
Why didn't the teacher tell you that Lian Po was responsible for the follow-up of jing's guilt? Because the ending is too tragic

In the Chinese textbook of the fifth grade of the Human-Taught Edition, an article entitled "Xianghe" appeared, which consisted of three short stories, "The Return of the Complete Bi to Zhao", "The Meeting of the Pond" and "The Guilt of Bearing the Jing", which revolved around Wenchen Lin Xiangru and the martial general Lian Po, telling a wonderful story.

Why didn't the teacher tell you that Lian Po was responsible for the follow-up of jing's guilt? Because the ending is too tragic

At the end of the article, the editor wrote: "From then on, the two of them became good friends and worked together to defend the Zhao kingdom. This is the end of the story, which is a very happy ending, and the students are happy that the two have become friends after the ice release. However, the Chinese teacher could not bear to tell the students that Lian Po and Lin Xiang were similar to the final outcome.

Time back to the Spring and Autumn Warring States period, this is a period of "great chaos" in Chinese history, the masses rise together, you compete for me, compete for the final hegemony, the so-called "chaotic world out of heroes", so Hu Lianpo and Lin Xiangru stepped onto the stage of history.

Why didn't the teacher tell you that Lian Po was responsible for the follow-up of jing's guilt? Because the ending is too tragic

The first sentence of the opening sentence of the "History of Lian Po Lin Xiang Li Biography" is: "The honest person, Zhao Zhiliang will also be." "Simple and clear, directly highlighting the status of Lian Po in the Zhao state, as early as 283 BC, Lian Po has already led an army to successfully attack the State of Qi, so he was named Shangqing, with his superior ability and amazing courage, Lian Po became a great general who shocked the world, and together with Bai Qi, Wang Qi, and Li Mu, he was called "the four famous generals of the Warring States", which was not mighty!

However, at this time, Lin Xiangru was just a disciple of the eunuch Ling Miaoxian, and compared with Lian Po, it was not worth mentioning at all. However, God gave Lin Xiangru a chance, at this time King Huiwen of Zhao got a piece of beautiful jade, it is the legendary value of the "Heshi Bi", Qin Zhaowang listened, very angry, this heshi Bi was originally a thing of the Qin Kingdom, but now it is obtained by you Zhao Guo, you Zhao Guo must not "mean"?

Why didn't the teacher tell you that Lian Po was responsible for the follow-up of jing's guilt? Because the ending is too tragic

However, as the head of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States at that time, King Qin Zhaowang did not want to be called "bullying people", so he took the initiative to say: "I am willing to go out of fifteen cities to exchange for Heshi Bi." "Of course, it's one thing to say it," and it's another thing to give it or not to give it when the time comes, but because the Qin State is far stronger than himself, where does King Zhao Huiwen dare to say anything more?" Ready to send Washibi.

At this time, the minister of the State of Zhao was not very happy, saying that although we did not have Qin Guoqiang, we could not be deceived in vain and humiliated by the other party, right? But when King Zhao Huiwen asked them what their high opinions were, the crowd fell silent, and the scene was once very embarrassing.

At this moment, Lin Xiangru stood up, he said: "Qin yicheng asked for bi and Zhao did not allow it, qu was in Zhao. Zhao Yubi and Qin did not Zhao Cheng, Qu was in Qin. The second strategy of the average, it is better to negative Qin Qu. Looking at Lin Xiangru's confident appearance, King Huiwen of Zhao, who had nothing to do, decided to believe him, so Lin Xiangru took heshi bi and sent an envoy to the Qin kingdom, and staged a good play of "returning to Zhao after finishing the bibi", so angry that King Qin Zhao could not speak.

Why didn't the teacher tell you that Lian Po was responsible for the follow-up of jing's guilt? Because the ending is too tragic

And Qin Zhaowang, who was holding a stomach fire, was naturally not willing, and when Lin Xiangru returned to the Zhao Kingdom, he immediately put "attacking the Zhao State" on the agenda, and the following year, he let the God of War Bai Qi attack the city in the western border of the Zhao Kingdom 3 times, and washed more than 20,000 people here in blood ("History": Qin Cut Zhao, Pulling Stone City. Next year, he resumed attacking Zhao, killing 20,000 people), and invited the State of Zhao to hold an alliance, at this time, King Huiwen of Zhao was afraid and did not dare to go to Shichi to make an appointment.

At this time, Lian Po stood up and said that King Zhao Huiwen had to go, and if he did not go, he would show weakness to the Qin State, and he would be ridiculed by the princes of the world and destroy the national prestige, Lin Xiangru heard the words, and also stood up to express his approval, and after discussion among the people, it was finally decided that Lian Po and Lin Xiangru would accompany King Zhao Huiwen and go to The Pond together to make an appointment.

