
"High-value baby girl" is on fire, netizens said they also want it, and the nurse sighed: I am also the first time to see

Xiao Jing was pregnant in October and finally gave birth to a baby, for this baby, Xiao Jing is full of expectations, she and her husband's appearance is very high, and the baby's appearance will be very high.

The baby was just born, Xiao Jing let the nurse hold the baby to herself, do not look at it and do not know, a look of shock, the baby is red, the face is wrinkled, Xiao Jing can not believe that this is her son, and the nurse repeatedly confirmed that Xiao Jing accepted this reality.

"High-value baby girl" is on fire, netizens said they also want it, and the nurse sighed: I am also the first time to see

Newborn babies are relatively ugly, in the mother's womb, the baby has been soaked in amniotic fluid, the skin is not very smooth, the face has folds, and even the color of the skin is black, like the little old man, the little old lady, after the baby is born, the milk powder nutrition is more sufficient, and slowly the baby will become more and more beautiful.

"High-value baby girl" is on fire, netizens said they also want it, and the nurse sighed: I am also the first time to see

But not all babies are born ugly, there are always some babies are exceptions, some time ago, there was a mother posted a photo of the baby on Weibo, the newborn baby has smooth skin, the skin color is also very white, and the little baby is still smiling when he is asleep, very healing.

Many netizens said that they have never seen such a beautiful baby, especially want one, the baby's parents must have a very high appearance, even the nurses in the hospital sighed, they are also the first time to see such a beautiful baby.

"High-value baby girl" is on fire, netizens said they also want it, and the nurse sighed: I am also the first time to see

Most babies inherit the genes of their parents, so what genes will babies inherit from their parents?


Bao Bell's hair has always been a concern of netizens, there are many people curious, why Bao Bell is bald, his wife Bao Wenjing said the reason in the show, Bao Bell's father is also bald, that is, Bao Bell's baldness is inherited by his father.

Many people think that baldness is caused by pressure, baldness and pressure do have a certain relationship, but there is also a certain relationship with the body, scientific research, baldness phenomenon is easy to inherit to the son.

"High-value baby girl" is on fire, netizens said they also want it, and the nurse sighed: I am also the first time to see


Qi Wei's daughter lucky, many people say that Qi Wei is giving birth to a self, the mother and daughter look very similar, the baby is easy to inherit the appearance of the parents, the general parents are relatively high, the child will not be ugly to where to go.

"High-value baby girl" is on fire, netizens said they also want it, and the nurse sighed: I am also the first time to see


The height of the child is also easy to inherit the parents, such as Yao Ming's child, the height is very high, the general tall parents, the child's height will not be too bad.

Of course, these genetics are also a certain probability, there will be many exceptions, not necessarily parents look good children will be good-looking.

Appearance anxiety is a problem that many people are facing now, more and more people have entered the appearance association, in fact, appearance is related to both congenital genetics and acquired cultivation.

"High-value baby girl" is on fire, netizens said they also want it, and the nurse sighed: I am also the first time to see

How should parents make their children beautiful in the cultivation?

Let your child have a good routine

"The moon does not sleep you do not sleep, you are bald little baby", staying up late is easy to lose hair, disordered body metabolism, there is no benefit to the skin, people who often stay up late will have dark circles, but also easy to burst acne.

Acne, dark circles, hair loss, no matter how good-looking people have these three things will not look good, so the impact of work and rest on the appearance is very large, want to make the child beautiful, you must let the child have a good rest, while a good work and rest is also conducive to the child's physical health.

"High-value baby girl" is on fire, netizens said they also want it, and the nurse sighed: I am also the first time to see

Have good behavior habits

Friend's daughter Little Orange is a very cute little girl, white and pure when she was a child, deeply liked by the people around her, along with the continuous growth of the child, the little orange began to become short-sighted, hunchbacked, the original big eyes were covered by glasses, and wherever she went, she felt unconfident to others.

There are many children when writing homework do not pay attention, myopia, hunchback phenomenon is very serious, hunchback gives people a feeling of not getting up straight, very low value, parents should supervise the child, let the child stand up straight to write homework, help the cultivation of children's temperament.

Cultivate children's temperament

There are many people with beautiful facial features, but always feel that she is something, this is the temperament and cultivation, the belly has poetry and bookish self-glorification, parents can let their children read more, you can also give their children some art classes, let children learn art, these can help cultivate children's temperament.

"High-value baby girl" is on fire, netizens said they also want it, and the nurse sighed: I am also the first time to see

The facial features are not absolute, the inside is also very important, every parent should pay attention to the cultivation of the child's inner, through the cultivation of the inner to the child's external extra points.

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