
Thwarting Du Yuesheng, assassinating Chiang Kai-shek, and warning Zhang Xueliang, what is Wang Yaqiao's identity?

When it comes to the "Axe Gang", most people will think of the "underworld" in the TV series, they commit adultery, smuggle and sell pornography, bully the good at will, and only for their own selfishness. However, the "Axe Gang" in the 1930s was different from the later "Axe Gang". At that time, the "Axe Gang" had a leader named Wang Yaqiao, who was the number one "assassination king" in Modern Chinese history, and at the same time a "patriotic anti-Japanese warrior".

Thwarting Du Yuesheng, assassinating Chiang Kai-shek, and warning Zhang Xueliang, what is Wang Yaqiao's identity?

Wang Yaqiao had assassinated Chiang Kai-shek twice, assassinated Wang Qingwei, and successfully planned the assassination of Yoshinori Shirakawa of Japan. He also deterred Du Yuesheng and warned Zhang Xueliang.

As a "gang boss," Wang Yaqiao is a non-partisan patriot who believes in the "Three People's Principles." His whole life was devoted only to the noble ideal of saving the country. Never killed communists, progressive patriots, let alone innocent people;

Instead, he paid for our party's newspaper.

Therefore, after his death, Chairman Mao commented on him: He is innocent of killing the enemy and has made meritorious contributions to resisting Japan!

I. Owl Xiongzhi, creating the "Axe Gang"

Wang Yaqiao is written for "Nine Lights", so he is known as "Wang Jiu" or "Nine Masters".

Born in the late Qing Dynasty, he joined the League in his youth and followed Dr. Sun Yat-sen in his revolutionary footsteps.

Later, Wang Yaqiao was bent on "defending the country and committing adultery" through "iron blood" means, and had a disagreement with Sun Yat-sen. After participating in several strikes, he wandered to Shanghai.

Thwarting Du Yuesheng, assassinating Chiang Kai-shek, and warning Zhang Xueliang, what is Wang Yaqiao's identity?

In 1921, Wang Yaqiao was not accustomed to the exploitation of Anhui workers by capitalists. Under the sponsorship of Anhui celebrities Bai Wenwei and Li Shaozhong, the "Anhui Brigade Shanghai Labor Union" was established, and there were more than 10,000 workers under the network.

At first, he just wanted to protect the legitimate rights and interests of his fellow villagers, but he did not expect that the capital would send a triad to intimidate and suppress. Wang Yaqiao was furious, carefully selected a hundred members to form the "Axe Gang", each equipped with a plate axe, who dares to disobey, lift the axe!

The so-called "barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes",

Wang Yaqiao's "Axe Gang" style of not taking a life immediately shocked the beach. Du Yuesheng, Jin Jinrong and other green gang bosses warned the disciples one after another: Don't mess with Wang Yaqiao if you have nothing to do.

In 1923, Wang Yaqiao served as the "commander of the Zhejiang Column" under the warlord Lu Yongxiang, recruiting troops and buying horses.

Dai Kasa, Hu Zongnan and others all served as captains under his command.

Thwarting Du Yuesheng, assassinating Chiang Kai-shek, and warning Zhang Xueliang, what is Wang Yaqiao's identity?

Later, it was Wang Yaqiao who recommended Hu and Dai to study at the Whampoa Military Academy.

After Chiang Kai-shek betrayed the revolution, Wang Yaqiao was extremely angry, and he repeatedly plotted with others to launch armed uprisings of the military and police in the Beijing-Shanghai area, but he failed to succeed and killed people. In 1931, Wang Yaqiao sent the assassin Chen Cheng to infiltrate The "Taiyi Village" in Lushan Mountain, where Chiang Kai-shek was vacationing, and ambushed him in the forest in the morning, and when Chiang Kai-shek was walking, he fired two shots at him in a row, but he did not hit the target.

Soon after, he assassinated Song Ziwen at the Shanghai North Railway Station, and as a result, he accidentally killed Tang's secretary wearing the same hat as Song, allowing Song to escape the disaster. From then on, Chiang Kai-shek began to offer a reward for the arrest of Wang Yaqiao. The bounty was increased from the initial 100,000 to the last 1,000,000.

Until September 1936, before Wang Yaqiao was betrayed to death, Chiang Kai-shek did not sleep well for six years, and when Dai Kasa heard that Wang Yaqiao had come out to do activities, the first thing he did was to close the doors and windows.

Thwarting Du Yuesheng, assassinating Chiang Kai-shek, and warning Zhang Xueliang, what is Wang Yaqiao's identity?

Second, cry and sink, rise up and kill the East

After the "9.18" incident, Zhang Xueliang ceded the three eastern provinces to the Japanese. Wang Yaqiao was ready to "clean up" Zhang Xueliang and leave a letter to warn him: let him immediately return to the northeast to resist Japan, or immediately commit suicide to apologize.

As for why Wang Yaqiao did not assassinate Zhang Xueliang in the end? Now some people say that it is because Du Yuesheng helped Zhang Xueliang to come out, and Wang Yaqiao did not dare to kill him. He also said that Zhang Xueliang had a bodyguard surnamed Tan by his side, who was strong in martial arts.

