
Zhao Yun's wife, Zhi Yong Shuangquan, broke Sima Yi, why is not recorded in the history books

This is a thing that will not exist at all, such a powerful figure as Sima Yi, Zhuge Liang did not defeat him, let alone Zhao Yun's wife. Although Zhao Yun is very powerful, there are very few records of his wife in history, and even Zhao Yun's records are relatively small, how can there be such a thing? If there really is such a thing, there will be clues, but there really is not, this may be just a legend in the world.

Zhao Yun's wife, Zhi Yong Shuangquan, broke Sima Yi, why is not recorded in the history books

Many people are very fond of Zhao Yun, but they don't know much about his wife. So many people are imagining in their minds, a very powerful figure can be worthy of a hero like Zhao Yun, at the beginning Zhao Yun rejected a lot of beautiful women, people with vision like him naturally want to find a powerful wife, so this wife must be able to help Zhao Yun. Just like when Zhuge Liang found his wife Huang Yueying, it can be said that Zhuge Liang achieved a very important goal in life.

This is folklore, people think that Zhao Yun is so powerful, his wife should also be very powerful.

In people's minds, the most powerful military general in the Three Kingdoms may be Lü Bu or Guan Yu, but it is believed that the most handsome general must be Zhao Yun. Zhao Yun is not only very handsome, but also very powerful in martial arts, the most important thing is that people are also relatively honest, although he rarely shows himself in the Three Kingdoms, but his strength is known to many people.

Zhao Yun's wife, Zhi Yong Shuangquan, broke Sima Yi, why is not recorded in the history books

However, there are very few records of Zhao Yun, the most important thing is to know that he is Liu Bei's bodyguard, one of the Five Tiger Generals, but other information is unknown, which is also not recorded in history. For the most detailed thing recorded by Zhao Yun, I am afraid that in the Battle of Changbaipo, in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, in the face of many of Cao Cao's first-class military generals, Zhao Yun personally broke out with Ah Dou alone, and was unharmed, which is something that many people cannot do, even if Lü Bu came to do this, he may not be able to do it.

Zhao Yun's wife, Zhi Yong Shuangquan, broke Sima Yi, why is not recorded in the history books

And Zhao Yun finally got Liu Bei's very favorite, liu Bei wanted to give a beautiful girl to Zhao Yun, but Zhao Yun did not want it, because this was someone else's wife, and it was a widow. Zhao Yun did not dislike him, but because he was the sister-in-law of his brother-in-law, he felt that this person was not very reliable, and actually wanted to marry his sister-in-law to him, and in the end he refused, no matter how much this woman liked him and how beautiful she looked, Zhao Yun still did not like him.

Zhao Yun's wife, Zhi Yong Shuangquan, broke Sima Yi, why is not recorded in the history books

But in the end, whether Zhao Yun was married or not, everyone did not know, there were many people who had a reverie, thinking that Zhao Yun should marry a very beautiful woman to be worthy of Zhao Yun, which is also true for many women.

But this was only a fake thing, Zhuge Liang did not defeat Sima Yi, let alone Zhao Yun's wife, Sima Yi was difficult to defeat.

At that time, the defeat of Sima Yi did not exist at all, when Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi fought for so long, they never saw Sima Yi defeated, and Zhuge Liang was finally consumed by Sima Yi. Moreover, after Sima Yi defeated Zhuge Liang, he never attacked the Shu state again, he was completely preparing for his own internal struggle, the most important point was that Sima Yi was old and did not want to go on a crusade abroad.

Zhao Yun's wife, Zhi Yong Shuangquan, broke Sima Yi, why is not recorded in the history books

Therefore, from this point of view, Sima Yi did not have the opportunity to contact Zhao Yun's wife, nor did he have the opportunity to contact anyone in the Shu Kingdom, so naturally there was no such possibility. Although Sima Yi held all the power of the State of Wei at that time, he did not take long to die.

Zhao Yun's wife, Zhi Yong Shuangquan, broke Sima Yi, why is not recorded in the history books

And Zhao Yun died relatively early, he was already dead on the road in the north, and it was impossible to take his wife with him during the Northern Expedition. Zhuge Liang's rule of the army was very strict, even his own children were not taken with him, Zhao Yun was no exception, even if he was one of the five tiger generals of the Shu Kingdom, Zhao Yun should not be like this. At that time, it was still not allowed to have female soldiers in the army travel, and naturally this situation was avoided.

What do you think Zhao Yun's wife should be? Comments are welcome below.

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