
In 1949, Wang Boxun revolted in Guizhou, who were the four main generals? Did you have a military rank after the founding of the Country?

In the later period of the Liberation War, many generals of the Nationalist army chose to revolt and join the PLA troops, and most of them received a good death after the founding of the people's republic, and even some of them were awarded military ranks. In 1949, the Kuomintang 19th Corps, under the leadership of deputy commander Wang Boxun, held an uprising in Pu'an and was formally incorporated into the People's Liberation Army, at which time the four main generals of the 19th Corps were Wang Boxun, the commander of the 49th Army, Wang Jingyuan, the commander of the 49th Army, Tan Benliang, the commander of the Appeasement District in southwest Qianxi, and Liu Heming, the commander of the Appeasement District in northwest Qianxi. So, did they ever get a military rank after the founding of the country?

In 1949, Wang Boxun revolted in Guizhou, who were the four main generals? Did you have a military rank after the founding of the Country?

The first is Wang Boxun, deputy commander of the corps. Wang Boxun was born in the Qian army, from a company commander all the way to the chief of staff of the division, and then the Qian army was infighting, which was disintegrated by Chiang Kai-shek, and the troops of the Qian army were also scattered and disrupted, and incorporated into the central army. The same was true of Wang Boxun, who was the chief of staff of the division in 1932 and basically stood still for the next ten years, until 1942, when he reluctantly mixed with the position of commander of the 82nd Division. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Chiang Kai-shek had no generals to use, Wang Boxun was promoted to deputy commander of the corps, and then led the uprising in December 1949, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as the director of the Guizhou Provincial Department of Communications and the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, etc. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he died of illness in 1983 at the age of 84.

In 1949, Wang Boxun revolted in Guizhou, who were the four main generals? Did you have a military rank after the founding of the Country?

This was followed by Wang Jingyuan, commander of the 49th Army. Wang Jingyuan was also from the Qian Army, and served as a platoon leader, battalion commander, and deputy regiment commander in the Qian Army. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Wang Jingyuan led his troops to the anti-Japanese front, participated in the Battle of Wuhan, and was later promoted to deputy commander of the 82nd Division, and by the eve of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he was already the commander of the 85th Division. However, after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Wang Jingyuan was relieved of his military powers and transferred to the Ministry of National Defense as a member of the Ministry of National Defense, and later Chiang Kai-shek simply made him the chairman of the transportation company. It is really regrettable that a battle-hardened general has fallen to this point. In 1949, Chiang Kai-shek thought of him, promoted him to deputy commander of the 49th Army, and soon after was promoted to commander, and later led the uprising, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as a member of the Guizhou Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. In 1955, he was awarded the title, because Wang Jingyuan was no longer in the army system, so he did not participate in the evaluation. In 1989, Wang Jingyuan died of illness at the age of 79.

In 1949, Wang Boxun revolted in Guizhou, who were the four main generals? Did you have a military rank after the founding of the Country?

Then there was Tan Benliang, commander of the Appeasement District in southwest Qianxi. Tan Benliang graduated from the Yunnan DaowuTang, and after graduation, he served as a probationary platoon leader in the Qian Army, and performed well in the Northern Expedition War, and was promoted to the leader of the 9th Regiment. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Tan Benliang was recommended to the Army University for further study, and after graduation, he was arranged to serve as the deputy division commander of the 85th Division of the "Iron Army", and led his troops to engage the Japanese army many times, making great achievements in battle. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Tan Benliang served as the commander of the 85th Division, and he was unwilling to fight a civil war, so he took the initiative to contact the Chinese Communists and refused to participate in the Battle of Huaihai. In 1949, Tan Benliang managed to control the main military forces in Guizhou, and after his coordination, the remnants of the 19th Corps revolted. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Tan Benliang transferred to local work, so he did not participate in the appraisal, and in 1965, Tan Benliang died of illness at the age of 68.

In 1949, Wang Boxun revolted in Guizhou, who were the four main generals? Did you have a military rank after the founding of the Country?

Finally, Liu Heming, commander of the Appeasement District in northwestern Qianxi. Liu Heming, a native of Dushan, Guizhou, served as the deputy regimental commander of the 58th Regiment in 1930, was promoted to the commander of the 6th Regiment shortly after, and later participated in the "encirclement and suppression" of the Red Army troops. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Liu Heming served as the director of the security department of the Guizhou Provincial Government, and during the Liberation War, he served as the commander of the 271st Division and the commander of the Appeasement District in northwest Qianxi, and later led his troops in the Pu'an uprising. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Heming successively served as deputy commander of the Bijie Military Subdistrict and director of the Agricultural Department of Guizhou Province, etc., and was awarded the rank in 1955, but because he was no longer in the army system, he was also not awarded a military rank. In 1978, Liu Heming died of illness at the age of 79.

It can be seen from here that these four rebel generals were all reused after the founding of the country, and basically all received a good death.

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