
Fan Zeng: Huang Yongyu exposed the evil of his human nature in suppressing his younger brother Huang Yonghou, reaching the extreme

author:Hole A C

Originally born from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other? The fate of the underworld has become a brother, but the past has long gone with the wind, and since then they have become passers-by. Because there is no brotherhood, it is safe to meet with the encounter.

When we were together, we didn't know our worries, but now we are like strangers. Mr. Fan Zeng, who knows the Huang brothers, once said: Huang Yongyu exposed the evil of his human nature in suppressing his younger brother Huang Yonghou, reaching the extreme.

It is often said that brothers work together to break the gold, but not on the Huang brothers. Mr. Fan Zeng believes that the talents of his younger brother Huang Yonghou are above his brother Huang Yongyu, and it is only because of his brother's suppression that he cannot fully display his talents. However, why would Mr. Fan Zeng say this?

Fan Zeng: Huang Yongyu exposed the evil of his human nature in suppressing his younger brother Huang Yonghou, reaching the extreme

Fan Zeng

(1) Concealing the envy of the virtuous and the good will be compared

Water can carry boats, but it can also cover boats. The two Huang brothers are from the Shuxiang Mendi family, and under the influence of a family with strong art, the two are extremely accomplished in painting. In the early days, Huang Yonghou learned many painting techniques without a teacher under the guidance of his brother Huang Yongyu, and Huang Yongyu, who went out to study too early, had already made a name for himself in the painting world.

It should have been brothers who supported each other, helped each other in the same boat, and jointly broke out of the Huang family's sky in the painting art world, but people's hearts were unpredictable, even if they were brothers, they all had an endless account, and there was no feast in the world.

The Field of Fame and Fortune, there is no friendship. Fame and fortune are the field, fame and fortune are nets, a few more competitions, a few more confused. Mr. Fan Zeng believes that with the gradual mastery of Huang Yonghou's paintings, a few strokes of sketching can paint the feelings in his heart with ink, and he is a person who can be created.

But the elder brother Huang Yongyu disagreed with this, Huang Yongyu believed that a mountain could not tolerate two tigers, and his brother's progress was a hazard to him, blocking his future, not to mention, the most important thing was to affect his reputation for painting, so Huang Yongyu tried his best to suppress his brother's talent in the painting world, and constantly persuaded Huang Yonghou to practice the basic skills.

Fan Zeng: Huang Yongyu exposed the evil of his human nature in suppressing his younger brother Huang Yonghou, reaching the extreme

Huang Yongyu

The world is thin, people are evil, and the rain sends dusk flowers to fall easily. You and I, our own brothers, should have been supported, and strangers are more than that. Mr. Fan Zeng believes that Huang Yongyu is cold and cold-hearted, and there is no need to pretend to be brotherly. Huang Yongyu's suppression can really be described as a cold world, and human nature is inherently evil. Huang Yonghou painted in obscurity under the control of his brother.

Not to mention the connection between the blood and the blood, but there are people outside the people, there is a sky outside the sky, even if the younger brother Huang Yonghou's talent can not be discovered, there will be more people of insight on the stage, after all, the blue is better than the blue, the road itself is a hundred flowers.

Jealousy grows and sins grow stronger. Ercao's body and name are destroyed, and the rivers and rivers are not wasted. As the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said, it is gold that shines wherever it goes.

For Mr. Fan Zeng, his younger brother Huang Yonghou is a bright new star. He saw Huang Yonghou's step-by-step growth in the painting world, and was amazed that he had not yet been rated as a professor, even an associate professor, after more than ten years of diligence.

Fan Zeng: Huang Yongyu exposed the evil of his human nature in suppressing his younger brother Huang Yonghou, reaching the extreme

Fan Zeng felt pity, not willing to bury the gold in the desert, the wall of the pu, how could he be willing to bury it. So Fan Zeng and his friend Liu Haili jointly recommended Huang Yonghou as a professor, although Huang Yongyu tried his best to suppress his brother in all aspects and persuade his brother to be a shadow, but Fan Zeng's move was still something that Huang Yongyu did not expect.

Bo Le is difficult to find, love is thirsty Fan Zeng has a unique vision, after several twists and turns, Huang Yonghou directly became a full professor. Mr. Fan Zeng is definitely a bole person for Huang Yonghou, that is, a lifetime of luck.

Huang Yongyu, who learned of this, was not happy about it, but instead felt jealous in his heart, loudly reprimanded his brother for not taking the right path, and put his brother on the title of "crooked door and evil way". Huang Yongyu's move shows the evil of human nature, and the brotherhood of the same qi has become "beans crying in the kettle".

Mr. Fan Zeng looked at his brother Huang Yongyu's undesirable sins even more, and he was not only amazed at Huang Yongyu's narrow-mindedness, but also lamented that his talent did not match his temperament, so he scolded him bitterly.

Although Huang Yonghou's status is already unshakable, and then the situation of Huang Yongyu's family dominance is also facing an end, and the Huang brothers and the two Huang brothers are driving together, but this file between the brothers has long been tacit.

