
Good things| according to convention, it is a new day on the 2022 calendar

In the blink of an eye, 2021 has begun to come to an end.

One thing you have to do for the new year is pick a calendar you like and use it to start a great 2022. Mars has a selection of some good-looking, fun, and meaningful 2022 New Year calendars to take home.


Forbidden City Calendar 2022

Good things| according to convention, it is a new day on the 2022 calendar

Although the calendar market is now dazzling, the Forbidden City Calendar has always been a representative of the ceiling level of the calendar session, which has both appearance and connotation. In 2022, the new revision of the "Forbidden City Calendar" has made great innovations in design and technology, not only adding a double anti-counterfeiting function, but also introducing AR technology for the first time to make cultural relics really "alive".

Good things| according to convention, it is a new day on the 2022 calendar
Good things| according to convention, it is a new day on the 2022 calendar

The 2022 "Forbidden City Calendar" with the theme of "Jihu Welcomes the New Year, Mountains and Rivers Celebrate Shengping", different from the small red brick cover of previous years, this time the Forbidden City calendar has added a protective cover, the outside is the cover, the inside is the 2022 annual calendar, the cover is inspired by the Palace Museum collection "Qing Dynasty Red Sand Embroidered Cloud Pattern Flying Tiger Flag".

Good things| according to convention, it is a new day on the 2022 calendar

This edition of the Forbidden City calendar can be said to be the first book to comprehensively introduce the story of the Tiger relics of the Chinese Zodiac and its related knowledge. Among the more than 1.86 million pieces (sets) of the Palace Museum's collection, a total of 151 cultural relics related to tigers are selected, involving 20 categories such as paintings, bronzes, gold and silverware, sculptures, and jade tools, showing the mighty and courageous tiger and implying the image of auspicious peace. You can learn a little bit about tigers every day, for example: What is the meaning of tigers on ancient tiles? Why can tigers ward off evil spirits and so on.

Good things| according to convention, it is a new day on the 2022 calendar

Using a larger 32-folio than in previous years, it can be fully expanded, the writing area is larger, and you can write as much as you want, which is convenient for daily inspiration records, making it both practical and aesthetic.

Good things| according to convention, it is a new day on the 2022 calendar

Another big selling point of the Year of the Tiger calendar is the introduction of AR technology for the first time, just scan the 12 two-dimensional codes with AR logos in the book, you can experience the new visual experience brought by the cultural relics collection, just like visiting the Forbidden City site to appreciate the cultural relics up close.


Dunhuang Calendar 2022

Good things| according to convention, it is a new day on the 2022 calendar

If you have not been to Dunhuang and have not seen the Mogao Grottoes, then this "Dunhuang Calendar 2022" may be able to make up for the small regrets in your heart, through the form of words and pictures, feel the moving beauty of the millennium Dunhuang in advance.

Good things| according to convention, it is a new day on the 2022 calendar

The Dunhuang Academy of Fine Arts carefully selected 365 Dunhuang murals, which have undergone years of restoration and copying, to create a 365-day non-stop immersive art exhibition, covering a comprehensive range of story paintings, portrait paintings, warp paintings, landscape paintings, Fujii pattern paintings, etc.

Good things| according to convention, it is a new day on the 2022 calendar
Good things| according to convention, it is a new day on the 2022 calendar

Open the calendar, on the left is the Dunhuang murals or dunhuang-related paintings, the right is the date and blank, each painting is accompanied by text interpretation, from the historical background, painting content, artistic characteristics, appreciation methods and other aspects of the cut, each page is full of dry goods. The opening chapter, January 1, 2022, is one of the representatives of Dunhuang art, the nine-colored sacred deer, giving readers the most beautiful New Year wishes, reflecting the meaning of auspiciousness, longevity and health.


3D Paper Sculpture Earth Calendar 2022

Good things| according to convention, it is a new day on the 2022 calendar

The new "3D Paper Sculpture Earth Calendar" from PaperWill sold very well and became popular all over the Internet as soon as it was launched.

Good things| according to convention, it is a new day on the 2022 calendar

The overall look is unremarkable, but in fact, it is hidden, using microscopic carving technology, 360° fine restoration of the earth's landform, island and country position. Tearing up a page every day will gradually make every corner of the earth appear, and after a year you will have a complete 3D paper carved model of the earth.

Good things| according to convention, it is a new day on the 2022 calendar

The dates and festivals on each calendar are hollowed out and can be used as sticky notes when torn off. There are five colors to choose from: Chinese red, earth blue, sweet orange, eco-friendly green and geohone. The calendar also comes with a transparent protective cover that protects the 3D globe and uses it as an ornament, perfect for placement at home or at work.


Douban Movie Calendar 2022

Good things| according to convention, it is a new day on the 2022 calendar

The 2022 Douban Movie Calendar continues the style of previous years, allowing everyone to have a list of movies to watch for the whole year by recommending a Douban high-scoring movie every day with classic pictures and lines. Among them, there are classics that occupy the TOP250 list for many years, and there are also relatively unpopular but high-quality niche films.

Good things| according to convention, it is a new day on the 2022 calendar

The calendar contains 335 stills of genuine licensed films and TV series, including 65 full-length posters, presenting the visual impact of the big screen between inches. In addition, there are 30 hand-drawn illustrations that interpret the classics of film history from a variety of perspectives.

Good things| according to convention, it is a new day on the 2022 calendar
Good things| according to convention, it is a new day on the 2022 calendar

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