
Tofu soup can be so delicious! Drink 3 bowls at a time to be addictive, sour and spicy appetizing and nutritious

author:Xiao Dong food

Hello everyone I am Xiao Dong.

Tofu soup can be so delicious! Drink 3 bowls at a time to be addictive, sour and spicy appetizing and nutritious

Tofu is extremely nutritious and contains iron, magnesium, potassium, niacin, copper, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, folic acid, vitamin B1, lutein and vitamin B6. Eating tofu can be said to be a delicious combination of nutrition and taste.

Tofu soup can be so delicious! Drink 3 bowls at a time to be addictive, sour and spicy appetizing and nutritious

Today to share with you a sour and spicy tofu soup method, the method is simple and sour and delicious like friends have to try it

Main ingredients: 1 piece of tofu, 1 carrot,

Ingredients: shiitake mushrooms, lunch meat, green onion, garlic, coriander, millet spicy, starch, egg

Seasoning: vinegar, soy sauce, salt, sesame oil,

Specific steps:

1: Cut the inner fat tofu into strips, peel the carrots and cut them into strips, cut the shiitake mushrooms into strips, and cut the lunch meat into small cubes for later

Tofu soup can be so delicious! Drink 3 bowls at a time to be addictive, sour and spicy appetizing and nutritious

2: Cut the green onion into small pieces, cut the garlic into small pieces, cut the coriander into segments, cut the millet into circles, pour the appropriate amount of dry starch into the bowl, add water and stir into water starch,

3: Beat two eggs in another bowl and beat them to set aside

Tofu soup can be so delicious! Drink 3 bowls at a time to be addictive, sour and spicy appetizing and nutritious

4, pour oil into the pot, heat the oil, then add green onion, garlic, millet and spicy stir-fry, then put in the lunch meat and stir-fry, add carrots and shiitake mushrooms and stir-fry,

Tofu soup can be so delicious! Drink 3 bowls at a time to be addictive, sour and spicy appetizing and nutritious

5, then pour in the appropriate amount of hot water, boil after pouring in the tofu strips, and then pour the appropriate amount of vinegar, soy sauce, stir evenly, cook for 1 minute after pouring in the egg liquid, and then pour in the water starch to hook it, put in half a spoon of salt to taste, pour sesame oil, put in the chives before the pot can be served

Tofu soup can be so delicious! Drink 3 bowls at a time to be addictive, sour and spicy appetizing and nutritious

Such a light and refreshing sour and spicy tofu soup is ready, sour and spicy appetizer, very suitable for drinking hot days and increasing appetite.


1: Pour oil into the pot and sauté the lunch meat, carrots and shiitake mushrooms, which are more fragrant.

2, when pouring the egg liquid while stirring to the egg liquid, the egg flower produced by this is very beautiful.

These are the methods and techniques used by Xiao Dong to make sour and spicy tofu soup, if you have other good opinions or ideas, you can leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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