
A movie earned 87 million, Xu Zheng has been making a fortune in a muffled voice!

author:Ayong talks about the world

1. The actor who used to be "desperate" turned into a powerful film and television investor

In that prime of life, Xu Zheng resolutely chose to give up his identity as an actor and devote himself to the more challenging field of film and television investment. It is true that looking back on the past, he once had a keen career and launched many popular masterpieces such as "Love Call Transfer", "Nightclub", "People in Embarrassment", "Modern Age" and so on at an astonishing speed.

At that time, Xu Zheng was full of endless love for his acting career, full of infinite longing for the bright lights on the stage, and the flashing light in his eyes all showed his extreme desire for career success.

A movie earned 87 million, Xu Zheng has been making a fortune in a muffled voice!

Whenever a new film starts, he is always fully committed and devotes all his energy to shaping the character. During the rehearsal process, Xu Zheng always maintained a high degree of professionalism, repeatedly scrutinized, and strived to show the emotional world and personality characteristics of the characters to the fullest.

On set, he is sometimes engrossed, sometimes relaxed, and always in top shape to make every shot flawless.

However, with the increase of popularity and the accumulation of experience, Xu Zheng's inner pursuit has gradually changed. In 2009, he made his first attempt at the role of film producer. Although the status of the executive producer cannot be compared with that of the director, he can at least share the box office revenue and grasp the direction of investment to a certain extent.

A movie earned 87 million, Xu Zheng has been making a fortune in a muffled voice!

This undoubtedly indicates that Xu Zheng's ambitions for acting career are far from limited to acting, and he has more ambitious ambitions. Deep down, he has begun to plan a blueprint for becoming a film and television investor, trying to change the traditional profit model and no longer rely only on starring in movies.

2. In 2015, we joined hands with three partners to create Huanxi Media and embarked on the road of investment

Xu Zheng's passion for investing in the media industry finally came to fruition in 2015. He joined forces with three like-minded friends, Dong Ping, Xiang Shaokun and Ning Hao, to establish Huanxi Media in Bermuda, an offshore tax haven.

A movie earned 87 million, Xu Zheng has been making a fortune in a muffled voice!

Such a well-chosen location is enough to prove their confidence and determination for future development.

As one of the founding members of the company, Xu Zheng has a clear plan for the future development path. In order to gather the top resources in the industry and ensure the excellent quality of the film and television works produced by the company, they have successively attracted many well-known directors to invest in shares or sign cooperation agreements.

These directors include Wong Kar-wai, Chan Ho-xin, Gu Changwei, Zhang Yimou and other industry giants, who have joined Huanxi Media as shareholders and will surely bring more high-quality film and television masterpieces to the company in the future.

A movie earned 87 million, Xu Zheng has been making a fortune in a muffled voice!

At the same time, first-class directors such as Jia Zhangke and Wang Xiaoshuai also signed contracts with the company, promising to continue in-depth cooperation in the future.

There is no doubt that the joining of industry leaders has undoubtedly built a solid foundation of talents for Huanxi Media! The key factors behind the success of the actors who have progressed from a busy acting career to a huge amount of money are the rich resources and extensive network they have accumulated in the industry over the years.

Looking back, the talented Xu Zheng has established deep friendships with many peers and industry seniors after years of down-to-earth and diligent hard work. When he decided to create his own film and television kingdom, these former colleagues joined in it and jointly built the original talent highland of Huanxi Media.

A movie earned 87 million, Xu Zheng has been making a fortune in a muffled voice!

3. Huanxi Media continued to invest in a number of word-of-mouth films, and its stock price soared

After consolidating its foundation, Huanxi Media quickly launched a well-planned investment layout. They have successively launched a series of masterpieces such as "Hong Kong Embarrassment", "Embroidered Spring Knife 2", "I Am Not the God of Medicine", "Embarrassing Mother", "Winning Money" and so on, which have won remarkable box office revenue for the company.

It is especially worth mentioning that in 2018, "I Am Not the God of Medicine", starring Xu Zheng himself, can be called the biggest profit magic weapon of Huanxi Media. This realistic life-themed film has won an astonishing 3 billion yuan at the box office in the domestic market, bringing a generous revenue share to the company.

A movie earned 87 million, Xu Zheng has been making a fortune in a muffled voice!

Driven by the film "I Am Not the God of Medicine", Huanxi Media's stock price has risen like a rocket, and the company has attracted enthusiastic attention from the capital market. In the first half of 2019, Huanxi Media's total revenue and film investment income reached HK$1 billion, which shows the company's vigorous development momentum at that time.

The release of one film after another with explosive word-of-mouth has made Huanxi Media gradually grasp the dominant position in the industry. As one of the founders, Xu Zheng's personal influence has also risen in the process.

Even in the overseas market, he has become one of the first-line stars, and his popularity is unmatched.

