
Compared with Geely Xingrui, the Pentium B70 is not a star and a half

As the saying goes, "listen to people to persuade people to eat a full meal", FAW Besturn is not listening to this truth, whether it is FAW Besturn's SUV model or car model, the pricing is higher than the same level of models, which makes the car store puzzled.

Compared with Geely Xingrui, the Pentium B70 is not a star and a half

In fact, it is reasonable to say that after the brand renewal, Besturn urgently needs to rely on the volume to quickly obtain market recognition, so that FAW Besturn can quickly re-enter the consumer's vision and take it into account when purchasing. But perhaps in order to make more profits, FAW Besturn priced the model higher than its competitors, which also led to low sales of FAW Besturn's models.

Let's take the Pentium B70 that FAW Besturn has high hopes for, this is the façade of the FAW Besturn brand after the renewal, but now look at the sales volume of more than 1,000 vehicles per month, in contrast to the performance of the main competitor Geely Xingrui more than 10,000 vehicles per month, is FAW Besturn not red-eyed?

Compared with Geely Xingrui, the Pentium B70 is not a star and a half
Compared with Geely Xingrui, the Pentium B70 is not a star and a half

IN FACT, FAW Besturn should still look farther, don't just care about the current bicycle profits, because the overall profits that can't be sold are still not out, it is better to sell small profits and sell them, so as to continue to develop!

How much do you think the 2.0T Pentium B70 should be priced to have a chance to sit on an equal footing with Geely Xingrui?

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