
Have you achieved all those flags?

Have you achieved all those flags?

Later Tang Tongguang's second year Jia Shen year (924) has a calendar date

Have you achieved all those flags?

Yuelu Academy Tibetan Qin Shi Huang Thirty-five Years (212 BC) Bamboo Jane "Quality Day"

Have you achieved all those flags?

Cao Cao

Have you achieved all those flags?

Liu Xiu

Have you achieved all those flags?

Yu Qian The new year is coming, in addition to being busy writing the year-end summary and calculating how to spend the year-end bonus, the most exciting thing is to set up a flag (goal), after all, this means that the new year full of expectations is about to start! However, at the moment when you send the circle of friends or Weibo, do you feel that this moment is somewhat familiar, as if last year also set up a flag... That's it, don't mention it! Flag this kind of thing, there is a realization of the "punch in the face", the ancients are the same!

Where the flags of the ancients stood

As early as more than a decade ago, the creative calendar represented by the "Forbidden City Calendar" "turned out", and various publishers seemed to smell a huge business opportunity and followed the trend, so calendar book products with various forms of content were listed. Especially in the first month or two of the year, as long as you open some applications, your phone is almost "dominated" by various calendar books! Most literary and artistic young people will choose a theme calendar book, and then write down their flags on the calendar, thinking that this act is very "ancient".

Hearing the words "ancient early", I am afraid that the ancients living in the Qin and Han Dynasties will laugh out loud: Where are you? But we wrote the flag on the bamboo stick!

Yes, dynasties in ancient times issued calendars every year to the regions they ruled and to the surrounding ethnic regimes that identified with dynastic rule, declaring the Shogunate, that is, promulgating calendar days (almanacs). "Zheng" represents the beginning of the year, while "Shuo" refers to the beginning of January, and determining that Zhengshuo is the basic content of the promulgation of the calendar.

During the Qin and Han dynasties, printing had not yet been invented, so the early almanac was written on bamboo, in the words of our modern people, "pure hand customization". Since it is purely hand-customized, it is unlikely to be completely unified, so the almanacs on this type of bamboo have different names, such as "Day Book", "Calendar Day", "Calendar Spectrum" and "Quality Day". No matter what it is called, the almanac was a luxury in ancient times, extremely valuable, and usually only officials could have it, so if the ancients of this period wanted to make a flag on the almanac, they had to go to the civil service examination first.

When these ancient officials had almanacs, their flags looked routine, such as recording official activities, travel records, and some private activities. Some people here do not understand: this ancient person is really arrogant, attend official activities, or go to a place to do business, can also be called a flag? You know, the ancient officialdom is not easy to mix, travel traffic is not convenient, go out to participate in an activity, we now fly for an hour, people can go on ten days and a half months, is not it more difficult than you set a small goal of tourism to complete?

In Yuelu Academy, there is a copy of the almanac of the thirty-fifth year of Qin Shi Huang (212 BC), which records a travel record of the owner of this almanac, who traveled from Nan County to Xianyang, and this record also mentions many place names at that time.

In the Tang and Song dynasties, paper was invented, engraving printing, movable type printing technology also approached maturity, the ancients gave up bamboo jane, the almanac directly copied or printed on paper. At this time, if the ancients wanted to set up a flag, it was not based on a momentary ambition, and there was a lot of information in the almanac for their reference.

For example, in the Dunhuang scrolls, there is a specific calendar date of the second year of the Later Tang Dynasty (924 AD). The content of this almanac is quite rich, with the Nian Jiu Gong Diagram, the Nian Shen Orientation, the Tui Qiyao Zhi Using The Nichi Ji Ji Notes and the Miscellaneous Taboo Notes, as well as illustrations, namely the "Ge Xian Gong Li Beidou Method" and the "ShenSheng Ren Monkey Xiang Ben Feng Yuan Shen". In addition, the almanac records dates, branches, strings (i.e., the moon phases of the moon), solar terms, phenology, and day and night time. This means that the ancients of this period can first calculate whether the flag will be realized after the flag is established.

After the Song Dynasty, almanacs gradually began to spread among the people, and more and more ancients could set flags on almanacs. By the Ming and Qing dynasties, the printing volume of almanacs reached hundreds of thousands of copies, or even millions, and the ancients changed from several families sharing an almanac to owning one. However, the price of the almanac was still very expensive, because its printing and sales had always been monopolized by the government, and it was also one of the important sources of income for the imperial court.

