
Are the Republic of China's military seats and regimental seats really rotten streets? Don't be deceived by the director, there are only 2 kinds of national army titles for the chief

In recent years, with the "Pretender", "Latent", "My Regiment Leader My Regiment", "Bright Sword" and other Republic of China espionage and anti-war film and television works shine, more and more TV series of this type appear on the big screen.

In these works, the audience can often hear the titles of "commission seat", "military seat", "regiment seat", etc., and even a small battalion commander can be called "camp seat" by his subordinates, as if anyone who is higher than his own rank can be called "seat".

Is this so-called "seat" made up by film and television screenwriters, or is it a word that really appeared within the Kuomintang in history?

Folks, don't be deceived by the director in the film and television drama, in history, the national army has only called the commander 2 kinds of "seats"

Are the Republic of China's military seats and regimental seats really rotten streets? Don't be deceived by the director, there are only 2 kinds of national army titles for the chief

The Pretender

The origin of "seat"

"Seat" has the meaning of "seat", and in ancient times, such as the special situation of Wuji, only people with noble status or elders would have seats. For example, in the ancient court, only the emperor could have a seat, and the rest of the courtiers could only stand on the court.

During the Tang and Song dynasties, the spring examiners hand-picked by the imperial court were also people who sat on their seats to comment on the examination, so the candidates who were referring to at that time also honored the main examiner as "seat master".

At that time, many well-intentioned candidates had written poems to the examiner to suit his liking, for example, Yin Wengui, a Scholar of Hanlin in the Tang Dynasty, had written a "Provincial Examination Night To Present the Lord"; Zhou Kuangwu, a jinshi in the eleventh year of Yuan He, had also specially written a poem for the examiner, called "And the Lord of the Second Seat"; the Tang Dynasty poet Zhang Yuan's "Sending Suzhou Bai Twenty-two Ambassadors" also had such a passage:

"Dengdi was seated with the Lord in his early years, and the inscription poem is a state person today."

Are the Republic of China's military seats and regimental seats really rotten streets? Don't be deceived by the director, there are only 2 kinds of national army titles for the chief

Later, in the Republic of China period, the use of "seat" began to become popular in the Kuomintang army, and many low-level officers usually used "seat" to honor the chief, and to themselves as "lowly post".

But this does not mean that the titles of "military seat, division seat, regiment seat" in the film and television drama are correct, in fact, in the Kuomintang army in the Republic of China period, there are only two ways to call the chief:

"Commissions and Junza"

Presumably, without saying who I am, chiang kai-shek, then chairman of the Military Commission of the National Government, is not mistaken.

Are the Republic of China's military seats and regimental seats really rotten streets? Don't be deceived by the director, there are only 2 kinds of national army titles for the chief

Because of Chiang Kai-shek's position at that time, many junior officers used the term "commission" when they saw him or sent him telegrams, which was indeed a common phenomenon at that time, and we can also find supporting materials in historical documents.

For example, in the Battle of Menglianggu in 1947, Zhang Lingfu, then commander of the reorganized 74th Division of the Kuomintang 74th Army, sent a telegram to the Nanjing government when he was running out of ammunition and was in a state of exhaustion.

"Nanjing. At this moment, 110,000 people of the communist army are flocking to our Menglianggu Division... ”

Another time, Dai Anlan got lost in Burma, just when he was at a loss, he saw a car coming in the distance, Dai Anlan immediately sent someone to intercept the car, but how could he expect that it was Chiang Kai-shek who was carrying the car. At that time, a Kuomintang officer deliberately got out of the car to remind Dai Anlan:

"Old Dai, what are you crazy about, this is a commission seat ride also."

Are the Republic of China's military seats and regimental seats really rotten streets? Don't be deceived by the director, there are only 2 kinds of national army titles for the chief

After saying "commission seat", let's talk about "jun seat" next.

The original meaning of "jun" in "junza" refers to the unit of weight of raw materials for making bronzes, which later evolved into the honorific of the subordinate to the superior, so "junza" does not refer to some specific person, as long as it belongs to the superior relationship, "junza" can be used.

For example, in the Defense of Hengyang in 1944, the Tenth Army of the Nationalist Army, under the siege of the Japanese army six times larger than itself, held the county seat of Hengyang for more than forty days, and when all the officers and men of the army were exhausted, it was the military commander Fang Xianjue who sent a "no-brain telegram" to Chiang Kai-shek.

