
"They all blame your womb for being too cold, so they will freeze the baby brain infarction!" It's 2022, and some people still believe in this

Author:Sa Jie (Attending Physician of Obstetrics and Gynecology)

Recently, Sister Sa is really too busy, feeling that the whole person is a bit messy, so I didn't pay much attention to the artifact dynamics in the circle of friends, because the circle of friends didn't have time to watch.

Today is a good villain is a little more time, as a result, just opened the circle of friends, it made me laugh almost out of breath, and coincidentally, I also found in our exchange group that enthusiastic readers provided me with the same material, wanting me to write:

"They all blame your womb for being too cold, so they will freeze the baby brain infarction!" It's 2022, and some people still believe in this

This blurry little video, which is a child is tilting his mouth and eyes, everyone looks at the following text, is it not felt that the brain cells are not enough?

Oh my God, that's amazing! The six-month-old child had a cerebral infarction, and it turned out that the mother's womb was too cold and frozen, and the head melon seeds were frozen! Sister Sa feels really sorry that she can't find this original author, otherwise she must help him publicize it:

If you hold the 2022 IQ Cancer Grand Prix, you will have to give you a gold medal!

What exactly is a "cerebral infarction"?

We all know that the reason why we can live well and jump around is because the various system organs of the body are working, just like the electrical appliances in our home need the supply of electricity, and the various organs of our body also need the supply of blood.

Our human blood vessels, like a river of endless highways, this road is running are blood supply and oxygen transport vehicles, if suddenly which section of traffic jam, so that this road can not be normal passage, then the blood vessel supply part, will be due to ischemia and hypoxia and necrosis, this is what we commonly call "infarction".

"They all blame your womb for being too cold, so they will freeze the baby brain infarction!" It's 2022, and some people still believe in this

Image source: Stand Cool Helo

Cerebral infarction is simply that the road to the brain supply of blood is blocked, and the brain tissue with blood supply disorder occurs, because of ischemia and hypoxia, which leads to ischemic necrosis or softening of localized brain tissue, and there is also a common name called cerebral infarction, also known as cerebral ischemic stroke.

Why is it blocked?

There may be more than one reason for this, the road is too narrow, the traffic is too thick, or there is a sudden disturbance, which may cause cerebral infarction.

Common clinical types include cerebral thrombosis, lacunar infarction and cerebral embolism, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, rheumatic heart disease, arrhythmia, dehydration of various causes, various arteritis, shock, blood pressure drop too fast and too large, etc., which may cause or induce cerebral infarction. As a sudden brain disease, cerebral infarction can occur at any age, but the most common age is 45 to 70 years old middle-aged and elderly people. The onset is more acute, most of which are without prodromal symptoms, and the clinical manifestations are characterized by sudden fainting, unconsciousness, hemiplegia, speech disorders, and intellectual disabilities.

You told me a 60-year-old middle-aged and elderly person, eating fat meat and drinking beer every day, and the result was a brain infarction I believe, but you told such a 6-month-old little doll, because the mother's "body cold palace cold" was frozen out of the brain infarction, sorry, I just want to hahahahahahahahahaha So, how can this low-level rumor-monger look taller?

Sister Sa really can't help it: you mean that people are cerebral palsy, and they are stronger than cerebral infarction, right?!

What exactly is cerebral palsy?

When it comes to "cerebral palsy", I estimate that everyone's heart will be inexplicably tight, yes, the birth of a child with cerebral palsy will bring a heavy burden to the family. Many people may know that children with cerebral palsy have low intelligence and often cannot take care of themselves, but they cannot accurately understand what cerebral palsy is.

Pediatric cerebral palsy, the correct name should be pediatric cerebral palsy, commonly known as cerebral palsy. It is a syndrome that points to the dysfunction of various postures within one month of life, in the immature stage of brain development, due to non-progressive brain injury.

Cerebral palsy is a common central nervous disorder syndrome in childhood, its lesion site in the brain, because the brain is damaged, can not maintain normal work, so it affects the limbs, often accompanied by intellectual disability, epilepsy, behavioral abnormalities, mental disorders and visual, auditory, language disorders and other symptoms.

However, even if it is cerebral palsy, it is not because of freezing in the stomach of the mother!

"They all blame your womb for being too cold, so they will freeze the baby brain infarction!" It's 2022, and some people still believe in this

Causes that may contribute to neonatal cerebral palsy may be:

Parents smoking, alcoholism, drug abuse;

Gestational diabetes mellitus, gestational high blood disease, pregnancy-in-age product use unreasonable;

The mother suffers from mental illness, high birth, preterm birth, history of miscarriage, twin or multiple births, etc.;

Intrauterine infection of the fetus, placental dysfunction leading to intrauterine distress of the fetus;

During childbirth, the umbilical cord wraps around the neck, resulting in hypoxia, forceps delivery, and long delivery in the breech position.

Factors such as preterm or expired infants with low birth weight, asphyxia aspiration pneumonia after birth, or hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, kernicterus, intracranial hemorrhage, infection, poisoning, and malnutrition may cause cerebral palsy in the fetus.

"They all blame your womb for being too cold, so they will freeze the baby brain infarction!" It's 2022, and some people still believe in this

Although this small video is very unclear, it seems that the twitching of the child's mouth is indeed a bit like the symptoms of cerebral palsy, and the general performance of our common cerebral palsy children are:

Intellectual disability

Most children with cerebral palsy are accompanied by intellectual disabilities, a small number of lucky children may have normal intelligence, and most of them have mild, moderate, or even severe mental deficiency, of which severe mental deficiency accounts for about 1/4 of children.

Movement disorders

Because of brain damage, children with cerebral palsy often have no way to control their bodies like normal babies.

When children with cerebral palsy are accompanied by severe movement disorders, they are often unable to stand, their hands do not grasp things, they do not walk, and some do not even turn over, do not sit up, and do not chew and swallow normally.

Postural disorders

Children with cerebral palsy will have various postural abnormalities, the most common of which is that they still cannot straighten their heads for 3 months, and they are accustomed to being biased to one side, or shaking back and forth from side to side. When bathing, you often clasp your hands tightly and it is difficult to break them open.

language barrier

Difficulty in verbal expression, inability to speak, drooling, slurred pronunciation or stuttering.

Growth and developmental disorders

Short stature, stunted growth, accompanied by dental dysplasia and oral dysfunction, facial and tongue muscles due to sometimes spasms or uncoordinated contractions, abnormal expressions and involuntary twitching, often accompanied by difficulty chewing and swallowing, oral closure difficulties.

Auditory and visual disturbances and mood and behavioural disorders

It is difficult to recognize sounds, there is often strabismus, emotions are prone to fluctuate, it is easy to get angry, and even attack self-injurious behavior. Between 39% and 50% of children with cerebral palsy induce epilepsy due to fixed lesions in the brain, especially those with severe mental retardation.

So if you look at it from this video alone, Sister Sa feels that this six-month-old baby is more like cerebral palsy than a cerebral infarction, but the problem is that even if it is cerebral palsy, people are also related to the so-called mother's cold, palace cold, and no dime!

* This article is reprinted with permission from the WeChat public account Doctor Girl Zhengchuan.

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