When the flag is not realized, it can be called a large "social death" scene

After the ancients had the almanac, they determined the zhengshuo, and they should also understand a truth: flags, such things, if there is realization, there will be "punching the face".

After the flag of modern people falls, they often delete the Weibo or circle of friends that they have sent with one click, which is more miserable for the ancients. Especially a little bit of status, or a little bit of fame of the big coffee, they set up a flag, may not remember, but there is always someone to help them remember. The moment every flag falls, it is the scene of the large-scale "social death" of the ancients, and once the "social death", it is thousands of years, which shows that the memory of the Internet is not as profound as the historical materials.

The most domineering person in history is Qin Shi Huang. After qin shi huang annexed the six kingdoms and unified China, he thought that he was "the third emperor of virtue and the five emperors of gonggai", so he gave himself a domineering title of "emperor". One day, Qin Shi Huang opened his heart to the people of the world on impulse, and he made a flag: "Become the first emperor, the future generations are counted, and the second and third generations are infinitely passed on to all generations." Perhaps from that moment on, it was doomed, and the flag that was erected always carried some ominous premonitions, and as a result, in 207 BC, the Qin Dynasty II died.

However, Qin Shi Huang did not need to be shy, he was only punched in the face once. In history, there was a person who, at the same time, set up three flags in a row, and then was "punched in the face" three times by Cao Cao.

It is said that when Cao Cao Chibi was defeated and retreated from Wulin, he saw the trees and the mountains and rivers were steep, and he did not know which nerve the scene in front of him stimulated, and he suddenly laughed on the horse: "Oh roar, Zhou Yu has no plan!" Zhuge Liang Shaozhi! If I were to use troops, then I would have ambushed an army here in advance..." Cao Cao's laughter did not fall, the drums on both sides rang out, and the flames rose from the sky, frightening Cao Cao to almost fall off his horse. It turned out that Zhao Yun led the men and horses to kill, but thanks to Xu Huang and Zhang Gao, who were both enemies of Zhao Yun, Cao Cao burst into flames and fled. Zhao Yun did not come to catch up, only to grab the flag, Cao Cao was able to escape from danger.

It is reasonable to say that after the average person falls, he must be honest for at least a while, but Cao Cao is not an ordinary person. When his brigade of men and horses braved the rain to reach the hulukou of the Southern Yiling Tomb, everyone should dry their clothes and dry their clothes, and they should cook rice and cook, and as a result, Cao Cao began to laugh on his back again as if he had been ordered to laugh at the time: "I laugh at Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu after all, they lack wisdom." If I use soldiers..." Cao Cao just briefly delivered his speech on the use of soldiers, planning to set up a flag that would lead to defeat, and as a result, he laughed out of Zhang Yide! When the two armies were fighting, Cao Cao could only escape on horseback.

At the intersection of Huarong Road, Cao Cao believed that several smoky trails were Zhuge Liang's suspicious tactics, preferring to take mountain paths with cooking smoke, and also asked his remnants to be defeated on the bumpy and muddy road. It is estimated that the soldiers will silently pray in their hearts: "It doesn't matter if the road is difficult, just beg you not to laugh..."

Who knows, Cao Cao's timed laughter hole automatically opened again, and he made a third flag: "Everyone says that Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang are resourceful, and in my opinion, they are all incompetent people." If I use soldiers..." I'm sorry, but then I laughed out of a guan yunchang. Cao Cao had no ability to resist, so he had to play the emotional card, grabbed Guan Yunchang and told them about their friendship, and begged him to open up. Guan Yunchang was a kind person, so he let Cao Cao leave.

Although this plot appeared in the literary work "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", it was widely circulated and the world thought it was true. It is estimated that Luo Guanzhong, who wrote the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, was the "Terrier King". In addition to Cao Cao, there are Also Wei Yan "Who Dares to Kill Me", Han Fu "I have the general Pan Feng, but I can behead Huaxiong", and Wang Lang "only needs a seat to discipline Zhuge Liang to surrender"... Perhaps "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" should also have a nickname, just called "On the Large-scale "Social Death" Scene of Heroes".

Flags should be established, in case they are realized

The most famous and well-established flag in history must be the sentence of Liu Xiu, the founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, "Shi eunuchs should be treated as jinwu, and wives should be yin lihua." Liu Xiu's sentence contains two flags, the former is a career, and the latter is love.

