
Xu Zheng pursues Ma Yili? "Love Myth" released the ultimate trailer

author:Yangcheng faction

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Li Li

The movie "Love Myth" supervised by Xu Zheng today exposed the ultimate trailer of "Life Full Open" and fully opened the pre-sale. Written and directed by Shao Yihui, starring Xu Zheng, Ma Yili, Wu Yue, Ni Hongjie, Zhou Yemang, Huang Minghao and Wang Yinglu, and Ning Li, Zhang Zhihua and Wu Mian, the film will be released on December 24.

The final trailer shows the emotional entanglement between Lao Bai (Xu Zheng), Miss Li (Ma Yili), Bei Bei (Wu Yue), Gloria (Ni Hongjie), and Lao Wu (Zhou Yemang), and the ambiguity hides the self-deprecation and self-consistency of modern men and women. Several of the main characters frankly "opened the wheat" and openly expressed their "understanding" and "imagination" of feelings.

Lao Bai is strictly worded, describing her pursuit of Miss Li as a "visit to the door"; Miss Li controls the intimate scale with Lao Bai, pulling herself in love without giving in and expecting love; her ex-wife Bei Bei is cruel and naïve in preaching her emotional logic; the red face Gloria "warns" Lao Bai not to fall in love with herself; and all of this is ruthlessly pointed out by Lao Bai's confidant Lao Wu that "the brain is not very refreshing"...

In the trailer, mature as Lao Bai also has to comfort himself, facing the feelings of "living to be old, learning from the old" mentality, learning from women, learning from the past, and even learning from the little cobbler (Ning Li) on the street.

As the release date of the film approached, netizens on the short video platform also enthusiastically commented on the freshness shown in the film. Some netizens said, "The mood of Wu Nong's soft language is very enjoyable with the welcome and delivery between adults." The female director's spicy and direct expression also triggered enthusiastic feedback from netizens: "The lines are so dare to say, I want to see some real female protagonists." In this regard, screenwriter and director Shao Yihui said: "In the content of the film, I choose to adjust some emotional attitude issues in life to gender, and everyone can think about it from a different perspective and look at the diversity of emotional concepts with a more tolerant and equal vision." (For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pie

Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng Pie

Image | Provided by the tablet

Editor-in-charge | Shao Ziheng

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