
After Zhuge Liang's death, why did Sima Yi dare not cut down Shu until his death? You see how Sima Zhao explained it

I. Dragons and tigers in the Three Kingdoms period

During the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi's dragon and tiger fight was not only the last glory of the entire Three Kingdoms period, but also the most exciting in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. It can be said that in the minds of many people, once Zhuge Liang dies, the Three Kingdoms will mean the end, and there is nothing to see!

The only people who can barely arouse people's interest are Jiang Weijiu Zhongyuan and Deng Ai Breaking Shu - unfortunately, there is no Wu Hou in the world, which makes Shuzi arrogant!

It is no wonder that people are like this, Zhuge Liangsheng reversed a period of history. When Ben came from Liu Bei's Yiling Great Defeat and entrusted the Lonely White Emperor City, almost everyone thought that the "Shu Han Pill" was about to be freshly cooked. Chen Qun, a big man of Cao Wei who had followed Liu Bei in Xuzhou, wrote letters to Zhuge Liang one after another, saying: Surrender, do not lose anyone!

After Zhuge Liang's death, why did Sima Yi dare not cut down Shu until his death? You see how Sima Zhao explained it

Zhuge Liang did not expect a divine operation, and let Shu Han turn the plate upside down, and also held down the powerful Cao Wei and beat him fiercely. However, Cao Wei, under the leadership of Sima Yi, frantically practiced the "Shrinking Head and Beating Gong". Even if Zhuge Liang punched him in the face with a woman's clothes, he still said: Rest assured, everything is under my control, Zhuge Liang is a good soldier but has no strategy, sooner or later he will be killed by me!

This probably means that although Sima Yi was smoked half of his face, I managed to keep the other half of my face from being smoked. So Zhuge Liang is not terrible!

In fact, sima yi really can't be blamed for this, not that he didn't want to fight, but that he really couldn't beat Zhuge Liang. Otherwise, the reason for the ghost talent is recorded in the historical ledger, such a shameful thing.

Therefore, Sima Yi raised the half of his face that was not red or swollen, and ordered his soldiers to shout wildly at the Shu Han camp: Sun Quan surrendered, and Eastern Wu was finished! Zhuge Liang was so angry that he directly exploded: How old are you Sima Yi, why do you still play such a boring game? For the old disrespect, you are not ashamed!

This is Sima Yi, and I'm afraid that at this moment, everyone can imagine how sad he should be. Fortunately, zhuge liang left soon after. Sima Yi could finally generously cover Zhuge Liang's coffin and say four words: The wizards of the world!

After Zhuge Liang's death, why did Sima Yi dare not cut down Shu until his death? You see how Sima Zhao explained it

Second, Cao Wei changed the sky

It was also at this moment that a funny phenomenon appeared in the history of the Three Kingdoms, after Zhuge Liang's death, his old rival Sima Yi actually did not attack Shu Han until his death. Why? Could it be that Zhuge Liang beat out the sequelae? There are indeed factors in this regard! But it is mainly manifested in Cao Rui.

When Zhuge Liang was alive, Cao Rui's performance was impeccable, in order to resist Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition, he personally sat in Chang'an, and also cooperated with Sima Yi to play a game of seeking a thousand miles, even sleeping, he opened one eye and stared at the direction of Shu Han.

But as soon as Zhuge Liang died, you looked at Cao Rui again, and immediately changed a person, began to build a large number of civil engineering, repair the palace, and the beauty of the harem reached tens of thousands, enjoying the wonderful life of the emperor without any fear, and living and becoming the appearance of a mediocre lord. The result was quickly hung up! This is not so much a disease to die, but rather a "play to death"!

Sima Yi, on the other hand, was stripped of his military power by Cao Rui during this period.

After Zhuge Liang's death, why did Sima Yi dare not cut down Shu until his death? You see how Sima Zhao explained it

In 238, four years after Zhuge Liang's death, Sima Yi regained his military power and was sent to attack Gongsun Yuan of Liaodong, and Sima Yi undoubtedly broke Liaodong. It was also at this moment that Sima Yi had a dream: Cao Rui actually rested on his knee and said: Sima Yi, look at Yuan!

It made Sima Yi unusually diaphragmy. The good thing is that it was just a dream. As a result, soon Cao Rui's illness revived his holy will to return to Beijing, and Sima Yi traveled more than four hundred miles a day to catch up with Cao Ruituo.

