
Why do people who love to drink are prone to cerebral infarction? Doctor answer: 4 reasons can not be ignored

Why do people who love to drink are prone to cerebral infarction? Doctor answer: 4 reasons can not be ignored

In recent years, there are more and more cerebral thrombosis patients and the momentum of rejuvenation is becoming more and more obvious, some friends think that this phenomenon is caused by people drinking alcohol in modern society, so is this view correct? In fact, this statement does have a certain truth, but it cannot be said to be completely accurate. Today, Dr. Zhang also came to talk about some views on this issue.

Why do people who love to drink are prone to cerebral infarction? Doctor answer: 4 reasons can not be ignored

Friends walk into the neurology department of the hospital and see a large number of cerebral infarction patients, and many of these cerebral infarction patients are young and middle-aged people. A large proportion of these young patients are due to cerebrovascular diseases such as cerebrovascular diseases such as cerebral infarction caused by excessive drinking. So, what are the aspects of drinking that affect cerebral infarction? Dr. Zhang personally summarized the reasons in about 4 aspects:

First, drinking alcohol leads to high blood pressure

First of all, young people drink alcohol for a long time, and the most likely cause is diseases such as high blood pressure. Long-term hypertension is not controlled, it is easy to cause cerebral infarction, which is an important reason for the occurrence of hypertension and cerebral infarction in many young and middle-aged patients. In fact, drinking alcohol has a more obvious short-term effect, many people will drink alcohol, blood pressure will be significantly reduced, and after the effect of alcohol fails, the next day blood pressure will show a retaliatory rebound. From the long-term effect, drinking alcohol is the "culprit" that causes the blood pressure of this part of the patient to rise significantly, so friends want to reduce the occurrence of hypertension and cerebral infarction, the best way is to quit drinking.

Why do people who love to drink are prone to cerebral infarction? Doctor answer: 4 reasons can not be ignored

Second, drinking alcohol leads to folate deficiency

Another important cause of cerebral infarction in young and middle-aged people is "H-type hypertension", that is, hypertension patients with elevated homocysteine, and the reason for the high homocysteine in these patients is largely due to the lack of folic acid. In the case of folate deficiency, many patients have an adverse effect on the absorption of folic acid because of drinking alcohol, so that homocysteine is elevated, and if this situation is not controlled for a long time, it will cause cerebral infarction. For this part of the patient, the most critical treatment measure is to supplement folic acid under the guidance of a doctor, of course, abstinence from alcohol is also necessary.

Why do people who love to drink are prone to cerebral infarction? Doctor answer: 4 reasons can not be ignored

Third, drinking alcohol leads to the occurrence of carotid artery plaque

The third reason for the frequent cerebral infarction in young and middle-aged people is the increasing incidence of carotid plaque. Many patients have this feeling, and after the physical examination center, it is found that there are carotid artery plaques, especially plaques with low echo and mixed echo, and if this situation is not managed and controlled for a long time, the plaque may become more unstable. Unstable carotid plaque can lead to cerebral infarction. The root cause behind this is that many young patients have long-term excessive alcohol consumption. Therefore, abstinence from alcohol can radically reduce the occurrence of carotid artery plaques, thereby reducing the incidence of cerebral infarction.

Why do people who love to drink are prone to cerebral infarction? Doctor answer: 4 reasons can not be ignored

Fourth, drinking alcohol causes atrial fibrillation

Another important reason why many people now have cerebral infarction is atrial fibrillation. The more popular name of atrial fibrillation is atrial fibrillation, and the biggest harm of atrial fibrillation is cerebral infarction. People who drink alcohol for a long time are prone to atrial fibrillation, and many times the patient does not know that this atrial fibrillation has occurred, until the onset of cerebral infarction does not know that atrial fibrillation has occurred before. Therefore, if you want to prevent the occurrence of atrial fibrillation, you must pay attention to drinking less, and it is best to quit drinking.

Why do people who love to drink are prone to cerebral infarction? Doctor answer: 4 reasons can not be ignored

I hope that Dr. Zhang's popular science can help more people, and I hope that more people can quit drinking and enjoy a good life because of my introduction.

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