
The Kuomintang generals who followed Chen Mingren's peaceful uprising returned home to farm after the founding of the People's Republic of China, but were later executed

At the 1955 ceremony, a man who had been a Kuomintang general was awarded the rank of general, the founding general Chen Mingren. Chen Mingren was a student of the first phase of Huangpu, because of his righteous words were not tolerated by Chiang Kai-shek, but Chen Mingren was a general who understood the great righteousness, in 1949, he was appointed as the commander of the Changsha garrison and the commander-in-chief of the Hunan "Appeasement" Office, with the end of the three major battles, the Kuomintang troops were defeated, Chen Mingren did not want to let the people of Hunan fall into the water and fire, so on August 4, 1949, he led his subordinates to electrify the uprising and declare the peaceful liberation of Hunan. Also because of his merits in the peaceful liberation of Hunan, when he was awarded the title in 1955, Chen Mingren was awarded the rank of general and became the founding general.

The Kuomintang generals who followed Chen Mingren's peaceful uprising returned home to farm after the founding of the People's Republic of China, but were later executed

In fact, in the process of Chen Mingren's peaceful liberation of Hunan, one of his generals also followed him in a peaceful uprising, this person was the Kuomintang army major general Lin Zhiyun, who was then the commander of the Xiang'e-Ganbian "Qing and Suppression" area. Lin Zhiyun is also a graduate of the Whampoa Military Academy and a classmate of Chen Mingren. At a critical moment in history, he followed Chen Mingren to promote the peaceful liberation of Hunan and was a general who contributed to the people. So, what is the story of Lin Zhiyun? What about his end after the founding of the country? Today we will talk about the story of Lin Zhiyun.

The Kuomintang generals who followed Chen Mingren's peaceful uprising returned home to farm after the founding of the People's Republic of China, but were later executed

Lin Zhiyun was born in 1901, a native of Xiangtan, Hunan, to a peasant family, whose ancestors made a living from farming and were authentic farmers. However, Lin Zhiyun's family attached great importance to education, and although the conditions were difficult, they still sent him to school. Lin Zhiyun was talented and intelligent, and he studied very hard, and soon learned and succeeded, and after graduation, he entered the Xiang Army in Hunan and officially started his military career.

The Kuomintang generals who followed Chen Mingren's peaceful uprising returned home to farm after the founding of the People's Republic of China, but were later executed

In 1924, after the establishment of the Whampoa Military Academy, Lin Zhiyun was successfully admitted to the Whampoa Phase I and became a classmate of Chen Mingren. After graduating from the Whampoa Military Academy, Lin Zhiyun, like most of the Whampoa students, successively participated in the Eastern Expedition and the Northern Expedition, and gradually rose from a platoon commander to a company commander and a battalion commander. Before the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Lin Zhiyun had been promoted to the commander of the Second Hunan Security Regiment and became a regiment-level cadre.

The Kuomintang generals who followed Chen Mingren's peaceful uprising returned home to farm after the founding of the People's Republic of China, but were later executed

In 1937, after the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Lin Zhiyun was appointed deputy commander of the Guerrilla Advance Brigade of the Sixth Theater. This detachment was mainly deployed in the western Xiang'e region, cooperating with the Kuomintang troops on the frontal battlefield to carry out guerrilla warfare. Lin Zhiyun also completed his tasks brilliantly, especially in the Battle of Western Hubei, where he assisted Sun Lianzhong, acting commander of the Sixth Theater, in defeating the Japanese army, annihilating more than 4,000 enemy troops, and achieving a great victory in the Battle of Western Hubei.

The Kuomintang generals who followed Chen Mingren's peaceful uprising returned home to farm after the founding of the People's Republic of China, but were later executed

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Lin Zhiyun was awarded the rank of major general of the army and served as the commander of the "Qing and Suppression" area in xiang'e and gansu. With the progress of the War of Liberation, the Kuomintang rivers and rivers declined day by day, especially after the end of the three major battles, the Kuomintang soldiers were defeated, and the People's Liberation Army also liberated Nanjing and Shanghai and other places, and marched to Hunan.

The Kuomintang generals who followed Chen Mingren's peaceful uprising returned home to farm after the founding of the People's Republic of China, but were later executed

At that time, the commander of the Kuomintang Changsha garrison was Chen Mingren, a student of the huangpu phase I, Chen Mingren was a patriotic general who could not bear the people of Hunan to fall into water and fire again, so he and Cheng Qian and others planned to electrify and revolt and peacefully liberate Hunan, so as not to ruin their lives. In the process of peacefully liberating Hunan, Lin Zhiyun, as a subordinate of Chen Mingren, supported the electrification uprising, supported Chen Mingren's decision, made certain contributions to the peaceful liberation of Hunan, and was a hero of the peaceful liberation of Hunan.

The Kuomintang generals who followed Chen Mingren's peaceful uprising returned home to farm after the founding of the People's Republic of China, but were later executed

After the founding of New China, as a hero of the peaceful liberation of Hunan, Lin Zhiyun should be reused, but Lin Zhiyun was indifferent to fame and fortune, took the initiative to return to his hometown, became a farmer, and started the old business of his ancestors. Unexpectedly, during the "town rebellion" movement, Lin Zhiyun was arrested and imprisoned because he was a former Kuomintang general. In 1952, Lin Zhiyun was executed at the age of 51.

In the 1980s, the status of the general of the Lin Zhiyun Uprising was restored, and he was also redressed and restored to all his reputation.

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