
How to view Zhuge Liang's abandonment of the "Three Eastern Counties" also means to put Meng Da to death

Incident on the River (Xianzhu Shenfu)

The mountains are high and the moon is small and the waters are winding, and the broken shore is lonely at night.

The hero of the Three Kingdoms who is restored, the bow of the ship smoke wave sits on the whistle.

How to view Zhuge Liang's abandonment of the "Three Eastern Counties" also means to put Meng Da to death

From the first year of Wei Taihe to the second year of Taihe (i.e. 228 AD), there was a rebellion within Cao Wei. Meng Da, who rebelled against Liu Bei, once again surrendered to Shu Han. However, due to the haste of the incident and insufficient preparations, it was calmed by Sima Yi in just twenty-four days, allowing Sima Yi to brush up on a wave of experience. One of the main reasons for Meng Da's rebellion was Zhuge Liang's solicitation, and zhuge liang then leaked this secret to Cao Wei. There has always been a view that Zhuge Liang must put Meng Da to death at the cost of the "Three Eastern Counties". The following xiaobian will talk about this matter and express some shallow ideas about this statement.

How to view Zhuge Liang's abandonment of the "Three Eastern Counties" also means to put Meng Da to death

Meng Da's surrender and rebellion, rebellion and surrender

In the eyes of many people, Meng Da is a capricious person. He had betrayed the Lord three times. Earlier, Meng Da had taken refuge in Yizhou from Right Fufeng and belonged to Liu Zhang's subordinates. Zhang Song and Fa Zheng betrayed Liu Zhang and invited Liu Bei to enter Sichuan, and Meng Da also participated in this plan, which was the first time to betray the lord; after the "Battle of Hanzhong", Liu Bei sent Meng Da to capture Fangling and Shangyong. In addition, Liu Bei sent Liu Feng to Shangyong to control Meng Da. Liu Feng and Meng Da did not deal with each other, and when Guan Yu launched the "Battle of Xiangfan", Liu Feng and Meng Da did not send troops in time to respond. Meng Da was both frightened and dissatisfied, so he surrendered to Cao Wei. This was the second betrayal of the Lord; later, the Cao Wei people, who had a relatively good relationship with Meng Da, including the Wei Emperor Cao Pi, died one after another, and Meng Da felt uneasy, and Zhuge Liang and Li Yan simultaneously wooed Meng Da. So Meng Da planned to submit to Shu Han. As a result, this time, Sima Yi quickly eliminated Meng Da with the method of soldiers and soldiers. It ended Meng Da's repeated jumps in various regimes.

How to view Zhuge Liang's abandonment of the "Three Eastern Counties" also means to put Meng Da to death

Zhuge Liang, Meng Da, and Sima Yi were intertwined

How to view Zhuge Liang's abandonment of the "Three Eastern Counties" also means to put Meng Da to death

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Shushu, Fei Shi Biography": "Liang wanted to seduce Da as foreign aid, but he even talked to Da Shu... Dade Liangshu, counting the traffic, and rebelling against Wei. ”

Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Book of Shu, Biography of Li Yan: "The Book of Yan and Meng Da... Liang is also known as Dashu. ”

Li Hong's surrender to Shu Han was in the third year of Jianxing (i.e., 225 AD), during Zhuge Liang's southern expedition. At this time, Zhuge Liang had the idea of wooing Meng Da, and Meng Da really betrayed Cao Wei, and Sima Yi quickly sent troops to quell the rebellion from December of the first year of Taihe to January of the second year of Taihe (that is, 228 AD). This process lasted a long time. Zhuge Liang's patience was limited, and at that time, Shu Han was actively preparing for the Northern Expedition, and needed Meng Da to share the pressure for himself and contain Cao Wei's troops. So Zhuge Liang sent a man named Guo Mo to surrender and leak the news of Meng Da's imminent rebellion to Cao Wei, so as to promote Meng Da's real rebellion.

