
In 1989, the Kuomintang invited Huang Wei to return to Taiwan with heavy money, and Huang Wei said that he hoped for early reunification

On December 15, 1948, with the joint attack of the two major field armies in the Central Plains and East China, the 12th Corps of the Kuomintang collapsed! Hu Lian, the deputy commander of the 12th Corps, snatched a tank and successfully absconded in the chaos; while the commander of the corps, Huang Wei, was missing!

Huang Wei was a foolish and loyal man, desperately trying to drive the troops and the People's Liberation Army for an unnecessary righteous gas, and even used poison gas bombs to break through! For this victory, the PLA paid a great price. Therefore, when cleaning up the battlefield, the PLA was particularly careful. Soon, Fan Tianshu, an instructor of the Special Service Battalion of the 7th Brigade of the Eleventh Column of the Central Plains Field Army, successfully captured a prisoner. He said that his name was Fang Zhengxin, and he was the captain of the 85th Army. Originally, this was not a big deal, but after Fan Tianshu carefully observed, he felt strange: "Fang Zhengxin" was wearing a brand new fine cotton military uniform, with two dangling golden parka pens in the left pocket of his chest and a golden compass pinned to his right pocket. And on his wrist, he also wears a huge watch. Although there are many officers in the Kuomintang troops who are rich and wealthy, there are really not many officers who can have such a style. Later, after the identification of other prisoners of war, everyone knew that this person was Huang Wei!

In 1989, the Kuomintang invited Huang Wei to return to Taiwan with heavy money, and Huang Wei said that he hoped for early reunification

After being captured, Huang Wei did not have enough awareness of his failures. He simply believed that he was an ordinary defeated general and that there was no historical crime. At that time, the soldiers were in chaos, and no one paid much attention to him, but first sent him to a temporary management agency for resettlement. After the founding of New China, Huang Wei was transferred to the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center for education and reform. Who knew that at this time, he was still a dead-and-no-mistake attitude. At a time when Du Yuming, Wang Yaowu and other war criminals were clearly aware of themselves through education and made contributions in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Huang Wei was still constantly resisting! He fought with the trainees many times, used revolutionary books as toilet paper, and copied Wen Tianxiang's "Song of Righteous Qi" to declare his so-called loyalty. His actions had a great negative impact, and at the same time cast a dark shadow on his transformation career. In 1964, New China granted amnesty to war criminals for the first time, and Huang Wei was indeed unnamed!

Not Huang Wei is not that the country really resents him. In the face of such a thorn in his head, the leaders of the National War Criminals Management Institute still showed enough patience. Huang Mei has five types of tuberculosis on her body, each of which makes him miserable. When he was in the Kuomintang troops, although he was the commander of the corps, he did not have enough time and no opportunity to heal his own illness. After entering the war criminals management center, the leaders of the State and the war criminals management center allocated special funds to ask a famous doctor to treat him. After several years of treatment, Huang Wei's body was actually healed! Although Huang Wei did not say it on his lips, his heart was definitely touched.

In 1989, the Kuomintang invited Huang Wei to return to Taiwan with heavy money, and Huang Wei said that he hoped for early reunification

In addition to treating the sick and saving people, the leaders of the War Criminals Management Center also gave enough patience and care to Some of Huang Wei's unreasonable requests. Huang Wei is often whimsical and wants to make a perpetual motion machine that violates the laws of physics. For this dream, he found a large number of books and looked up a lot of information. After feeling that the theory was formed, Huang Wei hoped that the leaders could allocate resources and cooperate with themselves to make prototypes. Later, the leader of the War Criminals Management Institute really found a few senior engineers in the machine repair factory, and allocated thousands of yuan as a research and development fund for Huang Wei to make perpetual motion machines. Although in the end, this perpetual motion machine inevitably failed, but the care of the leaders still deeply touched Huang Wei.

