
He was the first Kuomintang general to revolt, and he gave 7 big gifts to our army, but he was scolded for killing traitors

He was the first Kuomintang general to revolt, and he gave 7 big gifts to our army, but he was scolded for killing traitors

On September 23, 1949, the state held a banquet to invite Cheng Qian, Zhang Zhizhong, Fu Zuoyi, Deng Baoshan, Huang Shaohun, Li Shucheng, Li Minghao, Liu Fei, Chen Mingren, Sun Lanfeng, Li Renren, Wu Qiwei, Gao Shuxun, Zhang Yi, Zeng Zesheng, He Jifeng, Liu Shanben, Lin Zun, Deng Zhaoxiang, Zuo Xiezhong, Liao Yunzhou, Li Mingyang, Zhang Yancun, Huang Qixiang, Zhou Beifeng, and Cheng Xingling to commend their special contributions in the Liberation War.

In the War of Liberation, a total of 1.77 million people, including more than 1,400 generals, instigated the uprising, surrendered, and accepted peaceful reorganization of the Kuomintang army. The uprising of these nationalist generals can not only greatly reduce the casualties of our army, but also hit the morale of the nationalist camp and speed up the process of the liberation war. Their counterattack hastened the collapse of Kuomintang rule on the mainland. The great man once said: "The victory of the War of Liberation is won by adding millet and rifles to the height of the tree." ”

He was the first Kuomintang general to revolt, and he gave 7 big gifts to our army, but he was scolded for killing traitors

Gao Shuxun was the first Kuomintang general in the uprising, and he set a good example for the later rebel generals, not only that, he also gave 7 gifts for our army to win a politically advantageous position. Let's get to know this general from the old camp.

Gao Shuxun, a native of Yanshan County, Hebei Province, was a fierce general in the Northwest Army during the warlord melee era. In 1915, he joined Feng Yuxiang's army as a soldier, and was promoted from soldier and squad leader to division commander. After the defeat of Yan and Feng in the war in 1930, Gao Bu was incorporated into the Kuomintang 26th Route Army by Chiang Kai-shek, and Gao served as the commander of the 27th Division. In 1931, the Twenty-sixth Route Army revolted in Ningdu, joined the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and gao, who was recuperating in Tianjin, was forced to leave the military. In 1933, Feng Yuxiang organized the Anti-Japanese Allied Army in Chahar, and Gao was invited by Feng to Zhangjiakou to become the commander of the cavalry army of the Anti-Japanese Allied Army, and participated in the battle to conquer Duolun and other battles. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he served as the commander-in-chief of the Hebei Guerrilla Army, the commander of the New Sixth Division, and the commander of the New Eighth Army. He was ostracized by Chiang Kai-shek for many years, and the contradictions with Chiang Kai-shek's concubines were sharp. In May and June 1945, he held talks with Chen Xianrui, commander of the Third Detachment of the Henan People's Anti-Japanese Army of the Eighth Route Army, through Wang Dingnan, an underground member of the Communist Party of China who was serving as a senator in Gaobu, in Nanzhao County, Henan Province.

In order to enable Gao Shuxun to revolt as soon as possible, Liu Deng's army sent Li Da's chief of staff to personally contact Gao Shuxun's garrison, which greatly touched him, and also sent his wife and children safely to the liberated areas, relieving him of his worries. In October 1946, General Gao Shuxun revolted on the front line of the Battle of Handan and issued the "Declaration of the Uprising to Stop the Civil War and Unite the Nation" in the form of a telegram, declaring that he would break away from the Kuomintang camp. After Gao Shuxun led his troops to revolt, the enemy army was greatly shaken and lost the confidence to hold firm.

He was the first Kuomintang general to revolt, and he gave 7 big gifts to our army, but he was scolded for killing traitors

After the Battle of Handan, our army captured a large number of documents and telegrams sent by Chiang Kai-shek to the front-line troops, and published 7 of them, so that the truth of Chiang Kai-shek's instigation of the civil war was exposed, and our army won the commanding heights of politics, which can be said to be 7 great gifts to our army.

General Gao Shuxun was able to lead the first uprising, and there are many places worthy of our admiration. When his former superior wanted to be a traitor, he resolutely killed his relatives and showed lofty national integrity, but at that time, many generals of the Northwest Army scolded him for being unkind and unjust. What's going on?

Many people should be familiar with "Defecting General" Shi Yousan. During the Republic of China period, Shi Yousan became a person spurned by various warlords due to his capriciousness and twilight of the Qin Dynasty, and eventually he went to the road of no return against the nation and the country.

On July 7, 1937, the Outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Shi Yusan felt that a hard encounter with the well-equipped Japanese army was tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble, so he signed a non-aggression agreement with the Japanese commander Sasaki in Kaifeng, and prepared to formally surrender to the Japanese army at the right time. Shi Yousan nominally had two group armies under his command, the Sixty-ninth Army and the New Eighth Army, but only one Sixty-ninth Army was actually in control, and the commander of the New Eighth Army was Shi Yousan's brother Gao Shuxun, who wanted to surrender to the Japanese, but Gao Shuxun did not do it, and he scolded loudly: "Let me be a traitor, unless the sun comes out of the northwest!" ”

He was the first Kuomintang general to revolt, and he gave 7 big gifts to our army, but he was scolded for killing traitors

The news that Shi Yousan was preparing to defect was quickly grasped by the Military Command Bureau, and after Chiang Kai-shek received the secret report, he was very angry, and he immediately gave an order to Wei Lihuang, commander of the First Theater, ordering Wei Lihuang to kill Shi Yousan as soon as possible before he surrendered to the Japanese army. After Wei Lihuang received a secret order from the Nanjing government to remove Shi Yousan as soon as possible, he deliberated on the candidates for half a day, and finally fixed the person who performed the task on Gao Shuxun's body.

Gao Shuxun later used a plan to capture Shi Yousan, and that night buried alive the murderer of the Shaolin Temple, the capricious "general who had been speculating and drilling camps all his life" on the banks of the Yellow River.

After he got rid of Shi Yousan, many old people in the Northwest Army not only did not say that he was righteous and killed his relatives, but also scolded him for being "unkind and unjust", even if Shi Yousan should be killed, he Gao Shuxun could not kill his superiors.

Later, during the uprising, General Liu also spoke specifically for him: "His killing of Shi Yousan is not a matter of superiors and subordinates, it is not injustice, but the destruction of relatives by great righteousness, and the people and all patriots are understandable." That untied his knot.

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