
Will I get pregnant without contraception during lactation? A lot of people overlook this

Infertility during breastfeeding is well-founded, but it can only be maintained until up to 6 months after childbirth, and it must be that the mothers do not have menstruation during this period, and during this period the mother cannot stop breastfeeding to be effective.

"When my eldest was more than 1 year old, I found that the time of menstruation was irregular, I thought it was caused by breastfeeding, but when breastfeeding, I often had nipple pain, became too sensitive, even the amount of milk became lower, and even began to vomit, I thought, should I get pregnant again?" So I went to buy a pregnancy test stick to test, only to learn that I was really pregnant, and I had planned to have a second time with my husband for a while." This passage may be the voice of many mothers, although breastfeeding is a safe period, some parents will take advantage of this time to enjoy sex life, and do not do any protective measures, but this period of breastfeeding may still be pregnant!

Will I get pregnant without contraception during lactation? A lot of people overlook this

How can I avoid breastfeeding and getting pregnant?

Many mothers believe in the Lactational amenorrhea method, believing that breastfeeding does not become pregnant during breastfeeding. It is true that breastfeeding infertility is well-founded, but it can only be maintained until up to 6 months postpartum and must be useful if the mother has not had a period of menstruation during this period. At the same time, mothers cannot stop breastfeeding during this time, because some mothers will alternate between breastfeeding and formula, which will increase the chances of breastfeeding and pregnancy, so if you want to avoid pregnancy during breastfeeding, the breastfeeding frequency should be maintained at least once every 4 hours during the day and 1 time every 6 hours at night.

However, because mothers have different physiques, some mothers may have started the postpartum menstrual cycle, breastfeeding and fearing accidentally conceiving the next child, so the best way is to take contraception.

Frequently asked questions about pregnancy and breastfeeding

Q: How can I tell if I am pregnant again while breastfeeding? What symptoms does the body experience?

A: If you are pregnant during lactation, the nipple will be painful, sensitive, or the milk volume will become lower, and the morning sickness may be worse than the previous one.

Q: If I am pregnant, can I continue breastfeeding, and will it have any effect on the newborn?

A: Of course, if you are pregnant, you can continue to breastfeed. The body will produce breast milk on its own, and the nutrients contained in breast milk will not be reduced, so please rest assured that the mother will feed. But sometimes the amount of milk is reduced, so mothers may need to pair it with a toddler formula.

Although breastfeeding may cause contractions, in general there is no effect on the fetus. However, if a pregnant woman is advised by the doctor not to have any sexual behavior during pregnancy because of placenta previa, twin pregnancy, embryo instability and other reasons, it is not suitable to continue breastfeeding during pregnancy, and if you want to keep the fetus in the abdomen, it is a good choice to let the baby wean yourself and the fetus.

Q: What do I need to pay attention to when I am pregnant while breastfeeding, so that I can take care of both the nursing baby and the fetus in the belly?

A: Both breastfeeding and early pregnancy, pregnant mothers in addition to more rest, but also remember to maintain a balanced diet, because the fetus is still absorbing nutrients from the mother, so can not be sloppy.

Q: I'm sure I'm pregnant and the doctor says I can't continue breastfeeding, how do I wean the baby?

A: Each mother's physical condition is different, and some mothers may not be able to adapt to breastfeeding and getting pregnant at the same time, so they will choose to wean the baby and focus on taking care of their own body to provide a better environment for the fetus. However, sudden weaning is unhealthy for the baby, and the slower the time it takes, the better, so mothers can try to delay the time they originally spent breastfeeding, or shorten the feeding time.

In addition, babies realize that milk is reduced or may cry when weaned, and mothers can hug them more, even if they can't always be around the baby, they can also give them a pacifier.

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