In fact, these are not reasons. Even if your martial arts are high, you can still catch bullets? Du Yuesheng and old Chiang Kai-shek also had an iron relationship, and I didn't see Wang Yaqiao afraid of Du Yuesheng and not stab Chiang Kai-shek! In fact, Wang Yaqiao's reason for not being able to stab Zhang Xueliang was very simple: he just felt that it was no one else who advocated non-resistance, it was Chiang Kai-shek! Therefore, "shoot the tiger first, and capture the thief first", it is not too late to kill Chiang Kai-shek first, and then kill others.

Thwarting Du Yuesheng, assassinating Chiang Kai-shek, and warning Zhang Xueliang, what is Wang Yaqiao's identity?


One of Wang Yaqiao's most beautiful assassinations was an assassination attempt by him to assassinate Japanese Army General Yoshinori Shirakawa.

In 1932, the Japanese marched into Songhu and clamored for 24 hours to enter Nanjing. On the east bank of the Pujiang River, many warships stopped and used their guns to indiscriminately bombard the positions of the Chinese Nineteenth Route Army on the shore.

Wang Yaqiao formed the "Iron Blood Hoe Gang", and his subordinate Yu Likui found a torpedo weighing 500 pounds, sent two assassins who were well versed in water, and jumped into the sea. The two took turns to propel the torpedoes out of the sea for more than 10 miles, sneaked into the Izumo ship on which Yoshinori Shirakawa was riding, and detonated at the bottom of the ship. This time, the "Izumo" ship was not sunk, and Wang Yaqiao did not give up.

Thwarting Du Yuesheng, assassinating Chiang Kai-shek, and warning Zhang Xueliang, what is Wang Yaqiao's identity?

Later, Chiang Kai-shek signed an armistice agreement with the Japanese, and Shirakawa Yoshinori wanted to hold a celebration party in Shanghai Park, and Wang Yaqiao felt that the opportunity had come. The celebration would not allow Chinese to enter, and Wang Yaqiao found the Korean patriot Ahn Chang-ho. Finally agreed,

Funded by Wang Yaqiao to provide the bomb, Ahn Chang-ho finds Yoon Bong-gi, Kim Cheon-an and other Koreans and infiltrates the celebration party disguised as Japanese. Successfully used the Aquarius bomb to kill Yoshinori Shirakawa.

After this incident, the Japanese side was very angry and demanded that Chiang Kai-shek must catch Wang Yaqiao.

Chiang Kai-shek raised the reward for Wang to 1 million, and sent Wang Yaqiao's former subordinate Dai Kasa to arrest him.

Several times, the people of the military command found Wang Yaqiao's hiding place, and he successfully escaped.

Thwarting Du Yuesheng, assassinating Chiang Kai-shek, and warning Zhang Xueliang, what is Wang Yaqiao's identity?

Third, the blue blood stain, the name of the hero heirloom

In 1936, the Kuomintang held a congress in Nanjing. Wang Yaqiao heard that Chiang Kai-shek was going to participate, and sent an assassin, Sun Fengming, to assassinate him, but Chiang Kai-shek temporarily left with a "stomachache."

Sun Fengming originally wanted to put Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Jingwei in a pot, but when he arrived at the scene, he could not find Chiang Kai-shek. Seeing that everyone is about to enter the market, the opportunity is fleeting. Sun Fengming didn't want to think about it, shouted "Shoot the traitor", and raised the gun to do it.

Bang bang bang -- three shots all hit Wang Jingwei, making Chen Bijun think that Chiang Kai-shek did it, spitting at him, crying and shouting, to ask for an explanation.

After this incident, the military command stepped up the pursuit of Wang Yaqiao.

Wang Yaqiao was hiding in Hong Kong, but Dai Kasa chased him to Hong Kong but failed to catch him.

Later, with the help of friends, Wang Yaqiao hid in Wuzhou, Guangxi.

Thwarting Du Yuesheng, assassinating Chiang Kai-shek, and warning Zhang Xueliang, what is Wang Yaqiao's identity?

In August 1936, Wang Yaqiao sent a letter to my party, saying that he wanted to defect to Yan'an and hoped that Chairman Mao and Commander-in-Chief Zhu would take him in.

He also wrote a poem that said: "At the end of the world, there is no door to the footprints... The North Guyan River is not a lone cloud. "Later, due to

Wang Yaqiao's concubine Yu Likui, an old subordinate, was bribed by Dai Kasa to deceive him into encountering financial difficulties. Wang Yaqiao was righteous and defied the persuasion of others to meet with Wanjun. As a result, he was ambushed and shot dead at the age of 48.


Two months after Wang Yaqiaozhong's death, Yu Yanong and Zhang Xianting brought from Yan'an the good news of welcoming him to our party.

In 1999, under the auspices of various departments, Wang Yaqiao's grave was finally moved from the outskirts of Wuzhou back to his hometown of Feidong. To this day, whenever it is clear, worshippers flock endlessly.

Wang Yaqiao was a non-partisan patriot who believed in Sun Yat-sen's "Three People's Principles", and throughout his life, he was a hero, righteous, courageous, and unscrupulous. Fighting for his ideals, he is not only China's "king of assassination", but also a true hero who is passionate and patriotic!

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