
Too ideal for love to be accessible?

author:Simple spring breeze g

"I heard that too ideal love can not be contacted." Today, I heard the sad singing voice of Wang Jie's "Who Knows the Heart of the Prodigal Son" on the street again, which made me think about it...

When I was young, I liked Wang Jie's sad love songs, as if it was a bit like crying out. However, whenever I hear the song "Who Knows the Heart of the Prodigal Son", "I heard that too ideal love is untouchable", I can't understand, aren't people pursuing beautiful love? How is "too ideal love untouchable", is "too ideal love" the result is not good? I browsed through ancient and modern love stories, many of which ended in sadness, such as the ancient king Bieji. The love of Yang Guifei and Tang Xuanzong. There are also Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai and Niulang Weaver Girl. Now there is the unforgettable love between Sanmao and the Josel Sahara Desert, as well as the romantic poetic love of Gu Cheng and Xie Hua, and so on. Or maybe it's just an isolated case, and this huge amount of data is very difficult to count.

This song "Who Ming Prodigal Heart" was created by Wang Jie in his heyday, and he wrote it for himself. He has had failed marriages, he has also "heard" of all kinds of love marriages, it is difficult to have a perfect marriage in his mind, or think that "too ideal love" has no good results, which may be his "prodigal heart". At that time, Wang Jie had a wandering love. Panic of the mind, and do not believe that there is perfect love. This is the portrayal of Wang Jie's creation of this song.

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