
Was the plane crashed or murdered? Du Yuesheng's son once explained the mystery of Dai Kasa's death in detail, subverting the rumors

Was the plane crashed or murdered? Du Yuesheng's son explains the mystery of Dai Kasa's death in detail, subverting the rumors

Was the plane crashed or murdered? Du Yuesheng's son once explained the mystery of Dai Kasa's death in detail, subverting the rumors

▲Dai Kasa

The death of Dai Kasa in 1946 was and is a hot topic of discussion at that time, and it was an unsolved case.

At that time, Chiang Kai-shek mourned dai's death, personally mourned the "green blood and thousand autumns", and posthumously promoted to lieutenant general.

The National Government specially ordered commendations and awards of commendation orders, and personally presided over the ceremony of the Dai Kasa Public Sacrifice and wrote an inscription in his own handwriting: "Heroes and heroes are crowned, mountains and rivers clarify the traces of battle; strange disasters descend from heaven, and the vicissitudes of the wind and clouds hurt the heart." ”

Zhang Shizhao was entitled "Born for the country, died for the country, lived a chivalrous and righteous style, and the coffin of merit and crime is still undecided; the reputation is all over the world, the slander is all over the world, and the spring and autumn events in the chaotic world are left for posterity to comment."

Dai Kasa's death had a great impact on some subsequent historical events. It is said that after Chiang Kai-shek's defeat in Taiwan, he said: Comrade Dai Yunong will not die, and we will not retreat to Taiwan today.

In fact, before and after the Dai Kasa plane crash, my father (Du Yuesheng) and I were both in Shanghai, and my father was still on the phone with Dai Kasa. I have experienced this process first-hand and have different views on the cause of Dai Kasa's death.

The mystery of Dai Kasa's death has a long history, and my father and I were in Shanghai at the time of the accident

Dai Kasa has the title of "Secret Agent King", and he and my father are brothers. After the fall of Shanghai, they joined hands to organize various anti-Japanese armed forces, such as the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Action Committee Einsatzgruppen organized in the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and the "Loyal national salvation army" that was later established on this basis; during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, both my father and Dai Kasa were responsible for the "Unified Action Committee" appointed by the Chongqing Nationalist Government, and were jointly responsible for coordinating the underground anti-Japanese resistance forces in Shanghai, eradicating the traitors of the puppet regime, and carrying out anti-Japanese activities in the occupied areas. On the eve of the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, my father and Dai Kasa went to Chun'an, Zhejiang Province, to organize local anti-Japanese forces and prepare for the Allied landings and the reconquest of Shanghai.

My father did a lot of things for the anti-Japanese resistance, and he thought that he would be warmly welcomed when he returned to Shanghai, but he did not expect that some people in Shanghai proposed to "overthrow the evil forces!" Down with Du Yuesheng!" Greet my father.

On March 17, 1946, his good friend Dai Kasa suddenly crashed into a mountain and died. This hit my father very hard, not only the deep feelings they formed during the anti-Japanese period, but also the more far-reaching impact. At least Dai Kasa didn't die, and my father's situation in Shanghai later might be different.

Was Dai ka killed in a plane crash or was he murdered? From then to the present, there are many theories that have become unsolved mysteries.

For example, Chen Xiaonan, the host of Phoenix Satellite TV, said that Dai Kasa's dramatic and mysterious death without warning left too many doubts and too many suspense for posterity: some people said that Chiang Kai-shek wanted to get rid of Dai Kasa, some people said that the Americans killed Dai Kasa, and some people said that the Communist Party had stabbed the executioner, but the most widely circulated rumor was that Dai Kasa died at the hands of Ma Hansan, the station chief of the Beiping Station of the Military Command Bureau. More people, including the KUOMINTang authorities, agree that Dai Kasa died in a plane crash due to weather reasons (Phoenix TV, May 31, 2013, Phoenix Big Vision).

Fujian Southeast Satellite TV's "The Mystery of the Cause of Death of "Agent King" Dai Kasa" summarized six reasons: he was eliminated by Chiang Kai-shek; assassinated by American agents; weather caused by air disasters, non-human reasons; killed by his subordinates to carry out "beauty schemes"; killed the pilot himself and crashed to commit suicide (Fujian Satellite TV "Strait Night Flight" on July 16, 2013).

