
During the War of Resistance, this regimental commander was sacrificed and posthumously awarded the title of major general, who knew that he had returned alive!

In the Chinese people's arduous War of Resistance Against Japan, many incredible things happened, and even some stories made people laugh with tears.

The story of the resurrection of the commander of the 35th Army, Song Haichao, is such a touching story that makes people feel sad but can't help but be happy.

Song Haichao (宋海潮), courtesy name Zesheng, was the colonel of the 303rd Regiment of the 101st Division of the 35th Army, with Fu Zuoyi as the commander.

During the War of Resistance, this regimental commander was sacrificed and posthumously awarded the title of major general, who knew that he had returned alive!

In March 1940, Song Haichao led his troops to follow Fu Zuoyi to participate in the counterattack on Wuyuan.

The reconquest of Wuyuan was a major military operation commanded by Fu Zuoyi. At that time, the regular army of the Japanese army in Gohara Castle was a company, as well as a gendarmerie, a special task force, and a garrison, totaling 5,000 people. When the battle began, it was fierce. The Japanese immediately carried more than 2,000 troops by car to reinforce, but were blocked at the Uga River by Fu Zuoyi's Dong Qiwu 101st Division.

Song Haichao, leading his troops to form a position on the south bank of the Wujia River, struggled to block the Japanese army from forcibly crossing the river, and the two sides continued to rush and kill. Song Haichao, as the regimental commander, took the lead in the bloody battle, and led his troops to continuously repel the Japanese charge. The Japanese army discovered that Song Haichao was the commander of the Chinese army, quietly transferred a machine gun, and suddenly "dadada" violently strafed at Song Haichao.

Song Haichao was caught off guard and fell to the ground with seven bullets on the spot.

During the War of Resistance, this regimental commander was sacrificed and posthumously awarded the title of major general, who knew that he had returned alive!

Since the main force of the enemy's 35th Army had retaken Wuyuan City, the 101st Division's blockade task was completed and it was immediately withdrawn. In a hurry, the 303rd Regiment did not take away the body of the regimental commander Song Haichao.

Seeing that the 101st Division had withdrawn, the Japanese reinforcements crossed the river and ran towards Wuyuan City, ignoring the Chinese soldiers who had sacrificed.

Who knows, Song Haichao's life is great. Although the bullet pierced his abdomen and his intestines were broken, he still did not die.

In the middle of the night, Song Haichao was blown by the night wind and woke up.

However, due to the severity of his injuries and the cold weather, he fainted again.

On the morning of the second day, a local villager, named Liu Dakuan, went to the battlefield to look for his own bucket that had been taken away by the officers and soldiers, heard a groan on the ground, and looked closer to find a Nationalist soldier wounded on the ground.

He is Song Haichao.

During the War of Resistance, this regimental commander was sacrificed and posthumously awarded the title of major general, who knew that he had returned alive!

In this way, Song Haichao was called by Liu Dakuan and carried back to his home together, and then, washing his wounds, and also finding herbs to apply.

The Japanese army could return at any time, and Liu Dakuan then hid Song Haichao in the sorghum straw pile in his yard and brought him soup and food.

Under the meticulous care of Liu Dakuan's family, Song Haichao, who was hovering on the brink of death, miraculously revived.

However, Song Haichao was abandoned on the battlefield, and the officers and men of the 303rd Regiment believed that he had died. After the war, the 35th Army asked for credit for him and reported it to the Nationalist government. Newspapers in Chongqing reported on his heroic martyrdom and called him a "national hero," and the Nationalist government announced that Song Haichao would be posthumously awarded the Order of Baoding of the Fifth Class.

Unexpectedly, after half a year of treatment, Song Haichao finally recovered from his injuries and returned to the team.

During the War of Resistance, this regimental commander was sacrificed and posthumously awarded the title of major general, who knew that he had returned alive!

The dead are resurrected! The news shocked the 303rd Regiment, as well as the 101st Division and the 35th Army. Song Haichao's family and comrades-in-arms suddenly learned that he was dead and resurrected, and they almost didn't believe it! However, after confirming that this was the truth, one by one could not help but laugh with tears in their eyes.

When Fu Zuo heard the news, he personally received Song Haichao, congratulated him on his return alive, and said, "Your name is Zesheng, and I think you can change your name to Rebirth." ”

Song Haichao was renamed Song Regeneration.

Later, he became a deputy division commander and division commander of the 35th Army.

Later, he followed the old governor Dong Qiwu to participate in the Suiyuan Uprising, and did not die until 1979.

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