
In 1974, the old man in Zhejiang pedaled a tricycle for a living after he was released from prison, and why was he recalled by the state for reuse after 6 years

As we all know, before the founding of New China, compared with other countries, the difference in strength between China and other countries in the air force and navy was not a star and a half.

Seeing that the Japanese Kou launched an attack on our army and dozens of fighter planes hovered over the air, our army could only rely on land combat to save the situation a little, and the sacrifices of many heroes and martyrs are still vividly remembered.

But there is such a character among them, it is a fact that he defeated 6 enemy planes during the War of Resistance Against Japan, but he was imprisoned after the founding of New China. What happened to him later?

In 1974, the old man in Zhejiang pedaled a tricycle for a living after he was released from prison, and why was he recalled by the state for reuse after 6 years

From "Tricycle Driver" to "Anti-Japanese Hero"

In 1954, when the government carried out the review work, Wu Qiyuan did not pass this review because of some special experience, and finally he was sent to prison to work, which was 20 years of time.

After his release from prison, he was sent to a local farm for labor reform.

Unable to find a job and not having a skill, he found a local factory and made a living by pedaling a tricycle. At that time, the domestic economy had just recovered, and the daily income was more than one piece.

Wu Qiren was already married at that time, his family was crowded in a room of more than 10 square meters, in order to make his life slightly better, Wu Qiyuan basically did not have time to rest for a year.

In 1974, the old man in Zhejiang pedaled a tricycle for a living after he was released from prison, and why was he recalled by the state for reuse after 6 years

Factory things are complicated, a car has to load close to 600 pounds of things, which makes Wu Qiren's body overwhelmed over time.

However, due to his excellent work performance, he is recognized as the best tricycle driver in Hangzhou.

In 1980, Wu Qiren finally restored his reputation. In 2005, after the 60th anniversary of the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Wu Qiren met his comrades-in-arms who were born and died with him before the founding of New China, which also made Wu Qiren quickly value his identity by the organization.

Considering Wu Qiren's previous contributions to the War of Resistance Against Japan, the organization finally decided to let him enjoy the treatment of retired cadres in advance.

Later, Wu Qiyuan not only became a chemical herbarist in the laboratory of Hangzhou University, but also assigned him his own housing.

What moved elder Wu Qiyuan the most was not these economic assistance, but the medal commemorating the victory of the War of Resistance, which was an affirmation of his outstanding military achievements.

In 1974, the old man in Zhejiang pedaled a tricycle for a living after he was released from prison, and why was he recalled by the state for reuse after 6 years

Witness the history of Wu Qiren

On the day when the Japanese government unconditionally announced his surrender, Wu Qiren, as the leader of the air force detachment, witnessed the surrender ceremony held by the Nationalist government in Nanjing.

For Wu Qiren, who participated in the War of Resistance Against Japan, this is the glory that belongs to China and is also an affirmation of his military achievements.

Like Wu Qiyuan, there were thousands of people who witnessed this history on the spot. In 1945, the Japanese supreme commander signed the surrender document, and Wu Qi's hanging heart finally fell.

It was the strength of justice and the mission of being a soldier that kept Wu Qiyuan going until 1949. After Japan's surrender, Wu Qiren was honored to win the first place in more than 3,000 air forces because of his outstanding merits.

In 1974, the old man in Zhejiang pedaled a tricycle for a living after he was released from prison, and why was he recalled by the state for reuse after 6 years

Subsequently, he always kept in mind the mission of defending his family and defending the country, and although he went abroad for further study, he finally returned to the mainland. For Wu Qiren, this is his own idea, and at the same time, it is inseparable from his father's encouragement to him.

Wu Qiren's father sent him a letter, when the anti-Japanese resistance was Wu Qiren's own decision, and now his father hopes that he can always follow the Communist Party and contribute to the construction of New China in the future.

Wu Qiyuan also had this idea, so a few months after the end of the training, he took the plane back to China without hesitation, and after the founding of New China, he still devoted himself to the military cause and trained many outstanding fighters.

In 1974, the old man in Zhejiang pedaled a tricycle for a living after he was released from prison, and why was he recalled by the state for reuse after 6 years

"Ace Pilot" Wu Qiren

Wu Qiyuan's dream since childhood was to become an excellent air force. Until 1941, after Wu Qiren successfully graduated from aviation school, he was assigned to the local bombing corps, at which time Wu Qiren understood that his future mission was to defend his family and defend the country.

In the face of the Japanese army's aggression against our country, Wu Qiyuan understood that there was no way to confront the Japanese army by relying solely on the current air force technology. In June of that year, during a military exercise, Wu Qiyuan and his comrades were evacuated, and unfortunately collided with an enemy aircraft.

Wu Qiren, who was alone against four fighters, was unfortunately hit and recuperated for more than a year before returning to his previous state. Before he could fully react, he received a notice that the U.S. reinforcement planes were already circling overhead.

Without thinking too much, Wu Qiren carried out precision strikes at the pilots of the aircraft, and used all the military theories he learned in the aviation school in the confrontation of this war.

In 1974, the old man in Zhejiang pedaled a tricycle for a living after he was released from prison, and why was he recalled by the state for reuse after 6 years

Subsequently, after being hit by the Japanese army, he was still able to counterattack at the most critical moment, and finally stabilized


Flew over the blockade and returned to the airport. Wu Qiren's operation has made many American pilots look at it.

In the ranks of our army, Wu Qiren became famous in one fell swoop, and everyone praised him for his greatness.

During the several years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Wu Qiren made his contributions to his efforts in obscurity, shooting down 5 Japanese planes and leaping over the "death route" that was enshrined by the Japanese army.

"Most of my life I endured humiliation and crawled, and after all eternity, I will shine for eternity." Wu Qixuan, who shed blood and sweat for the motherland, the motherland and the people will always remember Wu Qishao's national spirit.

Like yue fei, the idol he most wanted to become, Wu Qishao did it, and he was a real hero!

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