
8-pound newborn Fuwa? The old-fashioned cognition of the elderly is despised by doctors, and 8 pounds is not a good thing

Text/Mother Song said parenting (original article, welcome to reprint and share)

"The heavier the child is born, the more blessed it is"!

The mother who has given birth to a child must be no stranger to this kind of argument of the older generation. The arrival of such a "big event" as the newborn will naturally make the whole family nervous.

Unlike the excited pregnant mothers, the older generation has an extra layer of scrutiny of the pregnant women's stomachs that are about to be born: is the belly big or small? How many pounds does the child have?

In the eyes of the older generation, the matter of having a baby has a big "exquisite", not only the timing of birth should be correct, but even the weight of the newborn has become a "key indicator" for judging the auspiciousness.

But you know what? The cognition of the older generation is not necessarily correct.

8-pound newborn Fuwa? The old-fashioned cognition of the elderly is despised by doctors, and 8 pounds is not a good thing

8-pound newborn Fuwa? The old-fashioned cognition of the elderly is despised by doctors, and 8 pounds is not a good thing

Is newborn multiplicity healthy?

Nine times out of ten old people will tell you: the heavier the better! Like most elderly people, Xiao Li's mother-in-law also agrees with this concept.

As early as when Xiao Li was pregnant, her mother-in-law let her eat vigorously, completely disregarding her appetite, and said that she must let Xiao Li give birth to an 8-pound fat grandson.

When the mother-in-law spoke, Xiao Li naturally did not dare to disobey. On the day of delivery, Xiao Li, who had just woken up from the ward after giving birth, saw her mother-in-law with a cold face, and her heart giggled: "It is the weight of the child that has not passed!" ”

Sure enough, seeing that Xiao Li woke up, the mother-in-law's "machine gun" was lit on fire: "They all said that the 8-pound child is Fuwa, you eat well and drink well, why did you give birth to a 6-pound child?" ”

8-pound newborn Fuwa? The old-fashioned cognition of the elderly is despised by doctors, and 8 pounds is not a good thing

The mother-in-law's loud voice attracted people in the same ward to watch, and Xiao Li's face could not be hung up, and his eyes were red for a while. But before her husband could prepare to round the scene for her, the doctor who had heard the rumors opened his mouth: "Old woman, your concept has long been outdated!" In the past, nutrition could not keep up, everyone hoped that their children were fatter and better, and now the times have changed, and 5 or 6 pounds of children are the healthiest! ”

As soon as this remark came out, the mother-in-law's face looked a little better: "Really? Doctor, don't lie to me."

A family in the same ward also said at this time: "Yes old woman, you see our family, before the old man let the mother eat all the time, now it is a 9-pound doll, but full of disease, not blessed at all!" ”

Hearing everyone say this, the mother-in-law's mood obviously improved. At this time, the doctor no longer pressed his own contempt, and said: "Old woman, it is not easy for a daughter-in-law to have a child, you blindly pursue 8 pounds, but you know that 8 pounds is not a good thing?" ”

8-pound newborn Fuwa? The old-fashioned cognition of the elderly is despised by doctors, and 8 pounds is not a good thing

The heavier the newborn, the better? You have to know the dangers of these "gigantics"

Through the investigation of newborns, most children who weigh more than 6 kilograms will suffer from large and small diseases after birth. And those children who weigh up to 8 pounds or even 9 pounds are called "huge children", not only are they not "Fuwa", but they are also very easy to labor and hurt money.

The child is overweight and the mother is prone to heavy bleeding during childbirth

For women who give birth naturally, the overweight "giant baby" is a huge test.

In order to be able to give birth, the mother's uterus and vagina are under great pressure, and the risk of the fetus getting stuck in the stillbirth of the outlet.

Even if the delivery is smooth, the mother will not be too good. Problems such as uterine prolapse, heavy bleeding, and uterine rupture often occur.

8-pound newborn Fuwa? The old-fashioned cognition of the elderly is despised by doctors, and 8 pounds is not a good thing

Children are overweight and prone to congenital diseases or obesity

During pregnancy, the nutrition of the fetus is all provided by the pregnant mother, so even if the nutrition is "excessive", it is accepted as ordered, but when the fetus is born, it is likely that there will be a sudden weight loss under reasonable dietary control.

For adults, sudden weight loss is unbearable, let alone a child who is not born soon. According to statistics, among all newborns with congenital heart disease, macrosomia accounts for a considerable proportion.

The excessive supply of nutrients in the mother's abdomen will also make the fetus suffer from obesity before birth, such as hypertension, diabetes and other "old age diseases", making the child's childhood miserable.

8-pound newborn Fuwa? The old-fashioned cognition of the elderly is despised by doctors, and 8 pounds is not a good thing

Write at the end

For every pregnant mother, it is almost instinctive to want to give the best to the child. In order to keep their children healthy and healthy, many pregnant women will ignore their own pregnancy and force themselves to eat too much food, which is actually very one-sided.

In the case of ensuring the supply of nutrition, pregnant mothers should also exercise appropriately, pay attention to the nutritional collocation of food, adjust their work and rest rules, etc., so as to give birth to a healthy baby.

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