
"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

author:Fat Goose Chasing Stars
"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

In 2005, Zhang Yi played a small supporting role in the TV series "Qiao Family Compound", when director Hu Mei told him that if an actor could not come out at the age of 28, then his acting career would come to an end.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

Zhang Yi was just 27 years old that year, one year away from 28, and I don't know how many years left before the explosion!

However, at the age of 28, he received the script of "Soldier Assault", but this script was not easy to come by, because he wrote a letter of three thousand words to impress the director Kang Honglei.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

However, Kang Honglei did not let him play the main role of "Xu Sanduo", but gave him the role of "Shi Jin", although the role was not much, but Zhang Yi played him to the fullest, touching countless audiences.

At that time, the young boys and girls who watched "Soldier Assault" all had a dream of becoming a soldier in their hearts, and in that envisioned green barracks, there was a squad leader like "Shi Jin".

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

In the last scene of "Shi Jin", Zhang Yi cried in front of Tiananmen Square, and the reason why his acting skills were so real that day was because he really retired from the army, and on the day of the killing, he also received his own transfer notice.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

The reason is that the filming of "Soldier Assault" and the work arrangement of the unit are in conflict, and the leader does not agree to let him go out to shoot, so Zhang Yi, for his acting career, bites his teeth and stomps his feet, and makes a transfer report in advance.

At this time, Zhang Yi has been in the army for 10 years, and the feelings of this decade are unimaginable to ordinary people, so when the scene was filmed, Zhang Yi released all his feelings, and after filming, the colleagues on the set were difficult to let go for a long time, no one spoke for a long time, and until today, Zhang Yi still does not dare to relive the plot.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

But fortunately, through "Shi Jin", Zhang Yi has left a deep impression in the hearts of the audience, and since then, each of his roles has carried the aura of "Shi Banchang", which is the audience's recognition of his acting skills, and Zhang Yi has never lived up to expectations.

When filming "My Regiment Leader My Regiment", Zhang Yi ate three bags of protein powder every day in order to gain weight, and as a result, he ate kidney stones, but after that he still did not have a long memory, when filming "My Motherland and Me", he only ate two cucumbers a day, and lost 15 pounds in 10 days!

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

His acting skills in "Eight Hundred" made people can't help but clap the case, and some fans commented on him: "If the acting skills can be plastic surgery, that translator is better than Wu Yanzu!" ”

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

I still remember when filming "The Climber", Wu Jing ridiculed Zhang Yi that "every scene must be lame", when filming "My Regiment Leader My Regiment", Zhang Yi acted for half a year, in order to be realistic, he limped every day during filming, and later after filming, he found that the left and right legs were indeed not the same thickness.

Zhang Yi can say that acting is "not crazy and can't live", but when he was a child, Zhang Yi was not cold to acting, and at that time his biggest dream was to become an announcer, and he felt that it was the most spirited profession in the world.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

However, when he grew up, Zhang Yiyin mistakenly became an actor, but although he did not become an announcer, he married an announcer as a wife.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

The two obstacles in Zhang Yi's heart are that he quietly lost his father's sophomore bicycle because of his self-esteem, and the other was that he did not participate in the funeral of his vegetative girlfriend who had been lying for ten years.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

In the year of the college entrance examination, Zhang Yi, who had aspired to be an announcer since childhood, accidentally fell off the list and became an unemployed youth, and his parents did not want to watch their son live a muddy life every day, so his father went to the teacher of the drama theater and asked him to go to school at his own expense and get a college diploma after graduation.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

The price of going to school at his own expense is that in addition to more than four thousand tuition fees, he also spends thirty thousand yuan more than others, and these thirty thousand yuan is still Zhang Yi's father looking for someone to borrow, after paying this money, Zhang Yi can only ride his father's sophomore eight to school, watching other classmates riding fashionable mountain bikes, the rebellious Zhang Yi secretly threw this sophomore eight.

That day, Zhang Yi's father braved the wind and snow to find most of the night in Harbin, and did not find this worn-out bicycle, looking at his father's face vicissitudes, Zhang Yi silently felt guilty in his heart.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

Since then, he finally understood the hardships of his family, so he studied drama well and no longer had unrealistic broadcast dreams, and later after Zhang Yi studied drama, he gradually fell in love with this line, but he was not satisfied with his life in the Harbin Drama Theatre, so he ran to Beijing alone and began to prepare for the drama academy.

At the age of 18, Zhang Yi just caught up with the enrollment of the Beijing Comrades-in-Arms Repertory Theatre, so he successfully put on his military uniform.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

During his time in the army, in addition to studying drama, Zhang Yi also met the first precious love in his life, they were fellow villagers in Harbin, Zhang Yi was the deputy squad leader at the time, and he "took advantage of his position" to secretly talk about "underground love" with the representative of the acting class.

However, at that time, there were regulations in the army that it was forbidden to fall in love internally, so in the year when Zhang Yi and the class representatives "darkened Chen Cang", they fought countless "guerrilla wars" with the captain.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

In order to avoid the "dangerous situation", Zhang Yi was once photographed behind the door silently bleeding nose, and also smashed the iron window of the classroom hamster, fortunately, in the end, there was no evidence of love.