My opinion is that what "beauty plan" and "Mahan Three Qianlong Sword" are simply gossip rumors! These seven-seven-eight statements have made the cause of Dai Kasa's death a mystery.

So what exactly was the real cause of Death of Dai Kasa?

Dai Kasa had a very unusual relationship with my father, especially during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, in Shanghai and Hong Kong, Dai Kasa often came to our house. When I arrived in Chongqing, he often came to Visit My Father at Wang Shan's house, and my eldest sister and I had met him. However, the eldest sister had a bad impression of Dai Kasa, thinking that he was very fierce and murderous; I did not have that feeling, that is, I felt that Dai Kasa's eyebrows were very special, different from ordinary people, and exuded a kind of majesty.

Was the plane crashed or murdered? Du Yuesheng's son once explained the mystery of Dai Kasa's death in detail, subverting the rumors

▲ (from left) Dai Kasa took a group photo with Du Yuesheng and Lu Jingshi. Photographed in 1945

On the day of the accident, my father and I were both in Shanghai, and my father was sick at home in Shanghai. The weather was bad, it was raining and snowing, and his old problem was asthmatic.

My father got the news quickly, Dai Kasa took off from Qingdao, and before that, he spoke to my father on the phone. My father advised him not to fly in bad weather. But Dai Kasa did not listen and insisted on continuing to fly. When my father heard about the plane hitting the mountain, in addition to shedding tears of the deceased, he was even more suspicious of the incident, thinking that there must be something wrong with it.

At that time, the atmosphere in the family was very tense, except for my father and mother, only Wan Molin and Hu Xuwu were there, and I just happened to visit my father and catch up with this matter.

I remember that it was Hu Xuwu who came in and said that Boss Dai had an accident. My father listened and cried in bed. Not the usual wipe of tears, but the sound of crying. I had never seen my father cry before, and this time I had seen it with my own eyes and ears. If it weren't for my father's severe illness, he would have gone out to find out, and the friendship between them is very deep!

At that time, my father thought that the bad weather was not the main reason, and that someone must have manipulated and directed it behind it. But my father would not have spoken out about his doubts and judgments until he had the evidence. But he told my mother about his doubts.

It is not an internal struggle within the Kuomintang

Now a new theory is that Dai Kasa's death is related to the Kuomintang, because Dai Kasa's power was too strong at that time, and many people, including Chen Guofu and Chen Lifu's CC department, opposed him. With Dai's ability and power, only Chiang Kai-shek had such a great power to put him to death.

But I don't think that's true. It is simply absurd for you to say that Jiang killed him, and jiang should rely on him to do the work behind enemy lines. The most important point is that Jiang trusts Dai Kasa very much, so to give him so much power, the CC Department was no longer able to do it at that time.

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, although the influence of the forces of the military command was very great, it was not yet large enough to achieve great merit, and there was no need for Jiang to kill him. At that time, the Japanese had just surrendered, and the two sides of the Kuomintang and the Communists had not yet made a final decision on whether to negotiate or go to war, and the world was still very unstable, and it was very necessary for the military commander to wear a kasa.

Was the plane crashed or murdered? Du Yuesheng's son once explained the mystery of Dai Kasa's death in detail, subverting the rumors

▲ Chiang Kai-shek and Dai Kasa

But Dai's style of doing things offended some senior Kuomintang officials and generals.

Dai Kasa did things just when he thought of it, without any scruples, so he offended many upper echelons of the Kuomintang. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the materials in the Kuomintang and the occupied areas were snapped up, and at that time, the chief executive Kong Xiangxi and Dai Kasa were jointly responsible, and Dai Kasa had offended Kong Xiangxi on this matter, and the two sides had a quarrel, and even Chiang Kai could not reconcile, and finally Dai Kasa had to resign his management of this matter.

Looking back, Dai Kasa's death was not all caused by natural weather, and there were people behind it, but there is no conclusive evidence now.

