
Paragose, isomaltultitol, inulin, fructooligosaccharides to create low-glycemic and high-fiber foods What do millennials want? Market demand drives snack food innovation for healthier foods and lifestyles

author:Biling ingredients

Millennials mostly enjoy snacking. In fact, many post-zero young people have embraced snack food as a necessity and have become one of the main foods in their lives. Mintel's findings revealed that they may have eaten snacks more than 4 times a day. In addition, as the average income of this generation is expected to increase from $5,900 in 2014 to $13,000 in 2024, they will have a significant impact on the global consumer market.

Among them, the Asia-Pacific region, which has a younger population and a rapidly expanding middle-income group, is expected to become the fastest growing snack food market in the world. As a result, food and beverage companies around the world have entered the Asia-Pacific market and launched products that cater to the needs of consumers in the Asia-Pacific region. For example, fast food chain McDonald's has launched twist powder in Hong Kong, cheese omelets in the Philippines, and whole wheat muffins in Singapore and other places.

Paragose, isomaltultitol, inulin, fructooligosaccharides to create low-glycemic and high-fiber foods What do millennials want? Market demand drives snack food innovation for healthier foods and lifestyles

Millennials want access to foods that are simple and easy to eat – so-called snacks. But their needs are more than that. Millennial consumers also have strict requirements for the taste, health and nutrition of snack foods.

This is because this consumer group grew up in the information age, and most of them have participated in the school's nutrition science program, so they understand the importance of healthy eating and prefer low-calorie or high-nutritional snack foods. For example, the ultra-thin oreo thins launched by the global confectionery group Mondelëz International have been a huge success in the market, and the ultra-thin Oreo is thinner than the average Oreo biscuit, with less cream filling, so that each cookie has a lower calorie content.

Millennials, meanwhile, mostly love to travel. Compared with previous generations, many post-zero consumers are keen to go abroad and experience exoticism. A recent survey revealed that millennial travelers want to fully immerse themselves in a new culture and enjoy local cuisine. This trend has also had a huge impact on the food industry, driving food producers to continuously develop creative foods with an international flavor. From Indian Tanduri, French truffles, Japanese Teriyaki, to Korean kimchi, Mexican salsa sauce, Thai Tom Yin Gong, snack products with special tastes from all over the world can now be seen everywhere. In short, snack foods with outstanding taste and rich nutrition have become more and more popular with this consumer group.

Paragose, isomaltultitol, inulin, fructooligosaccharides to create low-glycemic and high-fiber foods What do millennials want? Market demand drives snack food innovation for healthier foods and lifestyles

As a result, food producers who understand millennial customers continue to introduce snack foods that are both delicious and healthy. And the production of these foods is inseparable from functional ingredients.

Sustained-release carbohydrates are very popular for producers looking to produce low-glycemic index snack foods. Manufacturers can use functional ingredients to produce products that reduce the glycemic response in two ways:

• Alter glucose supply mechanisms using fully digestible carbohydrates with low glycemic index (e.g., paragose ™ (isomaltocaltose)).

• Replace sugars with partially digestible carbohydrates, such as isomaltone glycol glycosaccharides

Parakinose ™ is a next-generation sugar derived from pure beet sugar. It is the only low glycemic index carbohydrate that can be fully digested while providing sustained energy. It is hydrolyzed by enzymes in the small intestine 4 to 5 times slower than ordinary sugars such as glucose or sucrose, thus ensuring a smooth energy supply without causing large fluctuations in blood sugar levels. As a result, snack foods such as cereal bars, donuts and muffins that contain paragonase ™ can help consumers get through a busy day without getting tired or wanting to eat shortly after eating.

In addition, manufacturers can replace fully digestible carbohydrates with partially digestible or indigestible carbohydrates in snack foods. Numerous studies have shown that blood sugar and insulin levels rise the lowest after consuming isomaltullitol, which has a glycemic index of only 2. Isomaltultone glycol tastes very close to sucrose, but contains only half the calories (2.4kcal/g). As an incremental sweetener, isomaltulose can replace sugar in a 1:1 ratio in snack food production and has low hygroscopicity, helping to improve the storage stability of snack foods such as candies and biscuits.

In addition to carbohydrates, manufacturers can use functional fibers such as Benoo's prebiotic dietary fibers orafti inulin and orafti fructooligosaccharides to create "sugar-free, high-fiber" snack foods. Both inulin and fructooligosaccharides are naturally extracted from chicory root and are not digested by stomach enzymes, so the effect on blood sugar levels is minimal. These chicory root fibers act as prebiotics for the digestive system, creating a positive effect on the gut microbiome by supporting "beneficial bacteria." This helps to form a healthy intestinal environment and improves the frequency of bowel movements.

Paragose, isomaltultitol, inulin, fructooligosaccharides to create low-glycemic and high-fiber foods What do millennials want? Market demand drives snack food innovation for healthier foods and lifestyles

Whether it's good family relationships, successful careers, or pursuing personal hobbies like climbing mountains or marathons, millennials, like most consumers, want a rich and fulfilling life. In a fast-paced life, many people naturally choose snack foods to stay energized throughout the day.

Innovative food manufacturers can use functional ingredients such as paragose ™ (isomaltoketose), isomaltulose (isomaltulose) and prebiotic dietary fiber to produce nutritious, creative snack foods that meet the needs of millennial customers. These healthy snacks satisfy consumers' desire for a low glycemic index and a high-fiber diet, while replacing sugar and fat in food.

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