
A county magistrate in Guizhou, divorcing his wife alarmed Deng Gong, why was he arrested and sentenced to five years by Order of Deng Gong?

author:Fei Ge Kan shi jin

In 1952, an unexpected thing happened in the southwest region of China, a county magistrate serving in Guizhou Province was directly arrested and sentenced to five years in prison by Deng Gongling, a senior leader of our country, because of his divorce from his wife Ding Hua.

It is reasonable to say that marriage and divorce should be the rights of both parties themselves, why is it that Deng Gong, the senior leader of our country, is involved in this marriage? Why did this seemingly extremely ordinary event make Deng Gong so angry after learning about it, and what kind of hidden feelings were behind it? Today, let's go through history and take a look at the sensational divorce case of 1952!

A county magistrate in Guizhou, divorcing his wife alarmed Deng Gong, why was he arrested and sentenced to five years by Order of Deng Gong?

Ding Hua

In exchange for the anticipation was a divorce certificate

The county magistrate who was arrested by Deng Gong's order was Li Min, who had the title of "Chen Shimei". Li Min and his wife Ding Hua met in Shandong, when Ding Hua was seventeen years old, in the prime of her youth, and she had long been ideologically conscious and joined the revolution during the War of Resistance. Because the central government attached great importance to this area of Shandong at that time, although Ding Hua did not have the opportunity to study in regular schools, he also learned a lot of knowledge in the literacy classes organized by revolutionary cadres. Ding Hua is very smart, but also very hardworking, but also from a young age determined to contribute to the motherland, so after learning knowledge was appreciated by the organization, she soon became a township women cadre.

The place where he met Li Min was in the training class run by the prefectural committee, and at that time, because Li Min participated in the revolution earlier and his thinking was also positive, the organization arranged for him to preside over the work at that time. There were not many female cadres participating in the training, so the beautiful and learned Ding Hua was particularly prominent in the training class, which also attracted Li Min's attention and began to find ways to approach her. How could the clever Ding Hua not know the meaning of Li Min's deliberate approach, but Li Min's appearance was average, and he was also particularly greasy and slippery, giving people a feeling of being very unreliable, so she did not have any feelings for Li Min. However, her heart was as soft as hers, and in the end, she did not withstand Li Min's stalking and swearing, and agreed to Li Min's marriage proposal in 1948.

Marriage under the war was always not accompanied much, and soon after marriage, for the safety and happiness of the people of the whole country, Li Min, after receiving the order of the organization, immediately left his small home and hurried to the front line of the war to continue fighting. Although Ding Hua was not very satisfied with Li Min, seeing that Li Min was so enthusiastic about the security of his home and country, and had the style of a soldier, he slowly accepted him from his heart, and gave birth to a daughter for him, silently waiting for her husband to return triumphantly in his hometown.

A county magistrate in Guizhou, divorcing his wife alarmed Deng Gong, why was he arrested and sentenced to five years by Order of Deng Gong?


The speed of the PLA's advance is still very fast, the morale of our army is extremely high, and the will to fight is also particularly firm, and under the attack all the way, the enemy will be beaten to the ground. After the Battle of Huaihai, Li Min, who missed his wife, wrote a letter to Ding Hua from Zhenjiang, saying that he would soon be able to return and was doing the summary work. Ding Hua was also deeply relieved to see it, and while waiting for her husband's return, she was also looking forward to the early end of the war. Half a month later, the People's Liberation Army was preparing to march into the southwest, all the former cadres were asked to stay and continue the war of resistance, Li Min was also on the list of the battle, after learning the news, he immediately wrote a letter to his wife in Nanjing, reporting safety and itinerary. Ding Hua joined the revolution as a revolutionary cadre since he was a child, and he also understood that there would be no small family without everyone, so he still waited in his hometown in Shandong, praying that his husband would be safe.