Thus, the Era of Cao Rui passed. It can be seen that the reason why Cao Wei did not cut down the Shu Han was that the emperor's eldest brother Cao Rui began to ask for interest, and frantically enjoyed the beautiful life delayed by Zhuge Liang. The second is that the Eastern Liaoning region is unstable, and he has to deal with it. It had little to do with Sima Yi.

With the death of Cao Rui, the Cao Wei regime entered the Era of Cao Shuang. During this period, Cao Shuang took the reins of power and bullied Sima Yi into pretending to be ill. In order to establish his authority and seize the military power, Cao Shuang presided over the Battle of Shu, but in one battle, he achieved the Shu Han general Wang Ping, and Cao Shuang was defeated.

After Zhuge Liang's death, why did Sima Yi dare not cut down Shu until his death? You see how Sima Zhao explained it

The failure of this cut-down of Shu was tantamount to declaring the shaking of the basic plate of Cao Shuang's forces. It even flattered Sima Yi's strength in reverse. After all, Sima Yi is invincible, what do you call Cao Shuang?

In order to maintain his authority, Cao Shuang tossed more fiercely. For example, forcing Empress Guo to move the palace directly caused the dissatisfaction of many of Cao Wei's clan relatives and important subjects. Although the role of the empress dowager has no power, it is too symbolic. What courtier tossed the empress dowager so much? Unless he wants to mess with power or usurp power!

Whether Cao Shuang had the intention of chaos or usurpation of power, his forcing the empress dowager to move the palace was equivalent to sitting on the ground! Many forces supporting Cao Wei were rushed to Sima Yi's side, hoping that this "loyal" and highly respected entrusted and respectable minister would come out to rectify the chaos. This is actually why Sima Yi dared to launch the gaopingling change like a pebble.

After Zhuge Liang's death, why did Sima Yi dare not cut down Shu until his death? You see how Sima Zhao explained it

In 249, Cao Shuang was killed, Sima Yi also tore the "mask of loyalty", and the Cao Wei regime was controlled by Sima Shi.

During this period, it was unrealistic to expect Sima Yi to cut down Shu. He couldn't take care of himself, he was forced by Cao Shuang to pretend to be sick, how could he still cut Shu? Subsequently, the three rebellions of Runan began, Wang Ling raised troops, and Sima Yi suppressed them despite his old age and soon hung up.

At this moment, the contradictions within Cao Wei became the main contradictions, and both Sima Shi and Sima Zhao were desperate to resist and eliminate, and Cao Wei's forces counterattacked. Until Cheng Ji kills Jun, kill Cao Xian!

After Zhuge Liang's death, why did Sima Yi dare not cut down Shu until his death? You see how Sima Zhao explained it

III. Sima Zhao's explanation

This incident marked Cao Wei's complete entry into the era of "Sima Shi" - the emperor disobeyed and killed you! This medicine is too strong, although it works quickly, but the side effects are also very large. In order to divert the pressure, Sima Zhao finally started the battle to destroy Shu! Zhong Hui and Deng Ai, double ghost pat the door! Shu Han is dead! Liu Chan also came to Luoyang.

Thus came a classic scene in history. Sima Zhao asked: Is Po Si Shu?

Liu Chan answered: Happy here, don't think about Shu!

Liu Chan's innocence made the old minister around him, Hao Zheng, lose face, so he reminded Liu Chan: If you ask you this question again, you will say: The graves of the ancestors are all in Shu, so they are always read!

Sima Zhao was also very cooperative, and sure enough, he asked Po Sishu again? Liu Chan said it according to Hao Zheng's words. Immediately Sima Zhao laughed and said, "Why don't you say your own lines?" Don't say your line!

Liu Chan pointed at Hao Zheng: He taught me to say this!

After Zhuge Liang's death, why did Sima Yi dare not cut down Shu until his death? You see how Sima Zhao explained it

Sima Zhao laughed and said a word at this moment: Man is ruthless, but he is concerned! Although Zhuge Liang is there, he can't be supplemented by a long time, and Jiang Wei is evil?

This means that Liu Chan's qualifications are also too strange, even if Zhuge Liang is alive to assist him, he can't last long, let alone Jiang Wei and others.

In fact, Sima Zhao's sentence is the perfect solution to why after Zhuge Liang's death, Sima Yi did not attack Shu until his death. As soon as Zhuge Liang died, he declared Shu Han and was directly kicked out of the Three Kingdoms competition queue and opened the waiting mode. And seizing the power of Cao Wei is the fundamental.

However, in the process of implementation, it was interrupted by Cao Xian's life, and Sima Zhao had to take Shu Han in advance to hedge against its influence.

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