entangled with the Islamic people. The bloodlines of the Huns were so chaotic that where there were women they were home. Their migration route is to go west step by step, in fact, there is no way to retreat, and every time they retreat to a place, they leave some Xiongnu blood.

Which ethnic group is the brutal Huns in history? How is life now?

Later, Genghis Khan descended from heaven and agreed to the Mongols, and the Life of the Huns among the nomads became more and more difficult to mix. Genghis Khan's generation of tianjiao began to rectify these free and loose Huns. The general direction is to divide them into two parts and distribute them to the south and north.

Some of these Xiongnu chose to stay in Genghis Khan's country, and some of them were driven by Genghis Khan to live in the steppes of North Asia and became Northern Huns. Another group of people was driven by Genghis Khan to the Turkic steppes and became the Southern Huns. Others don't want to be ruled and go to neighboring countries, where they continue to thrive.

Which ethnic group is the brutal Huns in history? How is life now?

Later, the Xiongnu slowly faded out of people's sight, and posterity could only find a trace according to the records in the historical records. According to historical sources, most of the last Huns emigrated to Europe, and both the southern and northern factions moved out of the Chinese mainland. The Xiongnu who followed Genghis Khan were also a branch of Inner Mongolia.

Many people say that the Mongols are descendants of the Huns, but know that there will be descendants of the Huns all over the world. Once the Xiongnu invaded the Central Plains, leaving behind descendants in the Central Plains. Later, he went to Hungary, and also went to Islam, Turkmen and other places.

Which ethnic group is the brutal Huns in history? How is life now?

The Xiongnu, which caused headaches to the ancients, which ethnic group it was, and who the Xiongnu really were, no one can say clearly. The rugged and barbaric Huns left their own bloodlines throughout China and even on all continents of the world, and the history of the Huns was recorded in the texts of many countries.

Which ethnic group is the Huns now? Many people don't believe it, maybe you have the blood of the Huns on your body. But looking at the fierceness, cruelty, and barbarism of the Europeans, it is more like inheriting more DNA from the Huns, and Chinese appear more subtle and agile. After all, there is an old Chinese saying: Jiangshan is easy to change and difficult to move.

Which ethnic group is the brutal Huns in history? How is life now?

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