The war in the southwest lasted a long time, and the transportation was not convenient, so when Ding Hua received the third letter written by Li Min, it was already the Spring Festival of 1950, and Li Min in the letter was extremely excited when he wrote it, and there was excitement between the lines, and Ding Hua said that he had been appointed by the organization as the county magistrate of Suiyang County in Guizhou and the president of the court, and as long as it was some time later, they would be able to pick up their mother and daughter and go to the city to enjoy their happiness. Ding Hua was also very happy in his heart, thinking that the good day was finally coming, full of expectations for her husband to pick up herself and her daughter into the city, but no one thought that Li Min would never have any news from then on, and when Ding Hua finally waited for a certificate and official letter with a divorce agreement written on it!

Li Min, who does the same thing as "Chen Shimei"

In the spring of 1952, shortly after the founding of New China, the southwest region had been liberated, everything was developing in a good direction, and many of the country's public security, people's livelihood, and economy were gradually recovering. However, after the war crisis has passed, the ideological attitude of some people has begun to change, the leading cadres in the party have begun to slack off, and even more in between, an unhealthy trend has arisen, among which there is a situation of "marriage reorganization." In the hearts of these leading cadres who held important posts, they did not think of thinking of danger in times of peace, but instead began to practice the state of life of "full of food and lust," and many cadres began to dislike their wives, divorced them one after another, and then went to marry more beautiful and learned girls.

A county magistrate in Guizhou, divorcing his wife alarmed Deng Gong, why was he arrested and sentenced to five years by Order of Deng Gong?


As one of the party leaders, Deng Gong gradually noticed the signs of "marriage reorganization" as early as when he was working in the southwest region. Deng Gong naturally hoped to curb this improper trend, and he had stated this point many times in the meeting, hoping to make these cadres who had finally been reborn in the fires of war wake up, but when all was said and done, there were still people who were committing crimes against the wind.

Li Min took office in the winter of 1949, he set out from Zunyi, rode a high-headed horse into the city in the noise of gongs and drums, not to mention how beautiful it was, at that time his old comrades-in-arms also joked with him, saying that he was already the Emperor Taishang of Suiyang City, holding a number of important positions, but was not a Taishang Emperor. With so much power in his hands, we can also see from this that our party trusts and intends to cultivate him, but I never expected that this so-called "Emperor Taishang" began to show his original form after a few days of conscientiousness and self-denial.

In 1950, many high-level leading cadres in the city divorced their wives and married many young, beautiful and learned girls in the city, and for a time, the "marriage reorganization" trend prevailed. Li Min's long-withered heart also began to move, and he fell in love with a young girl who had just graduated from normal school, who was not only educated and educated, but also very beautiful, and was only nineteen years old, much younger than Ding Hua. In order to marry this girl, Li Min, with the power in his hands, concealed the sky and crossed the sea, and directly forged the divorce certificate and official letter with Ding Hua and sent it to the Shandong court.

When Ding Hua was notified by the court, her heart became uneasy, although she did not believe that Li Min could do this, she still took her daughter thousands of miles to Suiyang, Guizhou, to find out the truth of the matter. Therefore, as soon as she arrived at the place, she began to inquire everywhere, but what she got was the news that Li Min had remarried. Full of joy and expectation at this moment, it was instantly disappointed, angry and frightened, which made Ding Hua suffer a great blow and fainted on the street on the spot. I thought this was already very immoral, but when Li Min learned the news that Ding Hua had come here, his actions were even more resentful.

After knowing that the deception was discovered, Li Minmin was flustered, at this time he had already married the young and beautiful girl, there was no way back, the only way to keep his status from being changed and the lies not to be guessed seemed to be the only way to go. Therefore, Li Min began to act according to his ideas, not only did not admit the existence of his wife and daughter, but also imprisoned Ding Hua's mother and daughter as neurotic patients, and even wanted to escort them out of the city for persecution. Such tactics made Ding Hua feel sad, as clever as she was,

A county magistrate in Guizhou, divorcing his wife alarmed Deng Gong, why was he arrested and sentenced to five years by Order of Deng Gong?

Ding Hua sought to be a husband

If you still can't recognize the situation, then there is really no salvation. Mother and daughter have traveled thousands of miles to come here, and there is no one around to help them get out of danger, and if they want to avoid persecution, they must save themselves.

