
Parents note: These 5 wrong feeding methods should be corrected as soon as possible to avoid delaying the child's growth

Introduction: Parents should pay attention to: these 5 wrong feeding methods should be corrected as soon as possible to avoid delaying the growth of children

After having a child, his height is a key concern of parents, if the future is not tall, then in many ways are not dominant, parents should know this well, help their children grow taller.

If you want your child to grow tall, parents need to work harder in feeding, give their children the right food to eat well, he can grow well, grow tall, so parents should pay more attention to feeding to help their children grow.

Parents note: These 5 wrong feeding methods should be corrected as soon as possible to avoid delaying the child's growth

Parents note: These 5 wrong feeding methods should be corrected as soon as possible to avoid delaying the growth of children! Check it out.

First, always feed your child water before feeding it

Some parents are afraid of drinking milk on fire, afraid of drinking milk the child is too thirsty and can not drink water, will be fed some water before he drinks milk, this is not right, if you do this, it will lead to a reduction in the amount of milk for the child, if you can not eat enough milk every time, this will hinder the child from growing tall, to know that the child is the peak of the long man before the age of three, if you miss it is a pity.

Parents note: These 5 wrong feeding methods should be corrected as soon as possible to avoid delaying the child's growth

Second, the children are almost one year old and still eating night milk

Some parents have a wrong cognition, that is, when the one-year-old weaning is weaned at night, as long as the child is willing to eat at night, there is no harm in eating more, if you are doing this, then stop it, because under normal circumstances, the child will slowly reduce the number of night milk and the amount of milk after adding complementary foods in six months, that is, this time to implement night milk, if you do not do this, it will affect the quality of the child's sleep, the child will habitually wake up suddenly to find milk to drink, so if the long-term sleep is not good, it will delay the child's growth, It is important to know that the body secretes a large amount of growth hormone at night, and it is likely that the child will miss it because of eating night milk, so that the opportunity to grow tall is missed.

So when the child reaches the age of six months, parents should gradually add complementary foods to the child during the day, slowly adapt, gradually reduce the number of night milk at night, exercise the child to sleep the whole night, slowly wean off the night milk, only proper feeding during the day can be, to ensure that the child has a sufficient sleep at night, sleep well, grow well, and be smarter and taller.

Parents note: These 5 wrong feeding methods should be corrected as soon as possible to avoid delaying the child's growth

Third, feed the child water while feeding the meal

Some parents are very thoughtful, every time the child eats will prepare a cup of warm boiled water, which seems to be very good, in fact, it is not recommended to do so, because it will make the child develop the habit of drinking water while eating, if this habit is formed, often eating it will cause harm to the spleen and stomach.

So unless the child eats too quickly choked, otherwise do not drink water while eating, should eat the meal bite by bite, wait for half an hour before drinking water, so that the food eaten into it is easy to digest, will not cause a burden on the spleen and stomach, parents who do this should pay attention to it, and correct it as soon as possible.

Parents note: These 5 wrong feeding methods should be corrected as soon as possible to avoid delaying the child's growth

Fourth, give children often to eat soup and rice

Some parents do not know what to eat for their children, so they will pour some seemingly nutritious soups into the rice, mixed into soup and then give the child to eat, thinking that this does not give the child to eat vegetables can also absorb a lot of nutrition, if you do this is very wrong, in fact, many soups themselves have no nutrition, such as bone soup, can only say that the soup is very fragrant, but the nutrition is very little, more is fat and water, and nutrition is still in the meat and bones, so from a nutritional point of view, it is not right to pour soup in the child's rice. Eating a meal without nutrition for a long time will delay the growth of a person.

There are also children who will not chew when eating soup and rice, usually swallowing along the soup, often eating the child's spleen and stomach will be damaged, digestion is affected, then the same will delay the absorption of nutrients, delay the growth of the child.

Parents note: These 5 wrong feeding methods should be corrected as soon as possible to avoid delaying the child's growth

Fifth, children are one or two years old and can only eat very soft food

Usually one or two years old should be able to eat different shapes of food, slightly hard can also be slowly chewed and swallowed, if your child can only eat very soft food, that means that there is a problem with feeding, it is very bad to do so, long-term such words, children will hate chewing, hate hard food, then will form a picky eating problem, once picky eating, nutrition will certainly not be able to keep up, delay the long man.

So if the child just adds complementary food, start with rice noodles, slowly accept it, you can gradually add different ingredients, and then wait for the child to change the shape, from small to large, but also from soft to hard, and finally become the same food as our adults, but the taste is light, with less salt and less materials.

Parents note: These 5 wrong feeding methods should be corrected as soon as possible to avoid delaying the child's growth

The above five wrong feeding methods to avoid, I don't know if you are doing it right? If not, please correct it in time.

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