"Jin Shu XuanDi Ji": "Liang wanted to promote his affairs, but he sent Guo Mo to surrender fraudulently, and passed the yi, because he leaked his plot." ”

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Book of Shu, And Biography of Zhuge Liang": "For five years, he led the armies to garrison Hanzhong in the north. ”

How to view Zhuge Liang's abandonment of the "Three Eastern Counties" also means to put Meng Da to death

Meng Da once gave Zhuge Liang Yujue, Weaving, Barrier Khan, Su Hexiang and other items. Guo Mo told Wei Xingtai shou Shenyi that the meanings behind these gifts were "conspiracy has been decided", "conspiracy has been accomplished", and "things have been agreed". Shen Yi was a Cao Wei person, and she was at odds with Meng Da, so of course she poked this matter out. In this way, Meng Da had to fight back. At this time, Sima Yi was in charge of the military forces of Jingzhou and Yuzhou, and garrisoned at Wancheng. He first wrote to Meng Datong, saying that he did not believe Guo Mo's words, appeasing Meng Da's emotions, and at the same time immediately sent troops to Xincheng County, where Meng Da was located. Sima Yi went to Shangyong in eight days, and attacked Shangyong in sixteen days and killed Meng Da. Zhuge Liang's hope of recovering the "Three Eastern Counties" was thus shattered.

How to view Zhuge Liang's abandonment of the "Three Eastern Counties" also means to put Meng Da to death

Zhuge Liang abandoned the saying that the "Three Counties of the East" had killed Meng Da

Efforts to woo Meng Da were undoubtedly unsuccessful. However, there has long been a saying that Meng Da was deliberately killed by Zhuge Liang with the help of Sima Yi's power. This kind of "conspiracy theory" is very marketable, and its shadow can also be found in the historical data. The following small editor will paste a little historical material.

"Book of Jin and Emperor Xuan": "Shu Xiang Zhuge Liang hated his repeated repetitions, and worried about his troubles. ”

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Shushu, Fei Shi Biography": "Liang also has a heart of no money and sincerity, so he does not rescue him." ”

Zhuge Liang's "worry about his troubles" seems to be disgusted and jealous of Meng Da. Zhuge Liang first poked out the news of Meng Da's betrayal, and then did not lend a strong hand. I have to say that Zhuge Liang is indeed suspected of killing people with a knife.

How to view Zhuge Liang's abandonment of the "Three Eastern Counties" also means to put Meng Da to death

Another thing, when Meng Da attacked Fang Ling, he killed Fang Ling Tai Shou Pu Qi. According to the "Xiangyang Chronicle", this Pu Qi was Zhuge Liang's brother-in-law. This shows that between Zhuge Liang and Meng Da, at least once, there was a personal grudge.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Shushu, Liu Feng's Biography": "Feng Da returned from Zi to the north to attack Fang Ling, and Fang Ling tai shou Pu Qi was killed by Da Bing. ”

"Xiangyang Chronicle": "Qin Congzu's wife, that is, Zhuge Kongming's eldest sister." ”

There are also people who have penetrated this matter into the level of the Shu Han factional struggle. Zhuge Liang belonged to the Jingzhou faction, and he had contradictions with Li Yan of the Dongzhou faction. Meng Da, like Li Yan, was also a member of the Dongzhou faction in the Yizhou regime. If Meng Da and Li Yan joined forces, it would have a certain impact on Zhuge Liang's authority. So Zhuge Liang borrowed a knife to kill people, killed Meng Da in advance, and snuffed out this possibility.

How to view Zhuge Liang's abandonment of the "Three Eastern Counties" also means to put Meng Da to death

My personal opinion on this

Although the above seems to confirm Zhuge Liang's behavior of harming Meng Da, Xiaobian believes that meng Da's downfall was not Zhuge Liang's intention. The first is Zhuge Liang's statement that "evil is repeated, and he is worried about his troubles." From the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Shushu, And Fei's Poetry Biography", it can be clearly seen that it was Meng Da who showed trust and respect for Zhuge Liang, and after zhuge liang learned of this situation, Zhuge Liang raised the idea of wooing Meng Da. That is to say, Zhuge Liang's motivation for communicating with Meng Da at first must have been positive. And this traffic process takes more than two years. If Zhuge Liang really "hated him repeatedly and worried about his troubles", he could not write a letter to Meng Da at the beginning. Why spend more than two years of effort, just hoping that Sima Yi would kill Meng Da and cause Cao Wei to strengthen his control over Xincheng County?