Let's first look at Liu Xiu's flag in his career, he said that "the eunuch is regarded as the king of the king", many people will wonder, how big is this "king of the law"? Originally an official defending the capital in ancient times, he was renamed by a lieutenant in 104 BC. During the Western Han Dynasty, JinWu had great power, undertaking tasks such as patrolling the capital, prohibiting violence, supervising adultery, and taking charge of the Northern Army, and guarding the palace with the Southern Army.

Many people will take out Liu Xiu's words alone, thinking that the ceiling of Liu Xiu's career in his heart is Zhi Jinwu, but in fact, it is not, Liu Xiu's ambition in his heart can be great. This sentence of his is from the Book of the Later Han Dynasty, and it is reported that after Liu Xiu arrived in Chang'an, he "saw that the Jinwu chariot was very prosperous", so he issued this sentiment. What he valued was not the official position of Jingo, but the grand pomp and circumstance when Jingo went out to work.

After this flag was established, In order to be able to hold the flag forever, Liu Xiu first followed his brother Liu Xiu to raise an army in Nanyang during the great chaos in the world, known as the "Lingling Army", and defeated Wang Mang's army in the Battle of Kunyang. When Liu Ji was beheaded, Liu Xiu broke with Emperor Gengshi and later established the Eastern Han Dynasty, with the capital at Luoyang. After twelve years of unification war in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Liu Xiuli tried his best to govern, and the Eastern Han Dynasty gradually formed a situation of social stability, economic recovery, and population growth.

It can be seen from this that the first half of Liu Xiu's flag was not only standing, but also exceeded the quota, and the former Longing for Jin wu was under his control, and the second half of the flag of "Marrying a wife and being Yin Lihua" was already standing when he had not yet made a trace. This flag about love, Liu Xiu can hold on is really not easy, his marriage to Yin Lihua experienced war and political struggle, during which he did not see for several years, Yin Lihua was even ready to leave the funeral, fortunately, after Liu Xiu entered Luoyang, he took her to his side. There is not much ink in the history books to record this romantic marriage, but there is a detail enough to prove that Liu Xiu and Yin Lihua have a deep relationship.

It is reported that ten years after Yin Lihua's death, Liu Zhuang (Liu Xiu, the son of Yin Lihua), who was close to the year of destiny, actually dreamed of the happy and happy scene of his parents before they were born, thinking that he had returned to the days when he was with his parents when he was young, and he woke up happily from the dream, only to find that it was just a dream, and he was so sad that he could not sleep. From the side of this historical material, it can be seen that after Liu Xiu married Yin Lihua, the flag he originally set up not only stood up, but also operated with heart, and Liu Xiu is worthy of being a quite flag expert.

In addition to Liu Xiu, Yu Qian of the Ming Dynasty was also a very flaccid expert. It is said that when he was very young, he often heard people tell the story of Wen Tianxiang, so he decided to make Wen Tianxiang an idol for life, and set an ambition: "I want to be like Wen Tianxiang!" Yu Qian also hung Wen Tianxiang's portrait in front of his desk to motivate himself.

Since then, Yu Qian has really always put this flag in his heart. For example, one day when he saw someone else's family building a house and transporting a lot of lime, Yu Qian wrote a poem entitled "Lime Yin", which has a famous sentence throughout the ages: "I am not afraid of shattering my bones, but I want to leave my innocence in the human world." At this stage of Yu Qian, his flag is still only in the stage of being alone, he said that he is willing to endure the experience of thousands of hammers and fires like lime, even if he is crushed to pieces, he is not afraid, as long as he can leave his name in history.

After a while, Yu Qian's flag was sublimated, he burned coal at home for heating, and when he saw the coal burning in the furnace, he wrote a poem "Yong Coal": "Chiseling the chaos to get the Ugin, hiding the yang and the deepest meaning." The fire burned back into the spring, and the flood furnace shone through the night. Ding Yiyuan relied on the generative force, and the iron stone still had the heart after death. I hope that the heavens will be full of warmth and will not hesitate to go out of the mountains and forests. This time, Yu Qian's flag changed from being alone to helping the world, and he was willing to give all his strength, even his life, for the sake of the world' life.

This flag has been standing for decades, when Yu Qian embarked on a career path, for the sake of official integrity, he never forgot the oath he made when he was young, he defended the Beijing Division, eradicated the traitorous party, and assisted the Chao Gang... He eventually gave his life.

In fact, it doesn't matter where the flag stands, whether it stands or "dies", because the flag is the beginning of hope. When we pick up our mobile phones and prepare to make a flag for the New Year, remember that "meritorious and ambitious, extensive and diligent", after making up our minds, we must also be determined.

Text and photo/Jinling Xiaodai

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