
In 1974, Wu Qiyuan, who had been imprisoned for 24 years, was released from prison, how did he live in his later years?

In 1974, a prisoner who had been detained for 24 years was released from prison, and in order to make ends meet, he got out of prison and found a job pedaling a tricycle, but six years later, in 1980, the old man was suddenly recalled by the state and assigned a job to housing.

In 1974, Wu Qiyuan, who had been imprisoned for 24 years, was released from prison, how did he live in his later years?

Elderly Wu Qiren

This person's name is Wu Qiren, in 1918 he was born in a family of squires, his father was a patriotic businessman, attached great importance to the education and cultivation of his children, his father always hoped that he could become a teacher, but the continuous aggression of the Japanese Kou and the arrogant declaration of taking china in three months gave Wu Qiren a desire to save the country from the army.

In 1936, Wu Qiyuan, who was studying as a teacher in Qingdao, saw the enrollment brochure of the Whampoa Military Academy's Jianqiao Central Aviation School, and Wu Qiyuan, who was yearning for it, sent a letter to his father in his hometown, expressing his wish to abandon his pen and congrong, and when he did not receive a reply from his father, he had already dropped out of school on his own and enrolled in the Whampoa Military Academy.

In 1974, Wu Qiyuan, who had been imprisoned for 24 years, was released from prison, how did he live in his later years?

Young Wu Qiren

In 1941, at the age of 23, Wu Qiren, who was already a captain of the Fifth Brigade of the Chinese Air Force, participated in 88 battles against the Japanese Air Force in the years in which he joined the army, in which he shot down Japanese aircraft many times, crossed the Japanese defense line, and was shot down by the Japanese army three times.

1941 was the most difficult year for China's Air Force, once Wu Qiren was inspecting the planes at Chengdu Airport, the Japanese planes suddenly struck, he and another captain, Hong Yangfu, flew the trainer plane in the air to evacuate, but encountered the enemy's plane in the air, Wu Qiren was 40 meters from the ground, was hit by the enemy's plane, fortunately the ground is a pool, although Wu Qiren who fell into the water has many injuries on his body, but fortunately there is no danger to life, the other side is worried about the survival of the pilots of our army. A string of bombs was dropped from the air, and if it were not for the plane blocking it, Wu Qiyuan might have been killed.

In 1974, Wu Qiyuan, who had been imprisoned for 24 years, was released from prison, how did he live in his later years?

Wu Qiyuan, a member of the army

But he was still hit by four bullets, and their aircraft engines were also on fire, the whole plane was very hot, the local people knew that they were fighting devils, risking burns to save them out, this time they were seriously damaged, Wu Qiren rested for more than a year, fell disabled, and later the troops wanted to issue him a disability certificate, but the Japanese Kou was not yet driven away, Wu Qiren was not willing to leave the battlefield like this, he found a false certificate from his relatives, indicating that he could still fight, and repeatedly found a leader to apply, Later, based on his physical recovery, the leader agreed to his request to lift off, and he could continue to fight the enemy.

In 1943, he was selected into the Flying Tigers and began to fly American aircraft to fight, that spring the plane he flew was hit by the Japanese anti-aircraft artillery, many places on the plane were hit, there was already some imbalance, but Wu Qiren still relied on his own excellent level, insisted on passing through the Japanese artillery net, the plane was driven back to our airport, after he got off the plane, the American pilots all gave him a thumbs up and praised him, the plane was beaten like this and could drive back, the Chinese pilots were really amazing!

In 1974, Wu Qiyuan, who had been imprisoned for 24 years, was released from prison, how did he live in his later years?

Flying Tigers

With the many victories of our army on the Sino-Japanese battlefield, from July 1943, the Chinese Air Force and the Us Air Force began to take the initiative to find and fight with the Aircraft of the Japanese Army, and it was also during this period that Wu Qichen and his comrades-in-arms often wandered around our country and bombed the military sites of the Japanese army.

In 1945, the plane he piloted, because the engine was hit by the enemy army failed, resulting in a forced landing on a small beach, although the local people are very poor, but after knowing that he is a great hero of the anti-Japanese resistance, they all take out their own small wine and dishes to entertain him, everyone said that he was a great hero who fell from the sky, very admired.

In 1974, Wu Qiyuan, who had been imprisoned for 24 years, was released from prison, how did he live in his later years?

Japan surrendered

Soon after, the Anti-Japanese Resistance won victory, the Japanese government announced its unconditional surrender, and Japan's surrender was signed in the auditorium of the Central Military Academy of the Nationalist Government in Nanjing.

