
fresh! fresh! Artemisia annua seafood tofu

author:A small kitchen

Artemisia annua contains volatile essential oils and choline and other substances, so it has a very strong aroma. Artemisia annua is rich in carotene and minerals. Often eat Artemisia annua, appetize and increase food, moisturize the intestines, remove bad breath and so on. Therefore, eating Artemisia annua regularly has many benefits for the body.

Wash and control the water and cut into small pieces

fresh! fresh! Artemisia annua seafood tofu

Dice the tofu

fresh! fresh! Artemisia annua seafood tofu

Hair the prepared sea cucumber and cut into small cubes

fresh! fresh! Artemisia annua seafood tofu
fresh! fresh! Artemisia annua seafood tofu

Put the oil in the pan, add the tofu first, and fry over low heat until brownish on both sides

Stir-fry the artemisia annua until cooked, add the sea cucumber and continue stir-frying

fresh! fresh! Artemisia annua seafood tofu

Beat an egg flower, set well and pan.

fresh! fresh! Artemisia annua seafood tofu

This dish is full of color and flavor, rich in nutrition and refreshing taste, and is also especially suitable for the elderly and children.

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