"Qianlong Sword" has the flavor of martial arts novels, and Boss Dai's life is "fire"

There is a very popular saying that there is a sword on the plane, which was used by the Qianlong Emperor when he pacified the Dzungar tribe, which is a priceless treasure, and it is said that Dai Kasa's secretary saw the sword brought to the plane. After the plane crash, the sword could not be found. The story is very confusing and has the flavor of a martial arts novel. Tangling Dai's death with the Qianlong Sword is nonsense.

After the accident, my father told my mother about telling Dai Kasa about fortune telling.

It was when they were in Chongqing, once they had dinner, there was a fortune teller here, and Boss Dai asked him to tell fortune. As soon as the fortune teller saw Dai Kasa's eight characters, he did not speak. At that time, the fortune teller only knew my father, did not know who the other party was, and did not know that it was the military commander Dai Boss. My father later asked him why he didn't talk about it, and he said that this man's eight characters were all "fire." People who are all "fire" in the eight characters will die in the fire in the future. As a result, Dai Kasa was burned beyond recognition by the plane that caught fire.

There was another fortune-telling matter, which was also when Dai Kasa and my father were in Chongqing, looking for a fortune teller, counting the two people closest to my father, Zhu Xuefan and Lu Jingshi. There is also a saying that Dai Kasa and my father talked about the three people closest to my father: Zhu Xuefan, Wu Shaoshu and Lu Jingshi. The two statements mean the same thing, that is, there is one more person, Wu Shaoshu. Dai Kasa said: Zhu Xuefan may waver, Wu Shaoshu has a rebellious appearance, Lu Jingshi or reliable. My father listened, didn't say anything, just smiled.

My father didn't simply believe or disbelieve in fortune telling, he just didn't care too much. At that time, the fortune teller told my father that there were too many fires in Dai Kasa's life. When my father heard the news that Dai Kasa's plane hit the mountain and burned to death, he suddenly remembered the words of this fortune teller at the beginning, and felt even more strange, so he told my mother about the fortune telling for Dai Kasa, and my mother told me again.

Talking to my father on the phone and bad weather is code word

Dai Kasa's death is definitely an unsolved case! People generally accept that the weather is bad and the plane crashes, but it is not entirely a matter of the weather. The weather was really bad, raining and snowing. At that time, the weather was not good, my father was sick, and his asthma had a lot to do with the weather.

Dai Kasa was going to Nanjing for a meeting, which was a very urgent military meeting. He went to Qingdao first, and as for the plane that did not leave, how long did he stay in Qingdao? I don't know. However, after Dai Kasa arrived in Qingdao, he spoke to my father on the phone. My father told him that the weather was bad, he wouldn't fly anymore, and he would fly again in two days! He said no, if you go to Nanjing, you must go to a meeting.

There is a common saying that Dai Kasa is preparing to go to Shanghai and ask Tang Shengming to help Hu Die get a divorce. As we all know, Dai Kasa had an ambiguous relationship with Hu Die, a movie star in Shanghai at that time. Dai Kasa likes Hu Die, but Hu Die is a husband with a wife, so Dai Kasa wants to go to Shanghai to see Hu Die and ask Tang Shengming to help Hu Die divorce.

In fact, when Hu Die and Dai Kasa met, it was my father's relationship in the middle. My mother told me this herself, saying that my father was a matchmaker for Boss Dai and Hu Die. Therefore, Dai Kasa called my father in Qingdao, probably saying that he had come to Shanghai to meet Hu Die. If Dai Kasa was going to deal with Hu Die's divorce, he would probably tell my father or ask my father for help. After all, it was my father who gave Dai Kasa the relationship with Hu Dila, and at that time, many things in Shanghai, my father could not figure out. Besides, this is not a matter of honor and integrity, and it cannot be done in private, but in private. My father had a good personal relationship with Tang Shengming. But the main thing was that my father told Dai Kasa on the phone that the weather was not good, don't fly! Dai Kasa was asked to abandon the flight plan. My father said "bad weather", is it a code word? Or is there any special meaning? I don't know.