Later, he recalled that there were military representatives and military attaches stationed in China from various countries at the scene, and nearly a thousand people witnessed this historical moment; at 9 o'clock on September 9, 1945, Okamura Ningji signed the surrender document, and the entire surrender ceremony lasted for a total of twenty minutes.

In 1974, Wu Qiyuan, who had been imprisoned for 24 years, was released from prison, how did he live in his later years?

After the surrender of Japan, in 1948, Wu Qiyuan won the first place in more than 3,000 air service, and was admitted to the United States Military Academy Aviation Branch for further study, and after completing his studies, he returned to Taiwan.

In 1949, he received a letter from his father, who hoped that he could return to the mainland, far away from the old Chiang Kai-shek, and away from the Nationalist army, and there were two sentences in his father's letter: The Kuomintang defeated Taiwan because it was extremely corrupt, and I supported you in resisting Japan, and today I hope that you can return to the mainland, follow the rising sun, follow the Communist Party, and build our new China.

Receiving his father's letter, Wu Qiyuan was shocked, although he was worried about being discovered by others, but he also agreed with his father's suggestion, but how to come back became a problem, at that time the relationship between Taiwan and the mainland was very tense, once his air force friends in the United States arrived in Taiwan, Wu Qiyuan joked with the other party that he wanted to go to Hong Kong to play, so he got on the other side's plane.

In 1974, Wu Qiyuan, who had been imprisoned for 24 years, was released from prison, how did he live in his later years?

At that time, although the security of Taiwan's airports was very strict, but the US planes were not inspected, Wu Qiren arrived in Hong Kong, where he found the underground organization of the Communist Party and expressed his wish to surrender.

However, the identity of the Flying Tigers once made Wu Qiren forbidden to go near the plane, such treatment made Wu Qiren feel distrusted, and his life in the army was very depressed, and later Wu Qiren quit the army and went to teach at a university in Zhejiang, where he met his future wife.

In 1974, Wu Qiyuan, who had been imprisoned for 24 years, was released from prison, how did he live in his later years?

However, the good times were not long, and the life that had just stabilized a little became chaotic because of the town anti-movement, and in the winter of 1950, Wu Qiren's political trial did not pass, because of his former status as a national army, he was arrested and imprisoned, and his father was also shot after being examined and shot because of his and his brother's former status as a national army.

After Wu Qiren was arrested, according to his various performances during the anti-Japanese period, the organization finally sentenced him to 24 years of captivity, when he was only 32 years old when he was imprisoned, which was the most dazzling age in his life, and when he was released from prison, he was 56 years old, and Wu Qiren spent more than twenty years in prison.

In 1974, Wu Qiyuan, who had been imprisoned for 24 years, was released from prison, how did he live in his later years?

In 1974 Wu Qiren was released from prison, but at this time the construction of new China was developing rapidly, he could not keep up with the progress, Wu Qiren, who was looking for a job everywhere, finally could only go to a glove factory to pedal a tricycle, this job was six years, there was no day off a year, he could only earn one yuan and two corners a day, a pilot who once soared in the air, now he could only pedal a tricycle on the ground, he and his wife and children lived in a rental house, the son and he pedaled tricycles together, and the family's life was very difficult.

In 1980, when sorting out the data, the state thought of the old man, as one of the members of the flying tiger team, the old man's flying skills are very outstanding, and he also has a certain fossil knowledge, the country found the old man, and hoped that he could go to the Department of Geology and Mineral Resources of Hangzhou University as a specimen, the old man received the news tearfully.

In 1974, Wu Qiyuan, who had been imprisoned for 24 years, was released from prison, how did he live in his later years?

Wu Qiren

Originally he had no expectations, and now suddenly got the organization's dispatch, he quickly packed his bags and went to the work place, began to work conscientiously, the unit also assigned a house to the elderly, he no longer needed his family to squeeze in a small rental house, this job The old man has been doing it for more than ten years.

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the party secretary of the school also paid special condolences to the elderly on behalf of the party and the government, and sent him a commemorative medal, which represents the honor of the elderly and the affirmation of the organization for the elderly.

As a member of the Flying Tigers of the National Army, Mr. Wu Qiren has been diligent and earnest all his life, he never regretted becoming a soldier, that anti-Japanese experience allowed the old man to witness the rise and resistance of the Chinese people under the Japanese attack, he also contributed his own strength, in 2010 the old man left us, he was also the last member of the Chinese Flying Tigers to die.

In 1974, Wu Qiyuan, who had been imprisoned for 24 years, was released from prison, how did he live in his later years?

Wu Qiyuan is young

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