
After 1941, Stalin repeatedly asked the CCP to send troops to support, why did Chairman Mao politely refuse?

The Battle of Nomonkan was the first frontal war between the Red Army and the Japanese army since the outbreak of World War II, and this war was finally ended by the rout of the Japanese army, and the Japanese government was under pressure to sign the Soviet-Japanese Armistice Agreement in 1931. It was precisely because of the great pressure brought by this frontal war to the Japanese army that Japan did not dare to easily launch an attack on the Soviet Union during the Later Soviet-German War.

The Battle of Nomonkan was finally won under the absolute crushing of the Soviet Union, which was enough to prove the military strength of the Soviet Union at that time, but later Stalin also asked the Chinese Communists for reinforcements many times. Next, I will analyze some of the things that happened between the Soviet Union and the Chinese Communists after the Battle of Nomonkan.

After 1941, Stalin repeatedly asked the CCP to send troops to support, why did Chairman Mao politely refuse?

The background of the Battle of Nomenkan and its before and after

After the September 18 Incident, the iron hooves of the Japanese army have already stepped into the territory of northeast China, which also means the beginning of China's partial war of resistance. During the period from the 918 Incident to the July 7 Incident, Japan continued to expand its power in the northeast region, establishing a puppet Manchu government with the puppet emperor Puyi as the core, and after the Japanese army eroded the territory of northeast China, the Japanese army began to expand its power outside the northeast region in order to satisfy its growing ambitions. At that time, the expansion direction of the Japanese army was mainly to expand in two directions, the first direction was to carry out aggression and expansion in North China, South China and other regions, and the second direction was to target the Soviet Union, which had a vast territory.

On May 11, 1939, two years after the July 7 Incident, the Japanese army and the puppet Manchu army launched a brazen attack on the Mongolian border guards in the Heilongjiang River and the Khalexin River area outside Outer Mongolia. On May 28, the war was further expanded, and because the Khaleshing River region was in the Far East of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Military And economic center of gravity at that time were concentrated in Europe, so the Soviet Union did not respond to the attack in time.

By the time the Soviet government reacted, it was already July, and the Soviets had formed the First Panzer Army, commanded by Zhukov, with nearly 500 tanks, nearly 400 armored vehicles, nearly 500 guns and mortars, and more than 500 aircraft. Commander Zhukov was one of the more famous military generals of the Soviet Union during World War II, and showed good military ability in the subsequent Great Patriotic War.

After 1941, Stalin repeatedly asked the CCP to send troops to support, why did Chairman Mao politely refuse?

After the Soviet military responded, under the crushing force of absolute strength, the army composed of the Kwantung Army and the puppet Manchu army was quickly defeated, and this army was equipped with only the most basic combat equipment, and the largest unit was equipped with armored vehicles, which was vulnerable to the soviet steel torrent.

Finally, on August 20, the Soviets launched a counter-offensive with the Mongol army, and the Japanese army retreated one after another and retreated to the Nomonkan area. Under the strong attack of the Soviet army and the Mongolian army, on the 24th, the Soviet army surrounded the Japanese army in the Nomonkan area and launched a annihilation battle, and by the end of August, the Soviet and Mongolian forces ended the battle. In the end, the Soviet-Mongolian coalition suffered more than 18,000 casualties in this battle, while the Japanese suffered more than 40,000 casualties and nearly 20,000 prisoners.

The outbreak of the Soviet-German War

After the end of the Nomonkan War, the German army tore up the Soviet-German peace treaty in 1941 and brazenly launched a war against the Soviet Union, which was led by Gudrian, who was the best at blitzkrieg, and in just three months, the number of Soviet casualties and captured reached 665,000, and the blitzkrieg brought great damage to the Soviet army, resulting in a short period of time, the Soviet Union did not organize a more effective counteroffensive.

After 1941, Stalin repeatedly asked the CCP to send troops to support, why did Chairman Mao politely refuse?

According to the law of climate, the area near Moscow in the Soviet Union generally ushered in winter in October, and in the winter of 1941, the Soviet Union ushered in the first "autumn rain", which prevented Gudrian's army from advancing. During the winter, the Soviets successfully recovered themselves and, under the leadership of Timoshenger, launched their first counteroffensive in the spring of the following year.

Under Gudrian's leadership, the Soviet counteroffensive was encircled, and in the midst of the counteroffensive it was again violently attacked by the Germans, which not only failed to recover the lands that had fallen in the Soviet Union, but further depleted its own military strength.

