
The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

Sisters love golden sentence, girls come to learn!

Has anyone not seen Song Zhiya's Chinese provocative record?

First of all, in the process of writing letters to each other, the other girls were sprinkled with a long string of words, and only her simple "Oba" two words made the other party's heart blossom.

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

In the face of the boy's question:

- "Feel like you're drunk"

- "Are you intoxicated with me?" ”

- "My heart beats faster"

- "Are you so impressed, you don't want to go home." ”

- "You're cute"

- "Do you think it's cute just like that, then you'll be dazzled by me later." ”

- "Don't you have a lot to say?"

-"After seeing your eyes, I suddenly couldn't remember a word. ”

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

For Song Zhiya, the essence of the pickle is the appearance of the angel, the figure of the devil, plus a little sweet talk, just right to hold. Sister's confidence you can't imitate, really too slay!

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

Wake up! Sisters just look at the head, Zhiya's position you can't reach, her trickery skills will not be mastered for a while and a half, only the worship. But the following love sentences of these two mature sisters can be seriously studied to save you as a love white.

In the New Year, you want to get off the list and start a sweet love, please remember the following words.

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done
The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

In the "Heartbeat Signal" program, a male guest said that before he came to the show, he had a very clear point of view: the age gap between himself and the object of his choice should not be too large, and love is premised on marriage.

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

But the girl he likes in the show is the girl who has the biggest gap with his own age, and the other party is a girl with no love experience, which can be said to be completely inconsistent with his idea of marriage candidates. But such a girl made his heart move.

I would like to ask you when was the last time you were moved?

Is your current marriage partner your ideal?

Everyone has the feeling that as they get older, they seem to have lost the ability to move their hearts. You don't feel like when you were a student, because you faced a pair of clear eyes in the corridor, you throbbed at the spirited teenager for a moment, or because you saw him shining on the stage, your heart collided with the deer...

There is no worries about the electric flint heartbeat, but every adult needs to make a careful choice before the heartbeat, and those choices are the rules and regulations you give yourself. Qi Wei said in the program: "Taking the purpose of marriage as the premise of love is simply unable to bear the heart of this matter. ”

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

Qi Wei said that she would never talk about exotic love, but after meeting Lee Seung-hyun, didn't she "hit her face at the speed of light", true love came, and no one could stop it.

Before meeting him, you hope that the other party is thin and tall and has 7 points of handsomeness, and after meeting him, it seems that the fleshy little belly is also quite cute to touch. The gap between the ideal type and the person you really find is usually very large, and the heartbeat is actually that there is someone who can break your bottom line, overturn your expectations and expectations, and break your requirements for the ideal type.

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done
The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

Is it active pursuit of good, or passive and other hobbies?

All in the 21st century, will no one think that the male protagonist must take the initiative to fall in love, right? The person who actively pursues in love is not necessarily in a disadvantageous position, on the contrary, she can be the one who holds the initiative, and there is nothing wrong with her own happiness relying on her own initiative to fight.

In the hit drama "You Are My Glory", Qiao Jingjing, played by Di Li Reba, is a typical representative of actively pursuing love, building QQ trumpets to test each other during the student period, registering a space enthusiast forum, taking the initiative to learn aerospace knowledge, and approaching his points of interest.

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

After work, he also created an opportunity to meet with him, buy the Jade Rabbit air purifier designed by the institute, and find an excuse for him to come to the house to repair the purifier, and then further let Yutu agree to be his own game coach after the two met. In the process of pursuing the way, "ghost ideas" are continuous, and it is worthy of being a strange human crystal.

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

But active pursuit is definitely not equal to cheeky, you like a boy, if he also has feelings for you, you can catch the signal he released, if he is always indifferent to you, there is no need to blindly pursue. Know clearly where your bottom line is, and to a certain extent, be brave to attack, but not blindly pursue.

In Qi Wei's view, true love is never encountered, but cultivated.

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

When Lee Seung-hyun recorded "Brother With Thorns and Thorns", he would talk to Qi Wei on the phone at night after practicing every day, and the longest call time was 74 minutes.

In the "My Little Two Mouths" program, Qi Wei asked Lee Seung-hyun to taste his own boiled soup and let him make an evaluation, Lee Seung-hyun said: "Delicious, but light." Qi Wei was not satisfied after listening, told him the psychological feelings of the girls to hear this evaluation, and taught Lee Seung-hyun how to chat on the spot to please the girls, and Lee Seung-hyun humbly accepted Qi Wei's correction.

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

Once on a plane, Lee Seung-hyun gently called Qi Wei, who was lying in bed, to get up, and affectionately sent a good morning kiss to wake up, he also clearly knew the date of his wife's menstrual period, took the initiative to help her rub her back to relieve the pain, and continued to operate lightly and familiarly, full of patience.

Such gentleness and thoughtfulness must be a habit developed in daily life, and it is certainly inseparable from Qi Wei's "tuning".

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

Qi Wei did not give up her career after marriage, and was at ease to be a small woman around Lee Seung-hyun, on the contrary, Lee Seung-hyun took care of her children at home, and retreated into the background, "the wife is assured to fly, and the grandfather will always be with him", he fully supports his wife's career and does the most solid backing. Such a rare division of labor mode of "outside the female protagonist and inside the male protagonist" can be seen in Qi Wei's grooming technique.

