
Can I still drink milk tea after pregnancy? Sweet-loving sisters, how to bypass gestational diabetes

Speaking of milk tea, for many girls, it is simply the "source of happiness" and "life-sustaining water" of life, and that kind of comfort and satisfaction is not comparable to a cup of Tieguanyin and Biluochun.

Milk tea plus cake, is a perfect afternoon tea, often there is a well-known milk tea shop opened, how long the queue of reports, can see the attraction of milk tea to everyone.

Can I still drink milk tea after pregnancy? Sweet-loving sisters, how to bypass gestational diabetes

For so many years, what has not changed is milk tea, but the girl has slowly married and become a pregnant mother.

For milk tea, I believe that many doctors or nutritionists will say, "It is best not to drink milk tea after pregnancy, milk tea is high in sugar, additives, and flavors... Drinking milk tea during pregnancy is easy to suffer from gestational diabetes, which may not be good for fetal development! ”

But for a girl who loves to drink milk tea and "rely on milk tea to survive", it is simply fatal that she cannot drink milk tea after pregnancy.

Can I still drink milk tea after pregnancy? Sweet-loving sisters, how to bypass gestational diabetes

Milk tea, this food was originally made with a mixture of milk and tea leaves, has the effect of degreasing, aiding digestion, diuresis, and eliminating fatigue. However, to make a cup of genuine traditional milk tea, the time and cost spent are increasingly unable to meet the needs of the market.

So, a simpler milk tea making process emerged.

Just like we buy navel oranges online, we all say that it is Gannan navel oranges, and it turns out that it is shipped from Sichuan or Guangxi, and Jiangxi people are really stupid to this extent? It is enough that the reason is clear to everyone.

Then Sichuan and Guangxi are not navel oranges? Absolutely!

So, can you drink milk tea now?

You can drink it! But be sure to be moderate!

Can I still drink milk tea after pregnancy? Sweet-loving sisters, how to bypass gestational diabetes

Because, buying a cup of traditionally crafted, genuine milk tea in the market may be more difficult than buying Gannan navel oranges and Meizhou Shatian grapefruit from the place of origin online.

Most of today's milk teas are mixed with creamer, and creamer contains a lot of trans fatty acids, which may be transmitted to the baby through the umbilical cord, resulting in abnormal fat metabolism and other problems after the baby is born.

Moreover, as the "big guy" of the dessert industry, the sugar content in milk tea is something we cannot ignore.

For pregnant mothers, excessive intake of sugar may be more troublesome, weight gain is too fast, fetal development is too large, gestational diabetes, osteoporosis and so on.

Can I still drink milk tea after pregnancy? Sweet-loving sisters, how to bypass gestational diabetes

If you are a mother-to-be who has the following experiences or signs, you should pay more attention to sugar intake:

(1) Pregnant over the age of 35, overweight or obesity before pregnancy, having had glucose tolerance abnormalities and polycystic syndrome;

(2) There has been a history of unexplained fetal arrest, miscarriage, macrosomia, abnormal fetal development, excessive amniotic fluid, etc.;

(3) There is a history of diabetes in the family.

So, how can we prevent gestational diabetes?

1, in addition to the milk tea just said and other foods with high sugar content, you should also drink less old fire soup during pregnancy.

The amount of ingredients used in soup is large, and long-term cooking will fully release the fat and free amino acids in the ingredients, and excessive drinking during pregnancy may increase the metabolic burden.

Can I still drink milk tea after pregnancy? Sweet-loving sisters, how to bypass gestational diabetes

2. Pregnant mothers often choose more acceptable fruits when they have morning sickness and poor appetite.

However, the intake of fruits during pregnancy should also be moderate, and fruits are rich in sugar in addition to vitamins and minerals. Long-term consumption of large amounts of fruit will also allow these excess sugars to be converted into fat accumulation in the body.

3. Eat more green leafy vegetables during pregnancy, not only can supplement enough vitamins and minerals, rich dietary fiber can also promote intestinal peristalsis, alleviate discomfort such as constipation during pregnancy, and promote the discharge of harmful substances.

4. Control the intake of oil and salt, reduce the burden of gastrointestinal and metabolic.

5. During pregnancy, the body should actively participate in exercise, which can not only accelerate the metabolism of the body, but also facilitate childbirth.

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