
Fallen Taiwanese rich: owed 1.5 billion, brother jumped off the building and his wife ran away, sold sesame oil chicken to raise his mother to repay the debt 1234

author:Chronicle of the Boundless
Fallen Taiwanese rich: owed 1.5 billion, brother jumped off the building and his wife ran away, sold sesame oil chicken to raise his mother to repay the debt 1234

Guo Zhengli

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Born in 1957 in Taiwan Province of China, Guo Zhengli was a standard second-generation rich man, his father was originally prosperous in his career, and his family lived a rich and upper class life.

But soon after, his father was tricked into vouching, and his father's company went bankrupt and owed a lot of debts, and At that time, Guo Zhengli was only a few years old.

Under the pressure of debt, his father abandoned his wife and son and ran away on his own. Leaving Guo Zhengli and his brother behind, as well as poor mother.

Therefore, Guo Zhengli tasted the cold of the world early at a very young age, and the life of the rich second generation suddenly fell into the bottomless abyss.

In order to make a living, he would find some odd jobs in his spare time and use the money he earned to help his mother subsidize the family.

Moreover, he understood that only by studying hard and getting into college could he help his family regroup, so he did not slack off in his studies, and he was admitted to university and went to Japan to study.

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During his studies in Japan, in addition to studying seriously, he also worked part-time to earn money to support his brother's education.

During his time in Japan, Guo Zhengli found an important business opportunity, that is, with the development of Taiwan's economy at that time, more and more people in Taiwan Province had plans to travel overseas, and going to Japan was the most suitable choice.

During the period of studying in Japan, I continued to learn Japanese and English, and studied tour guides.

Fallen Taiwanese rich: owed 1.5 billion, brother jumped off the building and his wife ran away, sold sesame oil chicken to raise his mother to repay the debt 1234

Therefore, after Guo Zhengli returned to Taiwan after studying abroad, he accumulated a lot of wealth for himself by opening a travel agency. Later, he met Shoko Shinigata, the daughter of the richest man in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, and the two fell in love at first sight.

Fallen Taiwanese rich: owed 1.5 billion, brother jumped off the building and his wife ran away, sold sesame oil chicken to raise his mother to repay the debt 1234

In 2007, the two were happily married, and the 50-year-old Guo Zhengli married Tomi Shirahiro, a Japanese man, which was rumored to be a good story at the time.

Fallen Taiwanese rich: owed 1.5 billion, brother jumped off the building and his wife ran away, sold sesame oil chicken to raise his mother to repay the debt 1234

At this time, Guo Zhengli can really be described as full of pride, career and love double harvest. Guo Zhengli took advantage of the great future of tourism to found "Tianxi Travel Agency" and once became a billionaire who shocked the local area.

He seems to have completed the counterattack of life from a poor boy to a rich man, but life suddenly made him a small joke.

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Just after he opened a travel agency and saved a lot of money, he began to use this money to invest everywhere. However, he was involved in the extremely risky real estate industry at that time, and then fell to the bottom because of his misjudgment of real estate.

He not only lost all the money earned by the company, but also led to the bankruptcy of "Tianxi Travel Agency". Originally a rich man, but because of this, he was penniless, and he still owed a huge debt of NT$1.5 billion.

Then, affected by his bankruptcy, his brother was overwhelmed and jumped from the fourteenth floor. Subsequently, his Japanese wife resolutely divorced him and returned to Japan.

In the blink of an eye, Guo Zhengli encountered the lowest point in his life, everything returned to zero, he still owed debts, and his feelings were hurt. He had thought that his Japanese wife would not leave him, after all, it was true love.

In fact, it is estimated that many readers and friends will also overestimate the stability of their marriage or love, do not believe, do you dare to make yourself poor and have nothing, not to mention like Guo Zhengli, that is, you do not earn money for a year to try it, will the women around you leave you?

Fallen Taiwanese rich: owed 1.5 billion, brother jumped off the building and his wife ran away, sold sesame oil chicken to raise his mother to repay the debt 1234

Under the continuous blows, Guo Zhengli withstood the pressure of debt, took care of his elderly mother, started from the stall, made sesame oil chicken to sell for a living, and rode a tricycle on the street every day to sell. Because of his previous fame, many people would patronize his business out of sympathy and encouragement.

Fallen Taiwanese rich: owed 1.5 billion, brother jumped off the building and his wife ran away, sold sesame oil chicken to raise his mother to repay the debt 1234

In 2016, due to a long period of hard work, caused pneumonia, Guo Zhengli unfortunately passed away, and by the time of his death, the debts he was carrying had not yet been paid off.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">4</h1>

Guo Zhengli's life, it is also a hurry of 60 years, if you really calculate, it is less than 60 years, but it is so ups and downs:

He was born to live a rich second generation life, but after a few good years, his father's company went bankrupt and ran away, and the family quickly went from heaven to hell; after nearly twenty years of hard work, studying, studying, and working hard, he finally returned to the rich class from the bottom of society.

Unexpectedly, just when he married Bai Fumei and his life was about to soar, he failed to invest and owed 1.5 billion Taiwan dollars of foreign debt, and his life fell into a dilemma again: his brother jumped off the building, his wife left him, helpless, in order to support his elderly and frail mother, in order to repay the huge foreign debt, he once again fell into the bottomless abyss of earning money and repaying debts.

His life can be described as legendary and rich, not only enjoying the great wealth and nobility of life, but also tasting the great hardships and difficulties of life, it can really be said that this life is a big ups and downs, and there are no regrets.

I wonder what stage of life my friends are in? Friends are welcome to share in the message area.

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