
People only know the saying "two hundred and five", but unfortunately its origin and story are unknown to nine out of ten

Now there is a very "catchy" saying used to harm people, that is, the word "two hundred and five", almost everyone knows everyone knows, generally used to describe a person is more stupid, do things without rules, very reckless, but although it is used very smoothly, do you know what its origin is?

According to the legend, there are three more reliable origins of the word "two hundred and five".

The first is about a kind of battle and ceremony, it is said that in the distant Tang Dynasty, there was a big official, because of the power and money, so the battle of travel is almost not lost to the emperor and the nobles, the biggest pomp in the palace should be the emperor, out of the palace a trip there will be countless guards and eunuchs to open the road, one of the most ceremonial things, that is, there is a small eunuch with a whip to the ground to draw, which in the official saying, is the meaning of the road.

People only know the saying "two hundred and five", but unfortunately its origin and story are unknown to nine out of ten

Although this high official did not dare to open the road with a whip like the emperor, he also attached great importance to these things, so he asked a subordinate in the palace to take a stick and hit the ground to open the road, and everyone called this position "Wu Bai", and later the demand for this position changed from one person to two people, that is, two people side by side, one holding a stick, banging the ground.

People did not turn them into two "Wu Bai", but instead split one five hundred into two "two hundred and five", so the saying at that time was that two two hundred and five people took sticks to open the way for the high officials, and the common people felt that the appearance of these two people holding sticks was really a bit stupid, and very rude, plus they were not accustomed to their domineering appearance, so the word "two hundred and five" was passed down as a harmful word.

People only know the saying "two hundred and five", but unfortunately its origin and story are unknown to nine out of ten

The second origin is about a folk story, a long time ago, there was a talent, his lifelong dream is to be able to lift people in high school, but he spent half a lifetime, and failed to complete this wish, until after middle age, after passing the age of examination for meritorious fame, he had to recognize the reality, marry and have children.

Just married to his wife not long ago, he gave birth to a pair of sons, in his later years to get a son is naturally very loving, he named these two children, one is called Chengshi, the other is called failure, the two children from childhood under the influence of their fathers to contact the Four Books and Five Classics, at a young age to start reading and practicing words.

One day this show only assigned them tasks, the brother had to write 300 brush words, and the younger brother had to write 200 brush words, the brother made a little clever, wrote 50 words less, let the younger brother write 50 more words, thinking that the father could not find, the result of the inspection was found in an instant, but the show was angry.

People only know the saying "two hundred and five", but unfortunately its origin and story are unknown to nine out of ten

And as soon as this situation happened, the two sons became each wrote 250 words, so this allusion was handed down, using two hundred and five to describe a person who did not do good things, but also loved to play a little clever, and later because of the names of these two sons, there was another saying, presumably everyone guessed it, because the eldest son did not write enough words, the younger son wrote more, so there was a sentence of "there is more than enough success and failure".

The third origin is related to a strategist, he is su Qin, a lobbyist in the Warring States period, he is a very strategic person, helping his master, that is, the monarch of the state of Qi, to make various meritorious achievements, but also let the monarch of the state of Qi favor him very much and give him a lot of rewards.

People only know the saying "two hundred and five", but unfortunately its origin and story are unknown to nine out of ten

As the saying goes, the gun hits the head bird, Su Qin is so good, it caused the jealousy of others, so one day he was assassinated by people in China, Su Qin died like this, equivalent to the Qi monarch lost his left arm and right arm, naturally he refused to let go of the person who killed him, but the multi-party investigation did not get results, what can be done.

Soon the monarch of the State of Qi thought of a good way, he ordered someone to fake a body of Su Qin, hung it on the city gate, and the whole city posted a notice, saying that this Su Qin was actually a spy of another country, and now this killer is for the people to eliminate harm, if you can come out and claim this matter yourself, you can get a reward of one thousand and two gold.

Such a reward has deceived many people, there are so many brainless people who came to find him, ready to receive the reward, no one let go, they all have to say that they killed Su Qin, the real person who "eliminated harm for the country", and finally even said that it was four people who did this together, which can make the monarch of the State of Qi happy, ask them, you have four people, but I only have one thousand and two gold, how to divide it?

People only know the saying "two hundred and five", but unfortunately its origin and story are unknown to nine out of ten

Four people made up their own clever ideas for him, saying that they could divide it equally, and one person could get two hundred and fifty two gold, which was simply perfect, and the monarch directly beheaded them all in one breath, so later the allusion of two hundred and fifty gold was simplified to the word "two hundred and five", saying that those who do things are only brains and who are smart.

The above three allusions can be said to have their own statements and reasons, I don't know which one do you believe more?

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