
Sun Zhuo was sick for two months after being abducted, and the buyer was afraid to go to the hospital for fear of being discovered, and he could survive on his life

Introduction: For many people, there must be attention to the sun haiyang family, the most admirable thing is that he has been persistently looking for a son for 14 years, and has formed an alliance with many families, and everyone is looking for children.

If it were not for Sun Haiyang's persistence and efforts, presumably no one would care where Sun Zhuo was at all, let alone have such a sensational recognition ceremony after 14 years, and Sun Zhuo would not have known to take care of himself when he was old, and he was not his own biological parents at all.

Sun Zhuo was sick for two months after being abducted, and the buyer was afraid to go to the hospital for fear of being discovered, and he could survive on his life

Fu Jiantao, who was as big as Sun Zhuo, could clearly remember the experience of being abducted after being retrieved, but Sun Zhuo forgot everything, and even his parents made buns, and he was a child in the south, only the situation of his adoptive parents' family.

What is the reason for Sun Zhuo's situation? Originally, all of us were not very clear, until someone on the Internet broke out about Sun Zhuo's experience after being abducted, which made us realize that the original amnesia was also excusable.

Sun Zhuo was sick for two months after being abducted, and the buyer was afraid to go to the hospital for fear of being discovered, and he could survive on his life

It turned out that after Sun Zhuo was abducted, he went to a strange place for two months, and when the buyer went to buy a child, he saw the sick child, especially worried that his money would be adrift, and originally wanted to give up this child, and finally the child was good before taking it home!

During the time when Zhuo Zhuo was ill, it was exactly when Sun Haiyang was looking for a child, and the search notice was flying all over the sky, and holding the child out would definitely be noticed. The buyer is afraid that he will be discovered, so he does not dare to take Zhuo Zhuo to the hospital to see a doctor, so he survived for 2 months, and he can survive all by Zhuo Zhuo's life!

Sun Zhuo was sick for two months after being abducted, and the buyer was afraid to go to the hospital for fear of being discovered, and he could survive on his life

It is precisely because Sun Zhuo was sick during this time that his brain was burned, so that he forgot all the things in the past, which can also be regarded as traumatic sequelae! Fortunately, his life was relatively hard, and he defeated the disease, otherwise he might not have survived to this day 14 years later, let alone know that his biological parents were looking for him!

Originally, I still thought that the buyer was not thin to Sun Zhuo, he grew up and had the ability to return something to his adoptive parents, but now that he knows these things, he can't love his adoptive parents!

Sun Zhuo was sick for two months after being abducted, and the buyer was afraid to go to the hospital for fear of being discovered, and he could survive on his life

It is hard to imagine that if Sun Zhuo's vitality was not so tenacious, if he really did not survive, he would not be able to see the sun of tomorrow. The buyer's heart is also too fierce, in order not to expose their behavior, even let the 4-year-old child get sick for 2 months without going to the doctor, I really don't know what their heart is made of!

Even if this child is not his own child, but it is also someone else's baby knot, how can he do such a disastrous thing? I hope that Sun Zhuo, who has returned to his original family, can forget the past and no longer remember his adoptive parents!

Sun Zhuo was sick for two months after being abducted, and the buyer was afraid to go to the hospital for fear of being discovered, and he could survive on his life

With this time to remember the adoptive parents, it is better to honor their own fathers and mothers, they are really good to themselves, and they are not asking for return love. If the same sick thing is placed on the body of Sun Haiyang and his wife, the two will definitely be particularly anxious, and immediately go to the doctor without stopping, for fear that Zhuo Zhuo will be burned stupid!

Sun Zhuo was sick for two months after being abducted, and the buyer was afraid to go to the hospital for fear of being discovered, and he could survive on his life

Summary: After learning so many things about Sun Zhuo, I really felt wronged for this child! Fortunately, he is the kind of personality with no heart and no lungs, and he will not remember and hate so many things, and his life will be very happy.

I hope that Sun Haiyang and his wife can also use more love on Sun Zhuo's body, so that this child can be surrounded by love for the rest of his life. Okay, today's sharing is here, after you have read it, what else do you have to say?

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