
Children often wear this kind of clothing, easy to suffer from "leukemia", many parents are still buying a non-stop

It is good to prepare new clothes for children, but parents should keep an eye on it, because there are many children's clothing on the market that are not qualified, children often wear this kind of clothing, easy to suffer from "leukemia", many parents are still buying for their children.

Children often wear this kind of clothing, easy to suffer from "leukemia", many parents are still buying a non-stop

"Smile and laugh, your mother bought you clothes to wear for the New Year, do you like it?" Xiao Xiao's mother just returned home and excitedly showed the clothes she bought to her daughter.

As soon as the clothes were taken out, there was a pungent smell, and the frown of the smiling father frowned.

"Didn't I tell you not to buy this kind of clothes for your daughter again?"

"You know what! Smile and smile, come over and try it out, let your mother see if it looks good. ”

Children often wear this kind of clothing, easy to suffer from "leukemia", many parents are still buying a non-stop

"Try what to try!" XiaoXiao's father snatched the clothes in Xiaoxiao's mother's hand and showed Xiaoxiao's mother the things he had just found out: "The clothes you buy cheaply will cause harm to the child!" ”

Smile Dad's approach is right, the smell of clothes is generally the manufacturer in the production process put in excess of chemicals, resulting in such clothes quality is not qualified, in order to recover the cost, manufacturers can only "discount promotion".

Wearing such clothes on children will reduce children's immunity and affect children's health.

Children often wear this kind of clothing, easy to suffer from "leukemia", many parents are still buying a non-stop

What kinds of clothes do children often wear, and are prone to "leukemia"?

The color is too bright and the smell is strong

The child's skin is white and tender, and he looks good in brightly colored clothes. Especially during the New Year, parents especially like to buy some big red clothes for their children, thinking that during the New Year, their children are dressed festively, and they also have face when they go out to visit relatives and friends.

But many parents do not know that this kind of colorful clothes are often not of up to standard quality, and some even emit a very pungent smell. Many parents do not take the irritating smell on their clothes seriously, thinking that as long as they go home and wash it, there is no problem, but this is the smell emitted by chemicals, and parents wash away only the smell, not those harmful substances.

Children often wear this kind of clothing, easy to suffer from "leukemia", many parents are still buying a non-stop


For the sake of family economic considerations, parents like to shop around when buying things, and buying clothes is no exception. Some parents believe that the child is in the stage of growing a body, and the clothes worn last year are small this year, so the child's clothes do not need to be too expensive.

But what parents don't know is that cheap clothes may be the "three no products" produced by unscrupulous manufacturers, and the clothes are not guaranteed from the material to the production, and no one knows whether the clothes will have an indelible impact on the health of the child.

Children often wear this kind of clothing, easy to suffer from "leukemia", many parents are still buying a non-stop

Bells and whistles

Parents like to dress up their children beautifully, keep up with the trend, and wear clothes that are also fancy, with many sequins or pearls and other embellishments.

This starting point of parents is not wrong, but this kind of clothing with many decorations, bells and whistles, often have many chemicals, and some manufacturers will even put toxic substances in the production process for aesthetics, which has a great impact on the health of children.

The choice of children's clothes is very important, especially when choosing some intimate clothing. Data from the Quality Inspection Bureau in many places show that there are many children's clothes on the market that are not qualified, and such clothes are best not to be worn by children, it is easy to get "leukemia", many parents do not know, but also buy children non-stop.

Children often wear this kind of clothing, easy to suffer from "leukemia", many parents are still buying a non-stop

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