At the most critical moment of the Soviet Union, the German army even approached the capital of the Soviet Union, Moscow, the Soviet Union was in danger, but due to Hitler's military command errors, the German army gave up attacking Moscow, but instead turned to attacking a city that was more "strategic" in Hitler's eyes, Stalingrad. Later, the German army did not succeed in capturing Stalingrad, and the defense of Stalingrad became one of the turning points in World War II.

After 1941, Stalin repeatedly asked the CCP to send troops to support, why did Chairman Mao politely refuse?

The Defense of Stalingrad coincided with the Soviet Far East

During the two years of the Stalingrad Defense, the Soviet Union exhausted all its strength to defend Stalingrad, and even supplemented some underage students into the Red Army. The stubborn resistance of the Soviet Union made the German army gradually retreat under the influence of the cold climate, and the Soviet Union showed a slight turnaround.

The Battle of Stalingrad was fought from 1942 to 1943, and the two years from the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union to the end of the Battle of Stalingrad were the most critical moments for the Soviet Union. At this time, the Soviet Union invested all its manpower, material and financial resources in the defense of Stalingrad, and had no time to pay attention to the Japanese army in the Far East.

Hitler began to realize that something was wrong when he saw that the battle for Stalingrad had not ended, so in 1942, Hitler called Japan and asked japan to send troops to Siberia. But there is an old Chinese saying called "once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of well rope", Japan after the Battle of Nomonkan, has a clear understanding of the Soviet Union's military strength. During the Stalingrad Defense War, the Japanese army faced the well-equipped Soviet Red Army, and no longer had the arrogance of the original clamor for "the destruction of China within three months", but instead became jealous of the Soviet army.

At that time, there were 700,000 Kwantung Army and puppet Manchu troops stationed in the northeast region, and if this Kwantung Army and puppet Manchu army had sent troops to Soviet Siberia at that time, the situation in World War II might have reversed again.

After 1941, Stalin repeatedly asked the CCP to send troops to support, why did Chairman Mao politely refuse?

Stalin, a military man, became jealous of the Japanese army in the Soviet Far East at the time, believing that if the Japanese army invaded Siberia, the Soviet Union might collapse like Poland. At that time, the Soviet Union did not have extra troops to send out the Far East to take precautions against the Japanese army, and in the case of helplessness, Stalin chose to ask the CCP for help at the same time.

The Soviet Union repeatedly asked the CCP for help

Stalin's first appeal to the Chinese Communists for help was in 1941, after the Battle of Nomenkan, some of the Japanese troops who were overwhelmed by militarism once again attacked the troops in the Soviet Far East, because the Soviet Union's front line in the Far East would be difficult to provide a complete supply line, so Stalin asked Chairman Mao for the first time, the specific content of the request was to ask the Chinese communist troops to destroy the railway traffic in the Rehe River and the Chahar area, and to carry out guerrilla warfare and involvement in the Japanese army near the Great Wall. Moreover, Zhukov's First Army, which had participated in the previous Battle of Nomonkan, was no longer stationed in the Far East of the Soviet Union at that time, and it was difficult to reassemble this steel torrent army, so Stalin sought the first assistance from the Chinese Communists.

At that time, the Chinese Communists were also in the quagmire of the War of Resistance Against Japan, and it was difficult to send extra troops to meet Stalin's assistance, and the army led by the Chinese Communists at that time was not equipped with relatively sophisticated equipment, and it was difficult to gain an advantage in the frontal battlefield against the Japanese army. Therefore, after careful consideration, the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party decided to send telegrams to the guerrillas in the Rehe and Chahar regions, and sent the task of destroying the transportation of the Japanese army, and this guerrilla group also successfully completed the task, weakening the offensive power of the Japanese army against the Soviet Union to a certain extent, and the war of the Japanese army attacking the Soviet Union finally ended with the defeat of the Japanese army.

After 1941, Stalin repeatedly asked the CCP to send troops to support, why did Chairman Mao politely refuse?

After the outbreak of the Soviet-German War, the Anhui Incident also broke out in China at the same time, and after the Anhui Southern Incident, tens of thousands of people of the New Fourth Army were ambushed by the Kuomintang and the Japanese puppet army and almost completely annihilated by the enemy. The military forces led by the Chinese Communists also suffered a relatively large blow as a result, and after the anhui incident, the contradictions between China were further intensified, and the Kuomintang originally wanted to use the aggression of the Japanese army to gradually reduce the military strength of the Communist army, but with the establishment of the base areas behind enemy lines and the practical application of guerrilla tactics, under the aggression of the Japanese army, the army led by the Chinese Communists not only did not suffer a blow, but gradually developed and grew.

