
No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

author:Pippi Films

There are "four sisters of abstinence" in the film and television industry, namely Ma Yili, Yao Chen, Song Jia and Haiqing.

They are naturally beautiful and beautiful like flowers.

But many male viewers said they really didn't feel any sense of these people.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

The reason behind it is actually quite simple.

The four of them are all drama faces, and have played many classic roles.

When the audience sees them, the first thing that comes to mind is their works and roles, and they are naturally not so interested in the actors themselves.

When it comes to Yao Chen, you will think of Guo Furong in "Wulin Gaiden" and Cui Ping in "Latent", which is full of humorous attributes, so naturally she can't be linked to a big beauty.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

When you mention Song Jia, you will think of Gu Qiuyan in "Cliff", and Zhou Rong, the nasty ghost in "The World", your surging hormones will cool down instantly;

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

When it comes to Haiqing, you will think of the national daughter-in-law, and you can only think of the word virtuous in your mind, which is almost insulated from sexy.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

and Ma Yili, "The First Half of My Life", "The Myth of Love", "Flowers" and other works, all make people forget that she once starred in "Huanzhu Gege" Ziwei.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

An abstinent actress is depreciating on the surface, but it is actually the biggest praise for a good actor.

However, after reaching middle age, these four actresses have all encountered a 30+ actress crisis.

Among them, Song Jia's appearance can still play, and she continues to star in several big heroine dramas.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

Yao Chen moved behind the scenes, fine-tuned tactically, supervised and participated in the literary film "Send Me to Qingyun";

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

The most exaggerated is Haiqing.

She talked about the crisis of middle-aged actresses at the FIRST Film Festival, which caused a huge controversy.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

After the popularity passed, Haiqing starred in important works such as "Hidden in the Dust" and "I Am a Mountain" one after another.

tore off the label of the national daughter-in-law and ushered in a reborn change.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

And Ma Yili's side is not far behind.

She once had a happy marriage with the article, and once retreated behind the scenes to teach her husband and children.

Later, after the marriage change, she re-emerged from the mountain, and a set of combination boxing ushered in a new transformation.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

a "The First Half of My Life", which asked her to announce the return of the king;

a "Myth of Love", which allowed her to march into the literary circle;

a "Flowers", which made her stand out among the stars and win the aftermath;

Recently, she has taken it to the next level with a new drama, which is CCTV's new drama - "My Altay".

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

How fierce is this show?

It was launched not long ago, and in just a few days, it relied on word-of-mouth to get out of the circle and conquer a large number of young audiences.

It scored 8.5 points on Douban, and it has now risen to 8.8 points, surpassing "Flowers" to become the highest-rated national drama in 2024.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

It is worth mentioning that the two dramas with the best reputation in 2024 will be starring Ma Yili.

As the name suggests, the drama "My Altay" tells the story of Altay, Xinjiang.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

In the past two years, Shandong Zibo barbecue, Harbin ice and snow, Tianshui Malatang, Kaifeng Wangpo, many places have become popular in an inexplicable way, and there is a tendency for you to sing and I will appear.

With the popularity of this drama, Xinjiang Altay is likely to become the next sweetheart.

What is the magic of this show?

To put it simply, the story of Jingmei is more beautiful, I haven't seen such a healing drama for a long time.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

First of all, it is adapted from the collection of essays of the same name by writer Li Juan.

The difficulty of making prose into a TV series can be imagined.

Fortunately, the director has strung together the soul of the whole novel with fascinating plots through careful choreography.

We can not only enjoy the magnificent scenery of Altay, the northwest frontier, but also glimpse the sparks and passions of multi-ethnic integration.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

Interspersed with it, there is the story of pure love between Li Wenxiu and Ba Tai, the father-son reconciliation between Su Litan and Ba Tai, and the tenacity of Tolkien's brave life after the loss of his husband.

Between the different paragraphs, there are still timeless and warm words in the novel.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

For example, Li Wenxiu's confession at the beginning:

"In the coldest days of winter, no footprint can lead to my home, in the silence surrounded by heavy snow, I look at the words of these years over and over again, and I feel very warm, it is this way that I slowly write and write, and I have become myself at this moment."

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

The wind of nostalgia rises suddenly, making people instantly travel back to that era when literature was supreme and white clothes were fluttering.

For example, there are a lot of descriptions of grasslands in the book:

"Looking up, the sky is blue, as if at the touch of a finger, there will be ripples, the four fields are silent, and the sound of the wind and the river is so clear. In this world, I am clearly stepping on the earth, but I am like my feet off the ground, suspended in the middle of this world. ”

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

This kind of writing can often only be understood, not spoken.

But fortunately, the director filmed all this-

Herds of cattle and sheep, rivers and houses, blue sky and white clouds, and the awakening of plants and trees.

