
A city snack, Changsha sugar oil Guiyang "love tofu fruit" to eat want to fall in love

author:Xiu Ming

Some people will definitely ask why it is called love tofu fruit, is not it a baked tofu? A roast tofu to take such an elegant name, is it possible to eat it and have a feeling of love?

A city snack, Changsha sugar oil Guiyang "love tofu fruit" to eat want to fall in love

The image comes from the Internet

Actually because this grilled tofu has a romantic story. The story takes place during the War of Resistance Against Japan. In 1939, the northern, eastern and central parts of our country fell under the iron heel of the Japanese invading army, and in order to further expand the aggression, a large-scale bombardment of the southwest region was carried out. At that time, Guiyang was also within the bombing range of the Japanese army. At that time, the refuge was in the Pengjiaqiao area, and people at that time could not go home to eat because they wanted to avoid air raids, so Zhang Huafeng and his wife sold roasted tofu to the people who had taken refuge nearby, and because it was simple to eat and could fill the hunger, it opened up sales.

Later, ordinary people ate tofu just to fill their hunger, but there were some young men and women in love who bought tofu fruits, dipped in pepper water, chewed slowly and sat in the Zhangjia shop all day. There are also some young people who gather here often, slowly get to know each other, and also develop feelings and fall in love, as if here they have forgotten the threat of the air. Therefore, many people later turned the Zhangjia shop into a place for young men and women to talk about love, and suddenly became a good story in the streets and alleys. Over time, people said that after eating grilled tofu, they could fall in love, so the Zhang couple changed the tofu fruit to "love tofu fruit".

A city snack, Changsha sugar oil Guiyang "love tofu fruit" to eat want to fall in love

The taste of "love tofu fruit" is like its name, you need to eat it when it is steaming, then there is a crisp and tender feeling, and when it is cold, you can't eat the feeling of crispy skin and tenderness inside, so you need to buy it there and eat it now.

A city snack, Changsha sugar oil Guiyang "love tofu fruit" to eat want to fall in love

When making the prepared tofu on the iron plate, the need to use is pine chips, so that the toasted tofu with a little bit of pine wood aroma will definitely make you eat the first bite and want to take a second bite. When the tofu is roasted to the golden brown on both sides, use bamboo slices or a small spoon to cut a small opening on the side, and put in the store's secret chili water (usually with paste pepper, wood ginger oil, green onion, folded ear root, soy sauce, vinegar) and eat.

"Love Tofu Fruit" is not only a snack in the hearts of Guiyang people, but also a memorial to the beautiful things in that period of the War of Resistance. No matter how the times change, the elements in traditional snacks may become diverse, but in the hearts of Guiyang people, it is still a local snack that is difficult to give up and evocative, so friends who want to fall in love may wish to try this dish, and may meet your favorite other half here!

A city snack, Changsha sugar oil Guiyang "love tofu fruit" to eat want to fall in love

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