A movie earned 87 million, Xu Zheng has been making a fortune in a muffled voice!

The dual aura of the company and the individual has injected strong confidence into Huanxi Media's financing activities in the capital market. Looking ahead, the start-up is poised to grow into an important force to be reckoned with in China's film and television industry.

Fourth, during the epidemic in 2020, "Embarrassing Mother" helped Xu Zheng get 87 million dividends at a price of 450 million

However, the new crown epidemic in 2020 is like a heavy punch, which has brought an unprecedented impact on the entire film industry. "Embarrassing Mother", which was originally planned to be released during the Spring Festival, also had to postpone its release date, and after twists and turns, it finally had no choice but to sell to video platforms.

A movie earned 87 million, Xu Zheng has been making a fortune in a muffled voice!

However, the film won a super high box office with an astonishing result of nearly 400 million yuan, which undoubtedly shocked everyone! It brought a huge surprise to the director and star Xu Zheng and the investors behind it.

According to the relevant account-sharing mechanism, Xu Zheng shared a huge profit of up to 87 million yuan that year with the film "Embarrassing Mother", which is undoubtedly a remarkable huge income in 2020, a special period when the global epidemic is raging and the film and television industry is at a low point, and the reason why Xu Zheng can enjoy this rich wealth alone is precisely because he has successfully realized the transformation from a simple actor to the role of a company investor.

He no longer relies solely on the remuneration of each film to make ends meet, but shares in the dividends through the company's investment operations. Therefore, even if "Embarrassing Mother" failed to be released in theaters as expected, Xu Zheng still gained considerable wealth from it.

A movie earned 87 million, Xu Zheng has been making a fortune in a muffled voice!

It is worth noting that since then, in 2021, Xu Zheng only launched a low-cost "The Myth of Love" and announced his end, which shows that his "dedication" to the acting career is not as good as before.

Part 5: Huang Bo's Hanna Pictures and Huanxi Media reach a strategic alliance

In stark contrast to Xu Zheng's success story, it is the dilemma faced by his friend Huang Bo in the circle. As early as 2014, Huang Bo also followed Xu Zheng's example to found his own Hanna Film Company, hoping to achieve brilliant achievements in the investment field like Huanxi Media.

A movie earned 87 million, Xu Zheng has been making a fortune in a muffled voice!

However, the development process of Hanna Pictures is far from being as smooth as that of Huanxi Media, most of the works invested by this company are small-production, small-investment films, and its box office income is naturally relatively limited, for example, the 1.3 billion box office of "A Good Show" and the 200 million box office of "Master of Memory", compared with the big productions invested by Huanxi Media, there is still a big gap, and worse, Hanna Pictures also has many films such as "Wading through the Angry Sea", "Angry Water Flowing West", "Learning Dad" and so on, although they have been produced, they have never been released as scheduled, which has been backlogged for many years, it can be seen that Hanna Pictures, which only relies on Huang Bo's hard work, does face many challenges if it wants to achieve a strong position like Huanxi Media.

Perhaps recognizing the lack of its own strength, in 2021, Hanna Pictures finally took the initiative to seek in-depth cooperation with Huanxi Media. According to the agreement signed by the two parties, in the next three years, the two sides will carry out comprehensive and in-depth cooperation in many fields such as movies, TV dramas, and online dramas.

Through this charming marriage feast, Huang Bo can be said to have skillfully borrowed from Xu Zheng, thus winning a huge advantage in the strength of his own enterprise!

Sixth, today's Xu Zheng has turned around gorgeously and successfully become a "capital giant" in film and television investment

A movie earned 87 million, Xu Zheng has been making a fortune in a muffled voice!

Today's Xu Zheng has long been withdrawn from the role of a dedicated, diligent and dedicated actor, and has advanced to become a "capitalist" in the film and television investment industry. He no longer relied solely on the income from his own performances as in the past, but devoted himself to the investment and operation of Huanxi Media.

Thanks to Huanxi Media's unshakable noble status in the field of film and television, Xu Zheng can now be said to easily earn wealth, and his life is not comfortable!

It is worth mentioning that Xu Zheng is said to have consulted a certain master, and the advice he received was that he only needed to maintain a plump body to stabilize his fortune. Perhaps because of this, he is now completely unleashing his nature, and his figure is gradually out of shape, which forms a strong contrast with the "vest line" image of his peers who pursue bodybuilding.

A movie earned 87 million, Xu Zheng has been making a fortune in a muffled voice!

However, this may just be a kind ridicule of Xu Zheng's lack of attention to weight loss.

In any case, Xu Zheng is undoubtedly a lucky leader, who has successfully achieved the perfect transformation from actor to capitalist. This is the ultimate ideal and life goal that countless practitioners dream of, but Xu Zheng has achieved it ahead of schedule.

From this point of view, he is indeed "making a fortune in a low profile".

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