Why didn't the teacher tell you that Lian Po was responsible for the follow-up of jing's guilt? Because the ending is too tragic

Next, it is the "Meeting of The Pond", which is very familiar to everyone, here, the long-planned King of Qin Zhao, ready to humiliate King Zhao Huiwen and repay the revenge of "returning to Zhao after finishing bibi", so during the banquet, King Qin Zhaowang let King Zhao Huiwen drum, King Zhaowen did not dare to refuse, he drummed a paragraph, And King Qin Zhaowang immediately asked people to write it down: Today King Zhao is the King of Qin.

Lin Xiangru, who was on the side, saw that the monarch was insulted like this, and immediately became angry, stepped forward and said loudly: "Please ask the King of Qin to strike for the King of Zhao!" King Qin Zhao directly refused, and Lin Xiangru said, "Within five steps, please splash the great king with blood on your neck." "Meaning, I'm 5 steps away from you now, and if you don't hit the hook, I'll fight with you!" Then Lin Xiangru showed an expression of seeing death as a return, even if it was the King of Qin, he was suddenly afraid, and finally went forward to strike, Lin Xiangru immediately let people write it down: Today, the King of Qin is the King of Zhao.

Why didn't the teacher tell you that Lian Po was responsible for the follow-up of jing's guilt? Because the ending is too tragic

After returning to China, King Huiwen of Zhao immediately worshiped Lin Xiangru as Shangqing, and his status was above lianpo, although it was really deserved, but the lianpo on the side saw it, and his heart was sour, he had worked hard for so many years, and became a generation of famous generals, and the result was not as high as Lin Xiangru, who had made 2 meritorious achievements by mouth, so he privately said: "I see the same, I will be humiliated." ”

Lin Xiangru soon heard Lian Po's words, and in order not to clash with him, he avoided Lian Po everywhere, and Lian Po went up to the court, so he asked for leave; Lian Po rode up to the street, and he turned his head and left. Lin Xiangru's men looked at it and were depressed, feeling that Lin Xiangru was too intimidated, but Lin Xiangru was not angry, and he asked, "Compared with the King of Qin, who is stronger?" The crowd replied, "Naturally, the King of Qin is powerful." ”

Lin Xiangru said, "I am not afraid of the King of Qin, will I be afraid of General Lianpo?" The reason why the State of Qin did not dare to attack the State of Zhao now was that it was jealous of me and General Lian po. When two tigers fight, there will be an injury. If I disagree with the general, the Qin state will inevitably take the opportunity to attack. The crowd suddenly realized, and Lin Xiangru's words also reached Lian Po's ears, and he was immediately ashamed and embarrassed, so he took off his battle robe, put on his back, and came to Lin Xiangru's door to plead his guilt.

Why didn't the teacher tell you that Lian Po was responsible for the follow-up of jing's guilt? Because the ending is too tragic

Lin Xiangru was a generous person, naturally immediately forgave Lian Po, and from then on, the two of them released their previous suspicions, became close friends, and worked together to defend Zhao Guo, which was passed down as a good story. The story is very beautiful here, but with the death of King Huiwen of Zhao and the ascension of his son King Zhao Xiaocheng, everything began to change.

This new King of Zhao did not trust Lian Po and Lin Xiangxiang very much, and was bent on using his own general Zhao Kuo, so he suppressed Lian Po everywhere, but this Zhao Kuo had no ability at all, and even his father Zhao Hao said before he died: "This son must not be a general, for he will definitely damage the Zhao kingdom." "How can you be as intelligent as Lin Xiang and as incorruptible as you are?" Therefore, Lin Xiangru advised king Zhao many times, but he did not listen at all, and felt that Lin Xiangru was biased and incorruptible, and continued to reuse Zhao Kuo.

Why didn't the teacher tell you that Lian Po was responsible for the follow-up of jing's guilt? Because the ending is too tragic

In the following Battle of Changping, Zhao Kuo was beaten by Bai Qi, and Bai Qi even killed more than 200,000 soldiers of Zhao Guo, and from then on, Zhao Guo was devastated and lost its competitiveness, and Lin Xiang was so sad and angry that he actually died of anger, which was really a sigh!

And the old friend Lian po, the situation is also not good, and then Zhao Xiaocheng died, Zhao mourned the king of Xiang succeeded to the throne, the new King of Zhao also did not like Lian Po, and even engaged in "nest fighting", Lian Po helplessly defected to the State of Wei, and later went to the State of Chu, but they were not reused, for a generation of famous generals, this is undoubtedly a huge blow.

Why didn't the teacher tell you that Lian Po was responsible for the follow-up of jing's guilt? Because the ending is too tragic

At this time, Lian Po wanted to return to the Zhao Kingdom, after all, it was his home, but the King of Zhao did not come to him at all, and in this way, Lian Po was depressed in the Chu Kingdom and died in a foreign country. It is really touching that the two amazing talents ended up depressed, and it is no wonder that the Chinese teacher is reluctant to tell the children the truth.

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