
In 1949, the chairman proposed to the Soviet Union: We want to reclaim Outer Mongolia and demand that Outer Mongolia return to China

In 1949, the chairman proposed to the Soviet Union: We want to reclaim Outer Mongolia and demand that Outer Mongolia return to China

Outer Mongolia has a total area of about 1.8 million square kilometers and was originally a Chinese territory.

In January 1946, Chiang Kai-shek's government of the Republic of China recognized the independence of Outer Mongolia under the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance.

Many years later, chiang kai-shek made a heavy public "review" in a conversation: "I am willing to bear full responsibility for the policy of recognizing the independence of Outer Mongolia." It's my personal decision, it's my responsibility, it's my guilt. ”

In 1949, the chairman proposed to the Soviet Union: We want to reclaim Outer Mongolia and demand that Outer Mongolia return to China

Here's the thing.

At the end of January 1949, Mikoyan, vice chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, flew to China.

After Mikoyan's plane landed at Shijiazhuang Airport, he took a jeep to Xibaipo.

In 1949, the chairman proposed to the Soviet Union: We want to reclaim Outer Mongolia and demand that Outer Mongolia return to China

After Mikoyan arrived in Xibaipo, the Chairman had a dialogue with him on the issue of Outer Mongolia through an interpreter.

During the conversation, the chairman asked Mikoyan: "How do you deal with the unification of Outer Mongolia and Inner Mongolia?" ”

Mikoyan said: "We do not advocate such unity..."

The chairman said directly: "We can unite and merge Outer Mongolia into the territory of China." He demanded to the Soviet Union that Outer Mongolia return to China.

In 1949, the chairman proposed to the Soviet Union: We want to reclaim Outer Mongolia and demand that Outer Mongolia return to China

Mikoyan said: "This is impossible, because Mongolia has enjoyed independence, and after Japan's surrender, the Chinese government led by Chiang Kai-shek recognized the independence of Outer Mongolia." Mongolia has its own army, its own culture, and the path of cultural and economic development..."

Ren Bi, who participated in the talks, said: "There are three million people in Inner Mongolia, while there are only 1 million in Outer Mongolia. ”

Mikoyan said: "It has long experienced the taste of independence, and at any time it may not voluntarily give up independence..."

In 1949, the chairman proposed to the Soviet Union: We want to reclaim Outer Mongolia and demand that Outer Mongolia return to China

Afterwards, Mikoyan reported the matter to Stalin.

Stalin called Mikoyan back and asked him to relay to the chairman to the effect that Outer Mongolia would not agree to the return and would not give up its independence and exercise autonomy within the Chinese map.

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