
An ugly and ruthless genius completes the ultimate aesthetic with a girl's body fragrance

author:Ayong talks about the world

1. A suspenseful case that began with a bizarre body

Back in the cloudy, humid autumn morning of 1766, when Mr. Lafayette, a retired fisherman on the streets of Paris, the capital of France, was walking through a narrow alley in the morning light, when suddenly the naked and ravaged female body broke into his sight!

Mr. Lafayette was taken aback, his eyes widened and he examined it closely, and his body was covered with shocking scars, as if he had been subjected to a brutal torture and humiliation. What's even more terrifying is that the body is so clean that there is no trace of blood, and the whole body is surrounded by a mysterious, weird and strong aroma.

An ugly and ruthless genius completes the ultimate aesthetic with a girl's body fragrance

Faced with this situation, Mr. Lafayette was terrified, and a sense of foreboding came over him. Who is this victim? Why was he treated so cruelly? Are there any potential hazards around? Although the old man knew that he might fall into the trap of the murderer, his conscience could not tolerate him ignoring the matter, so he resolutely returned to his lodgings and reported the shocking discovery to the patrolling police.

Soon after, the news spread like a prairie fire throughout the city. The body of a young and beautiful woman lay on the street, leaving no traces of blood except for the bruises all over her body, and only a strong fragrant fragrance remained.

What kind of crazy murderer is this? What motives did they commit such a heinous crime? The Paris police immediately launched a painstaking and careful investigation and trace.

An ugly and ruthless genius completes the ultimate aesthetic with a girl's body fragrance

2. The legendary life of an extraordinary teenager

Jean-Baptiste Grenauville, a child from a poor background, destined for an extraordinary period in his life.

Born into a poor family of fishmongers, he grew up living in the filth and chaos of the Parisian fish market. For the average person, the pungent and unpleasant smell of the market is undoubtedly an unbearable torture, but for Jean Baptiste, these viscous fermented smells have become a rare fragrance in his unique olfactory experience.

An ugly and ruthless genius completes the ultimate aesthetic with a girl's body fragrance

The boy was born with a lack of body odor, but possessed an extraordinary gift for smell. He is able to capture the slightest changes in the breath of all things in the world, and the aroma that is imperceptible to ordinary people cannot be hidden in front of him.

As a child, after being abandoned by his mother at the market, he lived on the streets, relying on his excellent sense of smell to find food scraps in the garbage heaps to survive.

Until one day, a veteran merchant specializing in the spice trade was amazed to discover the young boy's extraordinary talent. The old man did not hesitate to take him away and teach him how to master the exquisite technique of making perfumes.

An ugly and ruthless genius completes the ultimate aesthetic with a girl's body fragrance

Jean Baptiste quickly learned to recognize the many spices and developed an unrivalled passion for this magical art.

As the years passed, he gradually mastered the art of making incense, but this did not satisfy his inner quest for perfection. An obsession and obsession with the ultimate fragrance grew in his heart, and he longed to capture the purest, richest, and most touching scents in the world, in order to create a unique fragrance that the world was crazy about.

3. The intoxication of fragrance

An ugly and ruthless genius completes the ultimate aesthetic with a girl's body fragrance

After years of hard work, Jean Baptiste has become a master of perfumery. However, possessing these skills alone does not satisfy him. An obsession and obsession with the ultimate fragrance burned within him, and he longed to capture the purest, most moving and most captivating scents in the world in order to create a unique fragrance that was intoxicating and ecstatic.

So, he embarked on a relentless journey of discovery. In the scented city of Paris, Jean Baptiste is like a hound with a keen sense of smell, constantly searching through the streets and alleys.

Once, he mistakenly thought that the alluring fragrance came from a blooming flower, fresh and intense; Later, he guessed that it might be a verdant fragrance from the depths of the forest; More often than not, he even suspected that the mesmerizing aura came from the delicate body of a young girl.