In 1975, when New China granted the last amnesty to war criminals, Huang Wei finally walked out of the war criminals management center. For the sake of his life, the Party Central Committee gave him a house, and also made him a researcher of literature and history, giving him a salary of 200 yuan per month. At that time, this was already a high salary. And Huang Wei, who regained his freedom, also slowly saw the people's aspirations and the inevitable law of historical development in the eyes of the people and the rapid changes in the motherland. He began to gradually change his consciousness, and his resistance to the Party Central Committee changed from the earliest to support. He always said: "I am a person whose thinking changes slowly, and I need to rely on facts, otherwise I will not easily admit defeat." He began to constantly search for the place where he fought, meet with the old and old, and smooth the past and the future. While passing through Nanjing, he left tears in front of the tombstone of the martyr Fang Zhimin, his original guide, and bowed deeply.

In 1989, the Kuomintang invited Huang Wei to return to Taiwan with heavy money, and Huang Wei said that he hoped for early reunification

Huang Wei is such a person, once he chooses the path he wants to take, he will unswervingly go on. After the perpetual motion machine proved to be a failure, he began to set his sights on the political and cultural spheres, hoping to make some new contributions to the country and the people.

In 1975, Chiang Kai-shek fell ill and died in Taiwan, which brought new opportunities for cross-strait reunification. Chiang Kai-shek's successor, Chiang Ching-kuo, always hoped that the two sides of the strait could be reunified, which coincided with China's leaders at that time. Yang Shangkun, executive vice chairman of the Central Military Commission of the CPC Central Committee, put forward the principle of "reciprocity between the two parties, first talk about cooperation, and then talk about reunification," and Chiang Ching-kuo also clearly stated that he "adheres to the one-China stand and opposes Taiwan independence!" "With their joint efforts, in November 1987, Taiwan opened the green light for some people to visit their relatives on the mainland, and the situation in which compatriots on both sides of the strait did not interact with each other for nearly 40 years was changed.

However, in January 1988, Chiang Ching-kuo died of illness. His successor, Lee Teng-hui, has a deep Japanese educational background and does not aspire to cross-strait reunification. Although nongovernmental contacts had become the norm at this time, Lee Teng-hui still had the Kuomintang's ideological barrier in his heart. Soon after he came to power, he invited Huang Wei to visit Taiwan through non-governmental channels. At the same time, he also said that as long as he can stay in Taiwan for a long time, he can be given the rank of lieutenant general and re-paid his salary for 27 years. If you follow the standard of $1,200 a month for a Taiwanese lieutenant general, this amount of money alone would reach $300,000, which was a huge amount of money at the time.

In 1989, the Kuomintang invited Huang Wei to return to Taiwan with heavy money, and Huang Wei said that he hoped for early reunification

After hearing this news, Huang Wei first said that he was very happy. He also wanted to go to this treasure island of the motherland to have a look, to meet Song Meiling, Chen Cheng's wife Tan Xiang and other old friends. At the same time, he has always been grateful to Chiang Kai-shek, so he also wants to take this opportunity to visit his grave. But he didn't want to live in Taiwan for a long time, and he didn't want the $300,000 salary. He said, "Mr. Jiang has been kind to me, but the Communist Party has also treated me badly. I only went to visit Taiwan to meet my friends and to work for cross-strait peace. ”

Unfortunately, Huang Wei's trip to Taiwan did not make it. He received the invitation at the time of the two sessions, and as a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Huang Wei had to prepare his own proposal. While he was busy visiting Taiwan, he also had to prepare proposals, and the daily workload was very large, and he was already an 85-year-old man, and his body was gradually unable to eat. On March 20, 1989, Huang Wei, who had been preparing to stop, suddenly died of illness. Because it was so sudden, many people had various speculations about his death. But no matter what, his support for new China and his desire for the reunification of the motherland are all worthy of praise. Although he once belonged to different camps, Huang Wei is still a respectable person.

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