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done
The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done
The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

This sentence actually wants you to learn to think in a different position, to think from the perspective of the other party to think about whether the way you express love is what the other party wants, and mature love requires this process.

If you don't love him in the way he likes, then this love is useless to him, although valuable but not useful in front of the other party.

To take a very simple example, the experience of being urged by parents to marry or arrange a blind date has been experienced by everyone, from the perspective of parents, they want to have someone to take care of you and take care of you in the future, but we are disgusted by such a move, they are loving us in ways we don't like, such love is precious, but we will feel that we don't need it, we don't have to.

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

How to judge whether two people are suitable in love depends on the way they love each other, whether it is exactly the way you need to be loved. Why some people feel that they have given a lot but have no good results is because what you are paying may not be what the other party wants.

In the movie "Love in a Year-by-Year Unit", which has just been released, there is a crying scene that everyone must be impressed: when the male and female protagonists talk about the topic of "security", the female protagonist Lu Lushan feels that "the sense of security is that you can be there when I need you", and what she wants is a simple companionship; and in the view of the male protagonist Jiang Yu, "there is no material basis, where is the long-term affection", and the feelings cannot be eaten as a meal.

Both are right, but not at each other's best point of need.

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done
The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

If you have a relationship you want, the premise is to learn to express yourself, don't let the other party guess everything. It's so hard to keep not expressing what kind of love you want, but asking him to love you the way you want.

You're going to love me the way I want, not the way you think you want to love me.

Are you someone who knows how to say no in your relationship?

Ben CO hates one kind of boy the most in his relationship: the disappearing man.

Especially during the ambiguous period, the feelings of the two are just heating up, and everything is developing in the best direction you expected, but suddenly one day, this boy does not have any WeChat messages, and does not take the initiative to find you, as if he never existed, and disappeared completely.

This kind of boy is extremely irresponsible about feelings, leaving no words of explanation, and then turns around and says bye bye, oh no, he doesn't even have a word to say goodbye.

If you don't like it, you can, but please simply and neatly say it, and then walk away in a dashing manner, not in a way that disappears. Sisters, when you encounter this kind of scumbag, please get away immediately and minimize the damage to yourself.

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

There is also a state that is already in love, but when the feelings disappear, the TA is not to say, procrastination, to refuse with various hints, or to engage in the Cold War to alienate, to push the responsibility of resolving the relationship to the other party to force the other party to break up, it seems that in this way, the bad guy who proposed the breakup is not himself.

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

Girls and boys, when the feelings disappear, be a responsible person, never drag the mud and water when the one-size-fits-all cut, do not consume their time and energy, and return each other's lives to each other.

When Yi Nengjing is mentioned, there must be one word: sassy.

Don't think that talking about spoiling is to objectify women, Yi Nengjing once shared her and her husband's secrets on social platforms, including saying that she is a very spoiled person, because she feels that marriage is not harder than "hard", but to rely on "soft".

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

For example, when she wanted Qin Hao to help with housework, she would not say in a strong tone: "Why don't you come to help me?" Instead, he will say, "I'm tired, can you help me share it, I can't do so much alone, I hope you accompany me, I need you very much." ”

You taste, you taste, two sentences convey the same meaning: I need you to do this, but the former directly says the result, but the latter is more gentle in the expression of emotions, you let the other party know that he is needed, he is valuable.

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

Yi Nengjing, who is 53 years old this year, does not look old at all, and Qin Hao, who is ten years younger than her, is also particularly fond of her, can keep herself fresh at all times, absolutely inseparable from the occasional small work and spoiling, she believes that the child is not a weakness is not willful, but a sense of humor, really can make each other closer.

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

Take out the small book and write it down, Yi Nengjing's petite class has begun!

1. Clearly express the needs of the heart. To another extent, it is actually an effective communication with high emotional intelligence, first of all, you need to face up to your inner needs, try to tell the truth when you are spoiled, and then express it calmly and gently, not overly emotional.

2. Find the language of empathy. Explain the needs in a communication style that the other party can understand and accept.

3. Slow down the tone of speech. The same sentence, said in a hurried way and a gentle way is completely two feelings, slow down the speed of speaking will make the other party pay more attention to your emotions.

4. Find the feeling of love after reaching a consensus. After talking to each other, it is best to digest their emotions as soon as possible after reaching a consensus, and you can take the initiative to ask the other party "hungry or not" to find a step down to the unpleasant state at that time.

Finally, I want to say to all girls, don't be inferior, there is no reason not to be confident, everyone has a sparkling point.

The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

Another important point in love is to maintain personality independence, do not attach to others, and are not an appendage of anyone. Stay independent, focus on yourself, and have the ability to love others when you love yourself enough.

"The most perfect relationship is to be lonely in the arms of a lover." They are attached to each other but independent of each other.

Good people will naturally attract each other, and if they don't meet, they don't have to put themselves on their own.

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The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done
The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done
The first lesson of the sisters' love sentence: not to be done

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