"The inferior ranks swore to repay the party and the state with one death, and they fulfilled their natural duties as soldiers, and they never lived up to the desire of Junzao to live up to his cultivation in his lifetime."

Are the Republic of China's military seats and regimental seats really rotten streets? Don't be deceived by the director, there are only 2 kinds of national army titles for the chief

In addition, after the outbreak of the "Xi'an Incident" in 1936, although Zhang Xueliang forced Chiang Kai-shek to resist the Japanese Kou, he still defended Chiang Kai-shek in his heart, so after he returned to Nanjing, Zhang Xueliang personally wrote to Chiang Kai-shek:

"May you receive the punishment of the throne, punish you with the crime you deserve, and warn the future."

Are the Republic of China's military seats and regimental seats really rotten streets? Don't be deceived by the director, there are only 2 kinds of national army titles for the chief

"Commission" cannot be abused

Although the Kuomintang has the habit of calling Chiang Kai-shek a "commission seat," it is not like film and television dramas, which are called "commission seats" at any time. Strictly speaking, most of the time, Kuomintang officers preferred to refer to Chiang Kai-shek as "chairman" or "principal."

In June 1924, in order to create the backbone of the revolutionary armed forces, at the suggestion of the Communists, the Kuomintang founded the most famous military academy in modern Chinese history, the Whampoa Military Academy.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Whampoa Military Academy, Dr. Sun Yat-sen appointed Chiang Kai-shek as the principal of the Whampoa Military Academy, and this was a full 23 years.

In China's modern war history, the Whampoa Military Academy has trained a large number of military talents with high-quality military qualities for China, and these people have later become the absolute backbone of the armies of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.

Are the Republic of China's military seats and regimental seats really rotten streets? Don't be deceived by the director, there are only 2 kinds of national army titles for the chief

In the Kuomintang army at that time, there were not a few officers of the Whampoa department, so these people affectionately called Chiang Kai-shek "the headmaster".

In 1928, at the Fourth Plenary Session of the Second Central Committee of the Kuomintang, Chiang Kai-shek was elected chairman of the Central Political Committee and chairman of the Military Commission, and from then on, "chairman of the committee" became the title of Chiang Kai-shek by Kuomintang people.

Between February 1935 and April 1936, Chiang Kai-shek sent several reports to Long Yun, then chairman of Yunnan Province, in order to encircle the Red Army of the Long March, and in Long Yun's telegrams, he was not called "chairman" but "chairman of the committee".

Are the Republic of China's military seats and regimental seats really rotten streets? Don't be deceived by the director, there are only 2 kinds of national army titles for the chief

"Nanjing. Chairman Jiang Junjian: Yongmi. Feng Dong noon electricity, Mercury heavy life, only to know, feel surprised and mixed. ”


"Nanjing. Chairman Jiang Junjian: Winter telegrams are known. ChengJia mian more than ever, increase the feeling of shame"

--February 5

After 1948, Chiang Kai-shek was officially elected as "President" at the "National Convention", and at this time, if you call Chiang Kai-shek "Commission" again, it is obviously not in line with his identity, so if the background era of film and television works chooses to be in this period, the subordinate should call Chiang Kai-shek "Mr. President".

Are the Republic of China's military seats and regimental seats really rotten streets? Don't be deceived by the director, there are only 2 kinds of national army titles for the chief

brief summary

Nowadays, the writers and directors of many film and television works pay more attention to how to create a compelling plot and how to attract the attention of the audience when creating scripts, and leave many details in the historical background behind.

The older generation of screenwriters and directors have put this historical error on the big screen, indirectly influencing the new generation of screenwriters and directors, and when these people create scripts, they naturally continue this historical error, so that similar historical common sense errors in today's film and television works are not uncommon.

Since we have chosen to shoot works with historical themes, we should restore the original appearance of that year as much as possible from all aspects.

Just like the anti-Japanese movie "Eight Hundred" released last year, the director team in order to let the actors truly restore the image of the soldiers of that year, they concentrated on training for several months, during which even raising the gun and aiming at such small actions had to be repeatedly practiced, and finally the play set a box office record of 3.102 billion, which also proved a truth: that is, the details determine success or failure.

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