
The Japanese instructor claimed to be invincible in swordsmanship, and the 20-year-old Ye Jianying practiced swordplay for half a year, fiercely defeating the instructor

The Japanese instructor claimed to be invincible in swordsmanship, and the 20-year-old Ye Jianying practiced swordplay for half a year, fiercely defeating the instructor

Ye Jianying was one of the ten founding marshals of New China. During the Red Army period, the anti-Japanese era, and the course of the Liberation War, Ye Shuai was mainly engaged in the work of staff officers of the troops, and although he was not famous for his feats in killing generals and capturing the flag on the battlefield, he played a huge role in the major historical nodes in the development of our party and our army.

The contributions made to the founding of New China and the militarization of our country shine brightly in the history of the new country. When he was young, Ye Jianying dared to draw a sword and shine a sword with the Japanese, and defeated it with real swords and guns, which stimulated the self-confidence and patriotic enthusiasm of more Chinese people.

Makoto challenges The Japanese instructor

Ye Jianying was born in 1897 in Meixian County, Guangdong Province, in the late Qing Dynasty, with the development of the Western affairs movement, Guangdong Province was one of the main areas in contact with Western culture and ideas, and many Chaoshan people began to go underground in Nanyang on a large scale to find a new way out. In 1916, the 19-year-old Ye Jianying followed his uncle across the ocean and began his life exploration.

The Japanese instructor claimed to be invincible in swordsmanship, and the 20-year-old Ye Jianying practiced swordplay for half a year, fiercely defeating the instructor

During his part-time job in Nanyang, Ye Jianying saw that the life of Chinese workers was difficult every day, even if they left their hometown, they were still subjected to fraud and exploitation by Western capitalists, and their living conditions were precarious, and no one could fight for the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese workers.

What he saw and heard overseas, combined with the new words of democracy, freedom, and science transmitted by the Xinhai Revolution, brought about major changes in Ye Jianying's thinking. He firmly believed that only by building a strong country could the legitimate interests of the Chinese be safeguarded.

In 1917, Ye Jianying resolutely returned to China and applied for the Yunnan Army Lecture Hall, determined to save the country from Rong. Founded in 1909, the Yunnan Army Lecture Hall set up four military disciplines, infantry, mounting, artillery, and engineering, and the curriculum was modeled after the Japanese Non-Commissioned Officer School, so some graduates of the Non-Commissioned Officer School were hired from Japan to teach. In order to promote the students' martial spirit, the school also specially opened a swordplay class, and the instructor happened to be a Japanese.

The Japanese instructor claimed to be invincible in swordsmanship, and the 20-year-old Ye Jianying practiced swordplay for half a year, fiercely defeating the instructor

The Japanese instructor came from a family of Japanese martial arts, and was short and strong, fierce and brave, and good at sword splitting. During his teaching at the Wu Tang, he repeatedly challenged Chinese instructors, and several Chinese instructors also lost to him, which also fueled his arrogance and called himself "invincible in the whole school".

Ye Jianying was 20 years old, it was the age when his blood was boiling and he did not accept defeat, and seeing a Japanese instructor claiming to be invincible in China made him indignant and decided to practice swordplay and defeat him.

At that time, there was a Korean student in Ye Jianying's dormitory, and because of the hatred of the country and the family, he had long been dissatisfied with this arrogant Japanese instructor, and after listening to Ye Jianying's thoughts, he quickly shouted, "Good, good, good." Jianying, we him, as long as we can defeat him, how to practice, I will listen to you. ”

The Japanese instructor claimed to be invincible in swordsmanship, and the 20-year-old Ye Jianying practiced swordplay for half a year, fiercely defeating the instructor

Two like-minded young men began to train in swordsmanship dancing, and studied swordplay skills and summarized practical combat experience on the playground before dawn. In the process of training, the two inevitably lost their hands, leaving bruises everywhere on their bodies, and even so, they did not dispel the determination of the two.

Half a year later, the level of their sword skills skyrocketed, and Ye Jianying was also confident about defeating the Japanese instructor. So he decided to formally challenge the Japanese instructor.

When he was young, Ye Jianying was tall and handsome. The Japanese instructor looked up at the Chinese student in front of him who wanted to challenge him, and vainly tried to overwhelm him with momentum, asking, "You want to compete with me with a sword?" Do you want to use a real knife or a wooden knife? I just like to use a real knife. ”

The Japanese instructor claimed to be invincible in swordsmanship, and the 20-year-old Ye Jianying practiced swordplay for half a year, fiercely defeating the instructor

Ye Jianying and his classmates usually train with wooden knives, and even when they use wooden knives, the two are often injured. Using a real knife increases a lot of danger, ranging from injuries to broken bones and heavy to life-threatening. Japanese instructors proposed a real knife competition, and there is also a psychological tactic, if you are worried about injury, you are likely to be unable to play at a normal level and lose.

Ye Jianying was undaunted and said seriously, "That's the real sword!" The test time is tomorrow morning. ”

The next morning, Ye Jianying waited early in the playground, and the Japanese instructor also arrived as promised. After the two sides put on the prescribed protective gear and exchanged greetings, an instructor made a temporary referee and announced the start of the competition.

The Japanese instructor claimed to be invincible in swordsmanship, and the 20-year-old Ye Jianying practiced swordplay for half a year, fiercely defeating the instructor

"Ah—" The stout Japanese instructor tried in vain to take advantage of the situation, shouted in his mouth, and rushed quickly towards Ye Jianying. Only to see the flash of the sword, the samurai sword met Ye Jianying's head, Ye Jianying raised his sword to block, and then the pace moved sideways, picking the sword obliquely, in time to block the Japanese instructor's oblique split.