But in the end, this relationship ended in countless "tribulations", in addition to the army is not allowed, the girlfriend's parents are also very unfavorable to him, the first love girlfriend's family is very good, the mother is still a drama actor, so after seeing Zhang Yi's appearance, the "mother-in-law" was the first to disagree.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

When they first met, the mother of the first love girlfriend said that he looked like a brigade accountant, and his face was like being sat on an ass, so under the intervention of his parents, the first love girlfriend broke up with him, but despite this, the two continued to keep in touch as friends.

Until one day, the accident happened to his first love girlfriend again, which became Zhang Yi's eternal regret.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

In 2004, Zhang Yi received a call from her first love's parents, and the girl was unfortunately in a car accident and was hit by a drunken driver and turned into a vegetative person.

After the car accident, Zhang Yi quickly ran from the theater to the hospital, when he excitedly called the name of his first love girlfriend and watched her tears fall down the corners of her eyes, but in the end he did not wake up.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

Later, he often took the girl's favorite flowers to see him, hoping that the girl could open her eyes again and see the beauty in front of her, but Zhang Yi never waited for this day.

In 2015, Zhang Yi mentioned this first love again in an interview with Yi Lijing, when Yi Lijing asked him which person in his past life he most wanted to talk to, Zhang Yi thought about it for a while, saying that he wanted to meet his first love.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

After lying in the hospital for ten years, the girl eventually died and never woke up, and on the day of the funeral, Zhang Yi was working in France and did not rush back, which made him feel guilty to this day.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

Zhang Yi has mentioned this first love many times in the interview, and every time his eyes are full of regret, but fortunately, Zhang Yi finally walked out of this relationship and met the "true destiny daughter" in his life!

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

Zhang Yi once said that he most wanted to have a daughter, and even had a good name for his daughter a long time ago, which was called "Nutco"!

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

However, he has been married for many years, but he has not been able to fulfill his wish of the year, and he and his wife have always maintained a "Dink" state.

Marrying a second-married wife, perhaps the biggest controversy in Zhang Yi's film emperor, his wife Qian Linlin, who is 6 years older than him, also has a son after divorcing her ex-husband.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

After learning this news, many fans are holding back for him, in the traditional concept, Zhang Yi such an excellent actor should have a better home, how can he marry a wife with a "drag oil bottle"?

But Zhang Yi was willing to make this choice, because in the years when he was most depressed and his career was not improving, Qian Linlin was the only one who accompanied him and responded positively to him.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

After filming "Soldier Assault", Zhang Yi's career became a hit, but his life at this time was still a mess, because in order to let him learn drama, his parents helped him borrow a lot of money, and his income in the army in these years was not much, and he still loved to toss, so although he had a drama contract during that time, his income was not much.

Once when I went to work at CCTV, it just happened to be pouring heavy rain after work, and Zhang Yi was distressed about the taxi fare of dozens of yuan, so he planned to run back in the rain.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

At that time, a CCTV staff member passed by, looked at Zhang Yi with a embarrassed face, and lent him his umbrella, this girl was Qian Linlin, who worked at CCTV.

Qian Linlin graduated from the Shenyang Conservatory of Music, and after graduation, she was assigned to the Central People's Radio as a reporter, and later hosted the program "Chinese Folk Song List".

Qian Linlin's ex-husband is the "chess young marshal" Go Jiudan Zhenghong, the person who plays chess has a strict personality, and Qian Linlin's personality is also very strong, so due to personality discord, the two people eventually divorced.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

And Zhang Yi has a humorous personality, a humble personality and a very heavy feeling, and Qian Linlin's personality is very complementary, after the two met because of an umbrella, Zhang Yi took the opportunity to return the umbrella and wanted to invite Qian Linlin to eat, but at that time, his income was meager, and he could only invite Qian Linlin to eat a bowl of noodles.

Qian Linlin did not dislike Zhang Yi's "shabbiness", she was very happy to follow Zhang Yi to the noodle restaurant, looked at the ramen on the table, and said a sentence "Tang Qing noodles are slippery, very appetizing", so she feasted on it.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

After that, Zhang Yi left a deep impression on this girl, and she was also very grateful for her behavior of saving face for herself, and later the two first became friends, and slowly became lovers, until they met their parents and entered the palace of marriage.

For Qian Linlin, who was married for the second time and still had a child, Zhang Yi did not dislike it at all, Qian Linlin resigned and became Zhang Yi's agent, and after getting married for more than ten years, he always insisted that Dink did not have children again.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

Later, Zhang Yi participated in the movie "Dear", at that time, the crew had a bunch of actors with children, Zhang Yi was also very weak-minded, whenever he looked at Tong Dawei and Huang Bo, who were filming together, took out their mobile phones to show off their daughters, Zhang Yi would also take out his mobile phone and treat the cat photos as his own children.

"Plastic Surgery Acting" Zhang Translation: Bitterly keeping the vegetative person's first love for ten years, the wife's second marriage with a baby and Dink

Now Zhang Yi raises his 7 cats, and Qian Linlin lives a low-key and happy life, in fact, whether to have children or not is their own choice, Zhang Yi has already experienced different lives and roles in different dramas, as long as he calmly faces his choices, there are no regrets in life!

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