
Changing commanders in the front is a big taboo, in the Sino-Vietnamese war, why did the commander of our army on the western front change the commanders in the front?

What comes to mind when it comes to Vietnam? Poor, backward or something else, when I think of Vietnam, my prime minister will think that this country is shameless, a complete white-eyed wolf. There may be many people who do not know why such words are used to describe Vietnam, but friends who know the war of counterattack against Vietnam must know what kind of country Vietnam is.

Changing commanders in the front is a big taboo, in the Sino-Vietnamese war, why did the commander of our army on the western front change the commanders in the front?

After the end of the Second World War, Vietnam also took the opportunity to get rid of colonial rule, but at that time Vietnam was very poor, even much poorer than our country that had just ended the war. In the 1950s and 1960s, Vietnam began to establish diplomatic relations with China, and at that time, China also provided a lot of economic assistance to Vietnam to help them develop. Even after the war in Vietnam and the United States, our country sent a large number of volunteers to help them fight against US imperialism.

Changing commanders in the front is a big taboo, in the Sino-Vietnamese war, why did the commander of our army on the western front change the commanders in the front?

I thought that Vietnam would be very grateful for our country's help to them in this way, but what I did not expect was that after Vietnam gained independence, it became blind, and they did not pay attention to us China at all, especially when it was close to the big tree of the Soviet Union, Vietnam became more arrogant, and even daydreamed about the world's third military power.

Vietnam is the frog at the bottom of the well, it does not know how high the sky is, how thick the ground is, at the instigation of the Soviet Union, Vietnam began to constantly harass China's border areas, and even mutilated the people at the border, which had a very serious impact on the security of our surroundings. At first, our country did not want to go to war, but only warned them, but Vietnam did not listen to persuasion at all, and finally after the unanimous decision of the Party Central Committee, it sent troops to teach the arrogant Vietnam a lesson.

Changing commanders in the front is a big taboo, in the Sino-Vietnamese war, why did the commander of our army on the western front change the commanders in the front?

In 1979, the counterattack against Vietnam broke out, and in this great war, our army gathered a total of 300,000 people's liberation army into the east and west lines to launch an attack on Vietnam, the commander of the Middle East Line was General Xu Shiyou, and the commander of the Western Front was originally commanded by General Wang Bicheng of the Kunming Military Region, but at the beginning of the war, it was replaced by General Yang Dezhi. As we all know, changing commanders in the front is a big taboo for soldiers, so why did the Party Central Committee at the beginning of the war transfer General Yang Dezhi of the Wuhan Military Region and General Wang Bicheng of the Kunming Military Region?

Changing commanders in the front is a big taboo, in the Sino-Vietnamese war, why did the commander of our army on the western front change the commanders in the front?

In fact, the reason why the Party Central Committee made such a decision is also to ensure that this war can be won smoothly, General Yang Dezhi went to Vietnam to help the Vietnamese army and the US army fight during the Vietnam War, so he is more familiar with the Vietnamese environment and the Vietnamese army's combat methods. General Yang Dezhi had such an experience, so he was more suitable for commanding this battle than General Wang Bicheng, so the central government exchanged General Wang Bicheng and General Yang Dezhi.

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