After the Anhui Incident, the Kuomintang further squeezed the scope of the CCP's base areas and began to suppress the CCP, and at this time the CCP was also facing the same dilemma as the Soviet Union, with internal and external troubles. After the Battle of Stalingrad, the Soviet army was unable to mobilize forces to support the Far East, so it turned to the Chinese communist army to stop the Japanese army in the far east, and promised to give the Chinese army a certain amount of sophisticated equipment. However, at this time, the CCP was in a situation of internal and external troubles, and it was difficult to guarantee itself, so how to send extra troops to support the Soviet Red Army, Chairman Mao expressed his attitude of refusal, and this also made Stalin very angry.

So far, Stalin had sought assistance to the CCP six times in two time periods, of which the aid was quickly responded to in the first period, but after the outbreak of the Anhui Incident, the CCP did not respond to Stalin's remaining five aides, and Chairman Mao politely refused.

But fortunately, after experiencing two wars, the Japanese army at this time did not send troops to Siberia during the Stalingrad defense war, so that the rear of the Soviet army was guaranteed, and the Soviet army also mobilized all its forces in the Battle of Stalingrad, defeated the German army, and cooperated with the Allies to counterattack the German army in the subsequent Normandy landing battle, and finally captured the German Reichstag, and the fascist group with Hitler as the core was also destroyed.

After 1941, Stalin repeatedly asked the CCP to send troops to support, why did Chairman Mao politely refuse?

Analysis of Stalin's request for assistance from the CCP

Many historians have given their own analysis and answers to Stalin's request for assistance from the CCP before and after reading the analysis of many historians, and the author has summarized and connected the analysis of many historians.

The first is why the Japanese army did not launch an offensive against the Soviet Union at this time:

The first is that because the Japanese army suffered successive setbacks after the previous battles, especially in the Battle of Nomonkan, the Kwantung Army did not even have the opportunity to surrender under the steel torrent of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union's attitude towards the Japanese army was extremely tough, preferring to annihilate the Japanese army rather than accept the surrender of Japan, and the damage of the Japanese army in the Battle of Nomonkan reached 80%, which was one of the wars with a high rate of attrition in the battlefield of World War II.

The second is that if the Japanese army had sent out siberia at that time, its own supply line was difficult to meet, from northeast China to Siberia in the Soviet Union, the span was extremely long, and the Japanese army, like the German army, was not equipped with the same cold protection equipment as the Soviet army, once the war did not end in the period of April and October, the Japanese army was likely to lose due to climatic reasons.

Third, at that time, the Japanese army was deeply trapped in the Chinese battlefield, although the Japanese army compared to the Chinese communist army, its equipment is crushing, but the Eighth Route Army led by the Chinese communists to use guerrilla tactics can play the Japanese army around, while the Japanese army in the southwest of China and Southeast Asia have troops, the front line is too long will lead to the Japanese army is difficult to supply the army' supplies, but also because of multiple battlefields and be dragged down alive.

After 1941, Stalin repeatedly asked the CCP to send troops to support, why did Chairman Mao politely refuse?

Secondly, stalin asked the Chinese Communists for help, at that time the army led by the Kuomintang was superior to the communist army in both numbers and equipment, but after the Battle of Taiyuan and the Battle of Songhu, the nationalist army was greatly weakened, and after the fall of Nanjing, the Kuomintang moved the Nationalist government to Chongqing, and Chiang Kai-shek's elite concubine troops also retreated to the rear, and the Only Chinese army that could help at that time was the Chinese Communists' team, and Stalin was also a supporter of communism. Under these two effects, Stalin chose to turn to the CCP for help.

Finally, from the german side, Germany in the First World War, the level of industrialization was highly improved, and under the leadership of the Nazi Party, the people's lives have been "improved", many German people have been brainwashed by fascism, there is an inexplicable fanaticism for the war, under the equipment base and fascism brainwashing, Germany's aggressive ambitions are increasing day by day.

The first leader of the Soviet-German war was Gudrian and a series of famous German generals, whose unique military ability made the Soviet Union fall into an infinite war quagmire, the Soviet Union was difficult to withdraw from for a short time, and was defeated by the German army, if it were not for Hitler choosing to attack Stalingrad instead of attacking Moscow, the history of World War II might have changed, under this strong pressure, Stalin himself could not solve this problem, so he sought assistance from the CCP.

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