The Japanese instructor vainly tried to defeat Ye Jianying early in the form of a quick attack, only to see the oblique split and horizontal slash, and the sword did not deviate from Ye Jianying's key point, but Ye Jianying relied on solid basic skills, flashed and moved, left and right, and successfully defused the Japanese instructor's early offensive.

Unable to attack for a long time, the Japanese instructor also lost momentum, Ye Jianying took the opportunity to turn from defense to attack, a knife as fast as a knife, full of strength, so that the Japanese instructor was very uncomfortable every time he blocked, and he gradually lost his peace in his heart, wanting to pull away and reorganize the offensive.

The Japanese instructor claimed to be invincible in swordsmanship, and the 20-year-old Ye Jianying practiced swordplay for half a year, fiercely defeating the instructor

Only to see Ye Jianying seize the opportunity, head-on slashing down, the Japanese instructor hurriedly blocked, and finally Ye Jianying pressed to kneel on the ground, abandoning the knife and conceding defeat. Ye Jianying's bravery and exquisite martial arts won the applause and applause of the whole school, and also conquered the arrogant Japanese instructors. In accordance with the rules of martial arts, he gave his samurai sword to Ye Jianying with both hands, expressing his satisfaction and sincerity.

Abandoning his official position to join the revolution, Chiang Kai-shek named him wanted

At the beginning of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's preparation for the Whampoa Military Academy, Ye Jianying was transferred to the Whampoa Military Academy as an artillery instructor. During his time in Huangpu, he was extensively exposed to new Marxist ideas and had his own independent thinking about the future of the country and the nation.

During Ye Jianying's two crusades against Chen Jiongming,he was brave and good at fighting, and his military talent was initially revealed, which won chiang kai-shek's favor and respect. In 1926, during the Northern Expedition, Ye Jianying was appointed by Chiang Kai-shek as the chief of staff of the Headquarters of the General Reserve of the First Army of the National Revolutionary Army. After conquering Nanchang, he was appointed commander of the newly organized 2nd Division.

The Japanese instructor claimed to be invincible in swordsmanship, and the 20-year-old Ye Jianying practiced swordplay for half a year, fiercely defeating the instructor

However, this high-ranking official appointed by Chiang Kai-shek was not placed in Ye Jianying's eyes, and more often he was thinking about the future of the country and the nation.

On April 12, 1927, Chiang Kai-shek brazenly staged a counter-revolutionary coup d'état and carried out a massacre of Communists and progressives. This kind of behavior also completely made Ye Jianying make up his mind to defect to the revolution and telegraphed against Chiang Kai-shek in Ji'an, Jiangxi. Chiang Kai-shek was furious and immediately arrested Ye Jianying and announced his "permanent dismissal." Subsequently, Zhu Peide's troops were mobilized to encircle and suppress Ye Jianying.

"Some people say that I am Chiang Kai-shek's concubine, he treats me well, I took the 'slap' (authority) he gave me, slapped him, I am not humane, I can't stand old Chiang. In fact, it wasn't that I couldn't stand him, it was that he had killed so many people in Shanghai, how could I still follow him? He is counter-revolutionary, and I want to oppose counter-revolution. When Ye Jianying was on the run in Wuhan, when he attended a meeting convened by the Wuhan Nationalist Government and explained the anti-Chiang Kai-shek incident, he spoke sonorously and forcefully, and he was unswerving in the revolutionary cause.

The Japanese instructor claimed to be invincible in swordsmanship, and the 20-year-old Ye Jianying practiced swordplay for half a year, fiercely defeating the instructor

In July 1927, at the recommendation of Li Shi'an, a member of the Communist Party, Zhou Enlai specially submitted an explanation to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China officially approved Ye Jianying as a full member of the Communist Party of China.

Chairman Mao asked Chen Yi to ask Ye Jianying for advice on writing poetry

Marshal Ye Jianying was not only an outstanding military, politician, and proletarian revolutionary in New China, but also an outstanding literary scholar who was "good at composing poetry and lyrical feelings, and pouring ink and chanting to promote the world".

In 1915, at the age of 18, Ye Jianying attended Meishan Middle School, when Yuan Shikai was plotting to become emperor, and the domestic situation was turbulent. When playing with his classmates, Ye Jianying wrote "Oil Rock Inscription Wall" with a pen: looking at the high song and spitting out the rainbow, he also drew his sword and horns. I have come to have an infinite sense of rise and fall, and I wish you happiness and happiness.

The Japanese instructor claimed to be invincible in swordsmanship, and the 20-year-old Ye Jianying practiced swordplay for half a year, fiercely defeating the instructor

In the later revolutionary years, Ye Jianying also often sang in poetry, and his poems were full of emotional expressions of worrying about the country and the people, and also pinned on his revolutionary feelings of fighting for the country and the nation.

Chen Yi is also one of the ten founding marshals of Our country and is known as both culture and martial arts. Marshal Chen Yi also liked to compose poems, and often sent his poems to Chairman Mao for guidance.

Chairman Mao was very sympathetic to Ye Jianying's poetry, and wrote in a reply letter to Marshal Chen Yi: "The Seven Laws of Sword Yingshan and the Five Laws of Dong Laoshan, if you want to study the laws and poems, you must ask them for advice." ”

The Japanese instructor claimed to be invincible in swordsmanship, and the 20-year-old Ye Jianying practiced swordplay for half a year, fiercely defeating the instructor

"Eighty Books" is a poem widely circulated by Marshal Ye Jianying: Eighty labors are abolished, and the Long March relay has come. Mentors have started their own businesses through the ages, and the younger generations have followed the dust of shame. Hundreds of millions of fools and fools were broken, and the hegemony of the five continents sank together. The old man likes to make a dusk ode, full of green mountains and sunset illumination.

This poem also reflects the magnificent life of Marshal Ye Jianying.

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