You can smell the scent of earth through the screen.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

Another example is the first episode of Li Wenxiu went to attend a writer's lecture, and the writer gave Li Wenxiu a life advice:

To love, to live, to hurt!

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

This sentence is short and powerful, runs through the whole play, and is the main theme of the whole play.

Secondly, the story of the whole play is full of symbolic metaphors.

Almost every event can be summed up in a single keyword.

For example, 300 yuan.

19-year-old Li Wenxiu came to Urumqi to pursue his dream of being a writer.

At first, he worked as a waiter, but he didn't fit in with his surroundings.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

met Gao Xiaoliang, and when she left, Gao Xiaoliang helped her get 300 yuan of severance pay, but swallowed 200 yuan of it.

The trust and deception between people is manifested through the 300 yuan.

Like a knife.

In the play, the Sulitan family is a typical nomadic people, and they are the adherents of nomadic culture.

He took the train to find his son, and the security inspector asked him to hand over his saber, but Sulitan decisively refused, turned around and left the station.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

Guns and knives are the status symbols of hunters and cannot be discarded, and the clash between nomads and modern civilization is manifested through this knife.

For example, a washboard.

It was a gift that Tolkien had on his heart, and her husband was unable to bring her a washboard until he died.

After her husband's death, the kind-hearted Ba Tai also failed to understand her sister-in-law's distress, and he helped her deliver goods many times, but each time she missed the washboard.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

In the end, Li Wenxiu easily gave her a washboard, and Tolkien was overjoyed.

A washboard illustrates the brutal reality of women being ignored for a long time in the nomadic people.

There are also "bath scenes", "shooting circus scenes", and "remarriage scenes" all have similar symbolic metaphors, and everyone can smack and touch them when chasing dramas.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress
No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

In the end, the whole drama can be called the acting school of all members.

In the cast, there are Zhou Yiyi, who played Huang Bo's crazy criticism of his daughter in "Wading through the Sea of Anger", Yu Shi, who played Ji Fa in "Fengshen", Jiang Qiming, who played the mute in "The Long Season", and Yan Peilun, the golden supporting actor in the comedy competition.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

The performances of each actor are remarkable.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

But if you want to talk about the best, it has to be Ma Yili.

Her performance took the whole show up a notch.

Ma Yili's role in the play is called Zhang Fengxia.

This name is very unique, and people in that era would be more likely to be called Zhang Fengxia.

The difference between one word and a thousand differences.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

Zhang Fengxia is an atypical mother who has hardly appeared in the history of Chinese dramas, and she is a female chivalrous guest shuttling through ordinary life.

She was born in the water town in the south of the Yangtze River, and she is a smart girl.

Later, he went to Xinjiang to support the construction and has taken root here ever since.

The wind and sand eroded her cheeks, the grassland nurtured her soul, and she had both the gentleness of a Jiangnan woman and the fierceness of a northern man.

As soon as Ma Yili appeared on the stage, she spoke an authentic Jiangpu, her face was as vicissitudes as old bark, like an old mother living in Xinjiang, which shows that she had done her homework in advance.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

This woman looks a little dirty, but her words and actions are shocking.

She lost her husband at an early age, and with her mother-in-law with Alzheimer's, she opened a commissary in the remote countryside of Altay, and was the only Han Chinese in the local area.

My daughter is not angry, she was not admitted to university, and her mind is full of unreliable writers' dreams.

Such a person would probably be a loser in the secular sense.

But under her rough and dark face, there is a shrewd and capable, and a bad deck of cards is played by her to play a different kind of wonderful.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

When she came to Xinjiang, she quickly integrated into the grassland environment.

The biggest pastime is to eat melon seeds and teach local women to say some Chinese dirty words, like the child king of children, living a chic life.

When the daughter returned to her hometown before she became famous, the average parent would definitely be anxious and quickly take her daughter home and count the days for a long time.

Zhang Fengxia is different, she didn't pick up her daughter, let alone inform her daughter that she had moved the nest.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

Li Wenxiu spent a long time stumbling to find the distant Renxia Ranch, and when he saw his daughter, Zhang Fengxia did not blame him at all.

You are you, I am me, we are mother and daughter, and we are also independent individuals.

This is Zhang Fengxia's educational philosophy.

Zhang Fengxia's move was strongly opposed by her daughter, and the two sides argued.

Zhang Fengxia told her daughter directly, you really don't want to live with me, go back to your city, what sense of security do you have to take care of me? Don't embarrass your mom!

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

This man is free and loose and lives without heart and lungs.

Walking in the world during the day, passing by small merchants and vendors, you will also taste two handfuls of melon seeds.