How to view Zhuge Liang's abandonment of the "Three Eastern Counties" also means to put Meng Da to death

In addition, Zhuge Liang did not rescue Meng Da, but his strength was not enough, and he was blocked by Sima Yi. Moreover, judging from the letters of the two, Zhuge Liang seems to have urged Meng Da to prepare. This is speculated from the contents of Meng Da's letters, and no exact evidence has been found, but there is a strong possibility.

The Book of Jin and the Chronicle of Emperor Xuan: "Wu Shu sent him to the western cities of Anqiao and Mu Qisai to save him, and the emperor divided the generals between them." ”

The Book of Jin and the Chronicle of Emperor Xuan: "In the beginning, Da and Liang Shu said: 'Wan go to Luo eight hundred miles, go to wu one thousand two hundred miles, smell my deeds, be the son of heaven on the table, than the opposite, in January, then my city has been consolidated, and the armies are fully organized.'" Then where I am in danger, Sima Gong will not come from himself; in the future, I will have no trouble. ’”

At the level of factional struggle, Xiaobian also does not agree with this statement. I personally believe that there are factions that are linked by regions and localities, but the definition of such factions is vague. In addition to the region, it is also necessary to consider the individual moral standards, personality preferences, emotional personal relations, aspirations and so on. Moreover, even if there was a factional struggle in the Shu Han Dynasty, its intensity was far less intense than that of Cao Wei and Eastern Wu. The threat of so-called factional struggle was simply unable to withstand the loss of the "Three Eastern Counties".

How to view Zhuge Liang's abandonment of the "Three Eastern Counties" also means to put Meng Da to death

The "Three Counties of the East" are the three counties of Fangling, Shangyong and Xicheng, between the Hanzhong Plain and Xiangyang. As we all know, after losing Jingzhou, "Longzhong Pair" has gone bankrupt. Shu Han wanted to carry out the Northern Expedition, and the only way to cross the Qin Mountains was to attack Guanzhong, or to take the Long Right first. This caused great difficulties for the logistics of Shu Han, and it was difficult to contain Cao Wei's troops, and it could only be completed by Relying on Eastern Wu. After the "Eastern Three Counties" (Meng Da was no longer called "Eastern Three Counties" at the time of the rebellion, it should be Weixing County and Xincheng County) was included in the Shu Han, the Shu Han not only had a barrier in the eastern part of the Han Dynasty, but also had a choice when attacking. That is, from the "Three Eastern Counties" along the Han River to attack Xiangyang. This is a weakened version of "Longzhong Pair". During the reign of Jiang Huan, there were plans to attack the "Three Eastern Counties". This also shows that the "Three Counties of the East" is indeed a breakthrough in expansion for shu Han. Zhuge Liang was preparing for the First Northern Expedition, the first large-scale use of troops after the "Battle of Yiling". If a huge victory is achieved, this will certainly be an exciting and good thing for Shu Han. Even from the perspective of the so-called factional struggle, the victory of Yifa was a great opportunity for Zhuge Liang himself to establish authority and stabilize his position. Zhuge Liang used the cost of reducing the victory rate of the first cut and the territory of the "Three Counties of the East" to eliminate the threat of possible factional struggle, which Xiao Bian thought was very unreasonable.

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Shushu, and the Biography of Jiang Huan: "Naiduo made a boat, wanting to be han, and attacked Wei Xing and Shangyong." ”

As for Zhuge Liang's "vendetta against his brother-in-law" with Meng Da, how to view this issue depends on the evaluation of Zhuge Liang's personal morality. Xiaobian cannot come up with exact evidence to deny Zhuge Liang's private revenge, but this is only a guess and suspicion, and it still needs a process of argument to become a reality. Therefore, in summary, Xiaobian believes that the possibility of Zhuge Liang deliberately killing Meng Da is still very low.

References: Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Book of Jin, Notes on the Old Records of Xiangyang, Chronicle of the State of Huayang

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