Fan Zeng: Huang Yongyu exposed the evil of his human nature in suppressing his younger brother Huang Yonghou, reaching the extreme

Huang Yonghou

(2) Nitpicking and falling stones

So far, outsiders can't really determine whether his brother Huang Yongyu is really as sinister as Mr. Fan Zeng said, but what Fan Zeng said is indeed true, not a brick and tile, and we also know that the huang brothers' feelings are indeed "those who know me say that I am worried, and those who do not know me say what I want?" ”

The relationship between the two is no longer what it used to be, and they also began to give birth to mustard.

Cold-eyed, poor-mouthed and tongue-in-cheek. Pull benning spares his strength, and he is lucky to be lost. Huang Yonghou was a small soldier in the Nationalist army when he was young, although he went astray, but fortunately, he lost his way in time to return. This profound lesson made Huang Yonghou always remember, and he did not want more people to talk about this unbearable past.

However, his brother Huang Yongyu constantly talked about it intentionally or unintentionally on many occasions, and repeatedly verbally attacked Huang Yonghou, and several times Huang Yonghou was provoked. Huang Yongyu often persuaded Huang Yonghou, "Don't you always show your face, didn't you still have that section in the past?"

Fan Zeng: Huang Yongyu exposed the evil of his human nature in suppressing his younger brother Huang Yonghou, reaching the extreme

Huang Yongyu works

Huang Yongyu's move is simply a villain's move today, if Huang Yonghou is still fighting for the national army, this statement is harmless, the most important thing is that now his own brother is lost and returns, and he actually wants to pull him into the whirlpool of public opinion and trap him in injustice.

If the young man knows his past, why didn't he persuade him at that time, but afterwards he became a "peacemaker"? Huang Yongyu is really incomprehensible, and it is no wonder that Mr. Fan Zeng said that his human nature is extremely bad, so it seems that it is not too much.

Three knives on both sides, dark arrows hurt people. Although Fan had vigorously fought for Huang Yonghou, in the end, he did not want the Huang brothers to lose their feelings, after all, it was the right thing to concentrate on studying. But as time passed, Fan Zeng became more and more disgusted with Huang Yongyu's actions towards Huang Yonghou.

Fan Zeng knew that the two brothers had different personalities, brothers were thin and brotherly, brothers were fierce, brothers were kind, and brothers were brothers and brothers, but what he did not expect was that Huang Yongyu was like a wolf in sheep's clothing, and Huang Yonghou simply did not leave him a way to live in the painting world.

Fan Zeng: Huang Yongyu exposed the evil of his human nature in suppressing his younger brother Huang Yonghou, reaching the extreme

Fan Zeng's works

Huang Yongyu, who came out early to break in, took advantage of the east wind of the policy to fly Huang Tengda very early, and his paintings can be said to be competing for auction, indeed, Huang Yongyu is still brilliant in painting, outstanding. Accumulating wealth prematurely, he can be said to be free of financial burdens.

But the younger brother Huang Yonghou was very different from his brother's situation, although Huang Yonghou's skills at that time were comparable to those of his brother, but after all, there was no blessing of fame, at most he was just a fledgling man in the painting world.

Faced with such embarrassment, Huang Yonghou mentioned this matter when he visited his brother's home, hoping that his brother could help. Unexpectedly, Huang Yongyu reluctantly took out 60 US dollars to think of a hasty matter, to know that Huang Yongyu, who was wearing thousands of dollars at the time, was unwilling to bend down to pick up 60 US dollars on the ground.

Fan Zeng: Huang Yongyu exposed the evil of his human nature in suppressing his younger brother Huang Yonghou, reaching the extreme

Works by Huang Yonghou

Seeing that Huang Yongyu was so two-faced and three-bladed, he had a deep brotherly affection in front of others, but he abandoned it behind his back and avoided it. Huang Yonghou grew up and did not care about this person, so he broke alone, but also broke out of his own world.

Fan had scoffed at Huang Yongyu's failure to save him, he had never thought that his own brother could do such a thing. In the years that followed, the relationship between Huang Yongyu and Fan Zeng was like walking on thin ice, and Fan Zeng also criticized Huang Yongyu's thin feelings and widowhood many times, but it was also strange to say that the unpleasant quarrel between the two as masters and apprentices was also a major miracle in the painting world.

Huang Yonghou's unconventional behavior has become one of the biggest differences between him and Huang Yongyu, perhaps because of this indifference that Fan Zeng loves. Although Huang Yongyu suppressed and restrained Huang Yonghou everywhere, the two did not have a real struggle.

Fan Zeng: Huang Yongyu exposed the evil of his human nature in suppressing his younger brother Huang Yonghou, reaching the extreme

We can only look at Fan Zeng's testimony dialectically, and what is right and wrong is still to be judged by the people involved. But as far as the facts are concerned, Huang Yongyu's deterrence and insults are indeed not in line with human nature, and he does have the heart to hate Huang Yonghou.

Readers, listen. "And listen to the language of others, and the gentleman asks for himself." The evaluation between literati and inkers has always been to see flowers in the fog, and people are also cloudy. Instead of listening to their gossip, it is better to look at the view in the painting. A truly good character can produce good works. Dear officials, listen to your honor.

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