
In fact, men will not call you "dear" after they treat you as their own

author:Pear blossom emotions

Wen 丨 Peach Xiaojing

Spring wind ten miles is not as good as you, Xiaojing is here, waiting for you!

In fact, men will not call you "dear" after they treat you as their own

The relationship between two people can often be seen from the title. Two people who are intimate, even the title is very special.

After men and women interact to a certain extent, they will rack their brains to think of some more intimate and fleshy names to prove the relationship between them.

Some people will think of some special titles as much as possible, while others will use more popular titles, such as "dear".

In the eyes of many people, the title of "dear" is both affectionate and loving, and it is the most suitable. But for people who love deeply, this title, although fleshy, is very perfunctory.

In real life, the term is used too widely, between colleagues, between friends, and even for people meeting for the first time. The more people use it, the more affection it contains.

If at the beginning this title can also represent love, after the use of more and more extensive, this title is difficult to become a representative of love.

In fact, men will not call you "dear" after they treat you as their own

Even men who have never cared much about the title will exclude the title of "dear" from the choice.

These observations will reveal that, in fact, men do not call you "dear" when they treat you as their own. Compared with this title, the man is more willing to choose the following three titles to show his intentions.


Men's feelings tend to go through three stages: first like you, then fall in love with you, and it is best to treat you as their own. At this last stage, it proves that men already want to spend their lives with you.

In the man's view, the only person who can spend his life with him is his legal wife, and his legal wife is called "wife".

Compared with "dear", "wife" will be more representative and can also prove your identity. Although you haven't married him yet, he has already treated you like a wife.

In fact, men will not call you "dear" after they treat you as their own

The title of "wife" is not only a symbol of status, but also a manifestation of a man's sincerity. Only men who really treat you as their own will call you "wife".

A man calls you "wife", which means that he is ready to accompany you to old age, no matter how old and ugly you become in the future, he will not abandon it.

Although he has not yet proposed to you, in his heart, you are already his life partner. He won't call you like anyone else, and he won't casually perfunctory you.

You can be called "wife" by men, indicating that your position in men's hearts is unshakable. If you don't want to lose this happiness, please cherish this relationship.


Usually, the title "baby" is often used in children, but as feelings develop, more and more people begin to use the term "baby" on their beloved partners.

In fact, men will not call you "dear" after they treat you as their own

The original meaning of the treasure is the precious sea shell, and by extension, it refers to all precious people or things. If you are incomparably precious to someone. Then he will call you "baby".

Compared with "dear", the title "baby" also has the meaning of spoiling. Only men who are willing to spoil you like a child all the time will use this unique title on you.

This title is also relatively more fleshy, if the man is not deep in love with you, it is difficult for him to call out.

Men rarely use the term "baby" to refer to a person, and the only person who can make him call him that way, except for his children, is his beloved woman.

Once you hear a man call you "baby," you should know that he's already treating you like his own. As long as you are willing to stay by his side, he will do his best to give you his favor.

In fact, men will not call you "dear" after they treat you as their own


The title "daughter-in-law" belongs to the northern language family and is a love name for many northern men to their wives. Slowly, this title is no longer limited to the north, and more and more men are beginning to use this title, both in the north and south.

The title of "daughter-in-law" and "wife" are actually similar, and the same thing is that both represent the love of men. The difference is that the wife is more formal and the daughter-in-law is more spoiled.

Men will not casually call a woman "daughter-in-law", and only a woman who lets him love deeply and is identified by him can hear such an intimate title.

After men identify you, they will not only call you this way when they are with two people, but also use this life to introduce you to outsiders. Listening to his spoiled call you a "daughter-in-law", the taste of happiness is born.

The title "daughter-in-law" sounds warmer than "dear". If a man keeps calling you "daughter-in-law", it proves that he has identified you, and you don't lose him.

In fact, men will not call you "dear" after they treat you as their own

The title is actually a kind of love word, so that men rarely say love words, but he is not sloppy at all in the title.

Different titles represent different friendships, and only men who really identify you and want to work with you for a lifetime will use these three titles on you.

There may be some people who think that the title "dear" can also prove the love of men, but in fact, the title of "dear" is not very targeted, and he can be used for everyone. And it's not the only one.

Although "dear" is fleshy, it is all lower than these three titles, and it contains less affection.

If the man next to you happens to be using one of these three titles, it means that he has identified you. Cherish him and you'll be happier.

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