
Chicken should also be eaten healthily, teach you to make sesame oil chicken at home, and drool when you look at it

author:Small taste

Sesame oil chicken is a well-known chicken dish, and its preparation can be divided into Sichuan style and Taiwanese style according to the region. But no matter how to do it, it is a good ingredient for health, the material is actually quite homely, this sesame oil chicken woman must eat often, eat to warm up the cold, just the old man recently had some cold diarrhea, cooked a pot for him, ate a good warm spleen and stomach.

In Taiwan, sesame oil chicken soup is a compulsory course for almost every family hostess. It doesn't need to be boiled for hours like other broths, but it provides enough nutrition and delicious taste. Save time and effort to let the whole family enjoy the delicious and healthy, and what makes the hostess happier.

Chicken should also be eaten healthily, teach you to make sesame oil chicken at home, and drool when you look at it

Sesame oil chicken has nourishing yin and blood, cold and dehumidifying, thick soup, sesame oil mellow and delicious, can be used to fish rice or mix noodles to eat, chicken protein content is very high, and high digestibility, it is easy to be absorbed and utilized by the human body, has the effect of enhancing physical strength and strengthening the body.

This dish was also learned from a Taiwanese friend, she said that when confinement, every day breakfast is to eat black sesame oil chicken wine noodles, two months down, the face is rosy, radiant, black and bright hair, more beautiful than before giving birth, I don't know if it is true, but you can try it.

Chicken should also be eaten healthily, teach you to make sesame oil chicken at home, and drool when you look at it

【Dish name】:Black sesame oil chicken wine noodles

【Ingredient List】:

1 turkey (about 800 grams), 50 grams of ginger slices, 50 ml of black sesame oil, 500 ml of Hakka rice wine, boiling water to taste, 15 grams of rock sugar, 125 grams of noodles, 6 grams of salt.

【Cooking steps】:

1: Rinse the chicken with water, remove the head and tail, and cut into small pieces. We can also let the merchant help dispose of the chicken when buying it, and then drain it and set aside.

Chicken should also be eaten healthily, teach you to make sesame oil chicken at home, and drool when you look at it

2: Cut the ginger into slices, the rock sugar is also ready, and the rock sugar is crushed a little in advance.

Chicken should also be eaten healthily, teach you to make sesame oil chicken at home, and drool when you look at it

3: Add the right amount of cooking oil to the wok and heat it up, then put the black sesame oil into it, fry the ginger slices, and fry the ginger slices yellow. Then put a few pieces down and stir-fry to change color.

Chicken should also be eaten healthily, teach you to make sesame oil chicken at home, and drool when you look at it
Chicken should also be eaten healthily, teach you to make sesame oil chicken at home, and drool when you look at it

4: Add the right amount of rice wine, put the crushed rock sugar, and the right amount of salt into it, and cook for about 3 minutes.

Chicken should also be eaten healthily, teach you to make sesame oil chicken at home, and drool when you look at it

5: Boil hot water in advance and pour it into the pot, first bring it to a boil over high heat, then turn to a low heat and continue to cook for about 15 minutes. That way our black sesame oil chicken wine is ready.

Chicken should also be eaten healthily, teach you to make sesame oil chicken at home, and drool when you look at it
Chicken should also be eaten healthily, teach you to make sesame oil chicken at home, and drool when you look at it

6: Bring the noodles to a boil with an appropriate amount of water, bring the noodles under the boil, turn to medium heat after the high heat and cook the noodles thoroughly.

Chicken should also be eaten healthily, teach you to make sesame oil chicken at home, and drool when you look at it


Chicken should also be eaten healthily, teach you to make sesame oil chicken at home, and drool when you look at it

1, this dish can also be used to replace red dates and goji berries with shiitake mushrooms according to personal preferences, depending on your own taste. Because I was more focused on the effect of health, I chose ginger to match.

2, wine I am with the water 1:1 to come, you can also use all of the rice wine to do, this depends on your personal preferences, you can if you want to drive away the cold to warm up, ginger and wine on more, if you are afraid of heat or eat in the summer can be appropriately reduced dosage, everything depends on the effect you want to achieve and your personal physique.

3, chickens are recommended to buy leaner ground chickens, black chickens or old hens are better.

【Article Editor】Diary of a Foodie of the Sea

If you eat it in the summer, you can appropriately reduce the dosage, and everything depends on the effect you want to achieve and your personal physique.

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