At night, he was so drunk that he fell asleep, and in the middle of the night his bed collapsed, and his daughter fell to the ground, frightened.

She didn't even bother to raise her eyelids, muttering, "It's not like the sky is falling, and it can still affect my sleep?" ”

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

The daughter lost her grandmother in the market, and the average mother would have scolded her daughter to death a long time ago.

But Zhang Fengxia said leisurely: "What's this, I often lose her, and she can't run far." ”

Sure enough, they quickly found their grandmother.

is such an idle mother, but a life with great wisdom.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

The daughter is trapped by obsession and tells her mother that she wants to be a useful person.

Zhang Fengxia said:

"What does it mean to be useful? Li Wenxiu, I didn't give birth to you to serve others. If you look at the trees and grass on this grassland, some people eat and some use it, so it is called useful. If no one uses it, it's fine to just stay on the grassland. ”

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

This sentence comforted her daughter and also healed the spiritual internal friction of many viewers.

's daughter has always insisted on writing, and has repeatedly hit a wall, Zhang Fengxia's attitude is neither to support nor oppose.

She pretended to be relaxed and asked her daughter how much she earned from writing.

After learning that her income was meager, she joked that the income as a writer was not high.

The daughter pouted.

Zhang Fengxia ostensibly suppressed her daughter, but in fact, she was decompressed.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

The dream of withstanding the ridicule of others can last longer.

Li Wenxiu helped her mother to collect accounts in Altay, witnessed a lot of cultural conflicts, and she once wanted to stop some phenomena that she was not used to.

But Zhang Fengxia said that everyone has a way of getting along with the world, and they can disagree, but they can't change them condescendingly.

Carefully taste what Zhang Fengxia said, every sentence is a big vernacular, but the meaning behind it is very profound.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress
No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

But such an extremely rational and sober woman will also show a soft, fragile and even stupid side.

After her husband's death, for five years, she secretly kept his ashes in a cookie box and called it baking soda.

During this period, she indulged in alcohol not to be promiscuous, but to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

She took her daughter across the most dangerous Gobi Desert, with the aim of returning to Fairy Bay, where she met her husband.

Unexpectedly, the biscuit box accidentally fell into the lake and drifted away with the current.

She suddenly broke down and cried, she cried: "I haven't said goodbye to him yet!" ”

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

At that moment, the daughter understood her crazy mother.

Zhang Fengxia doesn't have to cry, isn't this the best goodbye?

Zhang Fengxia did not indulge in missing her husband, she also bravely went out and chased true love.

She meets the dying Gao Xiaoliang in the wilderness, which is destined to be the story of an old woman falling in love with a bad man.

Believing in fate, she pounced on it like a moth.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

Before she met love, she was an unkempt old mother;

After meeting love, she became a shrewd and capable royal sister.

It's a pity that life deceived him, this "true destiny" who fell from the sky was the liar who defrauded her daughter of 200 yuan.

How could the shrewd Zhang Fengxia not know, but the woman in love can't think about it so much.

During this period, his daughter Li Wenxiu told him to be wary of this liar, but Zhang Fengxia said lightly, what if he is a liar?

People who have been smart all their lives, even being deceived has become a luxury.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

In the final ending, Gao Xiaoliang drove away with a cart of goods, and Zhang Fengxia calmly watched him leave-

She knew about this ending from the beginning, but she didn't regret it.

In the face of the accusations and incomprehension of the villagers, she said calmly that there is no shame in divorce, and there is no shame in finding another one when the man is gone.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

Behind the light clouds and breezes, there is endless bitterness.

Being able to chew bitterness calmly is also a great wisdom in life.

Zhang Fengxia's shrewdness and stupidity make people feel distressed.

She is not a perfect person, but a woman with warmth and vitality.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

Ma Yili used her understanding of life to interpret such a vivid role.

Her philosophy of life is an antidote to the modern tired crowd.

It is worth mentioning that Teng Congcong, the director of this play, previously filmed "Send Me to Qingyun", starring Yao Chen, and this film generously shows women's desires from a female perspective.

This time, "My Altay" is from the perspective of a young woman in literature and art, and captures the different customs and customs of the vast land of Xinjiang.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress
No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

The filter of literature and art is just right, warm and healing and philosophical thinking.

At present, the drama has ended, and the ratings of the last two episodes of CCTV have also rushed to the first place.

No. 1 in the ratings, and Haiqing has the same "hi"! Ma Yili has embarked on another big road as an actress

Brother Pi boldly predicted that Zhang Fengxia would become another classic role in the history of Chinese dramas.

Ma Yili studied Haiqing this time, put down her body to play a village woman, and bloomed dazzling flowers in her humble role, playing crazy and winning hemp.

Text/Pippi Film Editorial Department: A chicken


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