An ugly and ruthless genius completes the ultimate aesthetic with a girl's body fragrance

Until one day, on a sunny afternoon, a young noble lady inadvertently walked past him, and a fragrance of unprecedented purity instantly touched his olfactory nerves, as if an invisible hand had knocked him to the ground.

The fresh, pleasant, fragrant body fragrance seems to gather the aromatic essence of all things in nature, and even a person like him can't help but fall in love with it.

Jean Baptiste followed the slender figure like a madman, like a wild beast of fire, desperately and greedily sucking on the incomparable fragrance. A dream of utter madness swelled in his mind - he had to capture this noble breath, seal it forever in a glass bottle, and create the ultimate fragrance that would drive the world crazy and fall at its feet! In order to realize this almost crazy dream, he did not hesitate to pay any price.

An ugly and ruthless genius completes the ultimate aesthetic with a girl's body fragrance

Fourth, the prelude to the killing

Since that insane fragrance has descended, so has Jean Baptiste's killing journey. In order to obtain that pure and immaculate body fragrance and make the peerless perfume of his dreams, he embarks on a series of cruel and merciless murders.

The first victim was a young seamstress. At midnight that day, the girl was walking alone on her way home. Jean Baptiste was like a discerning hunter, silently following her in the dark of night.

An ugly and ruthless genius completes the ultimate aesthetic with a girl's body fragrance

When she stepped into a quiet, empty alley, he showed his cunning and vicious face.

The girl's screams of fear were instantly covered by his large hands, followed by a fatal blow to her fragile neck. At the last moment of her life, an unprecedented fragrance erupted from the girl's body, as if it were the last gift of nature.

Jean Baptiste sniffed the intoxicating aroma with hunger, as if a traveler had finally tasted the delicacies of the world after a long drought.

An ugly and ruthless genius completes the ultimate aesthetic with a girl's body fragrance

He carefully hid the girl's body in the depths of the alley, unable to suppress the excitement in his heart, meticulously infusing the residual fragrance from her body into a delicate vial.

Soon after, however, the alluring fragrance vanished like a wisp of green smoke, and even he could no longer perceive any trace of it. His dreams, though beautiful, were short-lived and destined to be unrealized.

So, the second, the third, and more young innocent girls fell victim to his killing spree one after another. The sight of a strange body appeared on the streets of Paris, and the whole city was shrouded in a haze of horror and unease.

An ugly and ruthless genius completes the ultimate aesthetic with a girl's body fragrance

However, the olfactory fanatic was hungry and wolf-like for the ultimate fragrance he had dreamed of, and could no longer stop his desire to kill.

5. The mystery of redemption

Jean Baptiste was once convinced that no one in this world could have the purity and fragrance of the noble woman's body, but he finally met Laura, a poor girl.

An ugly and ruthless genius completes the ultimate aesthetic with a girl's body fragrance

Laura was an orphan raised by a priest and lived in a stately church since she was a child. Although her face is not peerlessly stunning, and her posture is not delicate and moving, she has always maintained a simple and decent dress, like a faint soapy fragrance.

Incredibly, Laura became the only person in Paris and the world who made Jean Baptiste imperceptible.

For this man with a keen sense of smell, all life should have its own unique smell, even if it is faint, and should not be as blind to his nose as Laura did.

An ugly and ruthless genius completes the ultimate aesthetic with a girl's body fragrance

Laura is like a flower growing in a vacuum, serene and mysterious, which deeply attracts his attention.

At first, Jean Baptiste accosted Laura out of curiosity. Laura was also attracted by the strange man's unique sense of smell and took the initiative to form a deep friendship with him.

Over time, Jean Baptiste came to understand that Laura was not really devoid of fragrance, but that her scent was alien to everything in the world, pure as nothingness.

An ugly and ruthless genius completes the ultimate aesthetic with a girl's body fragrance

As a result, Jean Baptiste began to approach Laura quietly, trying to imprison her completely in order to obtain that unique aura of her. However, Laura's trust in her friend is almost blind, unaware that she has fallen into the grip of a murderer.

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