After the plane crash, my father told my mother about the fortune telling, and suspected that there were many things that could not be explained here. For example, if the plane came from Qingdao, why didn't it fly directly from Qingdao to Nanjing at that time? Although the general saying is to fly to Nanjing first and cannot land due to bad weather, the actual itinerary does not confirm this statement. Instead, fly to Shanghai and then go to Nanjing. Therefore, I think that the plane did not intend to fly to Nanjing in the first place, and if he flew to Nanjing, he did not have to fly back to Shanghai. Moreover, the weather at that time was not good, not just to say that Nanjing was not good, but the weather in the whole of Jiangnan was not good. Dai flew to Shanghai because the plane could not land because of heavy rain in Nanjing, but he did not wait for the weather report to say that the weather was better before flying, and there are many illogical explanations here.

Some believe that there are time bombs on the plane. It's impossible, absolutely impossible. The planes were inspected very carefully before take-off, and bombs could be found.

In addition, people like Dai Kasa have already taken care of him, saying that the weather is not good, don't fly, and wait a day or two before flying. This is a code word, that is, someone is going to murder you, just use bad weather to imply.

So, who is the person who hinted at him? Was it the person who assassinated him? I don't know now! My father got the news and relayed it to Dai Kasa, but Dai Kasa was overconfident and did not listen to the hint. I now wonder why my father didn't tell Dai Kasa bluntly that he wouldn't fly to Nanjing again. Maybe my father wasn't quite sure about the news!

This news is likely to have been revealed by the side that planned this event. So is it revealed from the Kuomintang military command or the communist underground organization? I don't know.

My father was very familiar with the activities of military unification in Shanghai and the organization of the Communist Party. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, not only in terms of kuomintang military command, but also in the underground organization of the Communist Party, it was also very powerful.

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the forces of military unification were very strong, and the tree was bound to attract wind. At that time, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party were very dissatisfied with military unification. Therefore, before and after the Plane hit the mountain, there were always some clues that came out, and my father's people reported it to my father, and my father suspected how the plane had happened. There are many things in Shanghai, the first-hand information came to our house, my father had the most adequate information at that time, at least the information in the Shanghai area, should be very smart. Based on the information he had, my father thought at the time that it was probably the underground organization of the Communist Party, so who did it?

The person who can kill Dai Kasa is not an ordinary person, and he must do a very good job. From a general point of view, Dai Kasa is in and out, the guards are strict, how can there be an accident? Moreover, Dai Kasa himself is a spy and a spy, and the people around him are chosen by thousands of people. But only those around you have this possibility and opportunity. Therefore, the person who has the opportunity to kill Dai Kasa must be someone he trusts around him, and without a level ( person ) , it is impossible to get close to Dai Kasa, let alone kill him.

I think the cause of Death of Dai Kasa must have been related to the pilot. The person who drives the plane for Dai Kasa is the best pilot, and the best pilot may also be bought. Only the pilot is ready to die, and it cannot be found. Buy the pilot, only this is possible. The key here is Dai Kasa's pilot, has it been changed? Think about it carefully, coming from Qingdao, this period of time in the middle is the key. Therefore, Dai Kasa's plane hit the mountain, I suspect that it was planned by the communist underground organization, and Dai Kasa's aircraft division was probably bought off. I don't know.

What if Dai Kasa hadn't died? Maybe history is about to be rewritten. At least if Dai Kasa was there, my father might be in a different situation in Shanghai.

——Excerpt from "Du Weishan's Oral History"

The author is the son of Du Yuesheng, who grew up in the old Shanghai magnate and famous family, but did not "inherit the father's business", and eventually became a nephrite exploration geologist and a collector of ancient coins in China and the Silk Road. Du Weishan personally witnessed the success or failure of the three tycoons, Jin Jinrong and Zhang Xiaolin, who were mainly his father Du Yuesheng, fought with the Ming and secret struggles with the Jiang family as the core family, had legendary exchanges with the famous Peking opera artists Mei Lanfang and Meng Xiaodong, the masters of calligraphy and painting Zhang Daqian, the collectors Tan Jing, Sun Jiaji, and Zhang Shouping, personally told the true story of the Du family, the essence of their parents' life in the world, the Beijing opera fans and collection of interesting stories, and dozens of self-collection photos that were first published for the first time will completely subvert the rumors.

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