Bigamy was convicted, and Deng Gong ordered arrest and a five-year sentence

Ding Hua's personality is very strong, after learning of Li Min's thoughts, how can he be as he wishes, immediately find an opportunity to get out of prison, and pull his daughter out of Suiyang County late at night. Set off for Chongqing and found Deng Gong.

In the spring of 1952, Deng Gong held a meeting of prefectural and municipal cadres in the small auditorium of the Southwest Military Region, mentioning the seriousness of the "marriage reorganization" and sharply pointing out the manifestations of the corruption and degeneration of certain leading cadres, hoping to correct them. But just after the meeting, just after Deng Gong was on his way home, a woman dressed as a northern rural woman stood in front of the reception machine with her child in her hand, holding a letter in her hand and crying tearfully, which attracted many people to watch.

When Deng Gong saw this scene, he asked his secretary to understand the situation, but he learned that Li Min was suspected of committing bigamy, and immediately took the letter in the woman's hand. The mother and daughter are Ding Hua and her daughter. The letter was seven pages long, and Deng Gong read it, and the more he read it, the more angry he became, and his heart was indignant, who could have imagined that he had just stressed this point after the meeting, and the next moment he would catch the evidence.

A county magistrate in Guizhou, divorcing his wife alarmed Deng Gong, why was he arrested and sentenced to five years by Order of Deng Gong?

Deng Gong stills

Ding Hua's mother and daughter were sent by Deng Gong to the Women's Federation in the southwest, and let Director Liao Suhua be responsible for the reception, carefully investigated Li Min's deeds, and when they saw that the facts were indeed as stated in the letter, they were furious in their hearts, and immediately sent someone to arrest him back and personally participate in the interrogation. Li Min, knowing that he was wrong, faced with Deng Gong's interrogation and the on-the-spot testimony of his wife and daughter, finally bowed his head and admitted his crime.

On January 2, 1953, the Chongqing Railway Bureau's auditorium publicly announced the final verdict of the court's trial of Li Min's case, which was sentenced to five years in prison. Deng Gong's serious handling of the situation directly gave all high-level leading cadres a wake-up call at the moment, and promptly stopped this evil trend of "marriage reorganization."

The real-life version of the case of "Chen Shimei" Li Min also shows people a truth, no matter when, whether you have talent or not, virtue is always the most important. China has valued virtue since ancient times, and has always ranked it in the first place, and it has never changed at any time, so the talented and unscrupulous "Chen Shimei" will not be reused at any time. If Li Min always adheres to his original intention, does not get lost in the wind of money and wealth and "marriage reorganization", and makes the act of abandoning his wife and abandoning his daughter and wanting to change his wife, then his future is absolutely bright, but the fact is that there is no if, there is no regret medicine to buy, if he does, he can only bear the bitter fruit he sowed alone.

The defendant in the Li Min case is finally over, but his influence is extremely great, if it were not for the fact that such a living example of Li Min appeared in front of those cadres, I am afraid that those leading cadres would also have some people who did not take it seriously and continued to act against the wind. Such an act will not only expand the influence of abandoning the wife of the chaff but also expand the bad style of abusing power and being lustful to the point of fainting, and once this kind of atmosphere is formed among the cadres, it is not another kind of harm to the people. Fortunately, all this was nipped in the bud by Deng Gong, which also played a positive role in the founding of New China.

A county magistrate in Guizhou, divorcing his wife alarmed Deng Gong, why was he arrested and sentenced to five years by Order of Deng Gong?

Cadre leadership

Without a strong and firm heart, even if he has talent, he will not become the pillar of the country, and Li Min can even be unfaithful to his own family, so can he really sacrifice his greatest loyalty for the motherland? What do you think of Deng Gong's arrest and sentencing of Li Min, the governor of Suiyang County, Guizhou, to five years in prison? Feel free to comment in the comments section below! This issue ends here, thank you very much for reading, we will see you in the next issue!

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