
If probiotics don't work well, try fructooligosaccharides

author:Qian 30,000 cat research room
If probiotics don't work well, try fructooligosaccharides

Public number: Cat Research Laboratory

Author: Qian San Fat

Hello everyone, I am three fat, today to share with you my new discovery of good things, this good thing is fructooligosaccharides, sometimes also called oligosaccharides.

The cause is that I found that the drug to treat constipation often appears lactulose or fructooligosaccharides, curious I want to know how this works, after research, found that this type of fructose is not only the treatment of constipation, but by regulating the intestinal flora, so that the intestines can return to a healthy state, so it can cure constipation, but also can cure soft stool thinning.

The effect is similar to that of probiotics.

If Baidu fructooligosaccharides will find that there are already many applications in pregnant women and infant health products, then what are the benefits of fructooligosaccharides for the intestines? Here are the conclusions I came up with after searching the literature.

These conclusions also apply to humans. There are references at the end of the article.

1. Intestinal flora of mammals

In the large intestine inhabited by as many as 500 species of bacteria, the amount of dry matter in the body is equivalent to 1/3 to 1/2 of the dry weight of feces, most of these bacteria are harmless to the human body and some are still beneficial, so it is called "human normal flora".

Among them, Bifidobacterium is a dominant bacteria, accounting for more than 20% of the total intestinal bacteria in young adults, and plays a key role in maintaining the balance of intestinal flora in a favorable and healthy state, and is a beneficial bacterium.

Escherichia coli, Clostridium aeronascaria and other harmful bacteria, they spoil proteins, produce toxic and carcinogens, long-term absorption will damage tissues and organs, promote aging, cause diseases and even cancer.

Under normal circumstances, the two types of bacteria are in equilibrium. Aging, illness, mental depression or excessive psychological stress, as well as illness and long-term use of antibiotics, etc., will destroy the balance, so that the beneficial bacteria are reduced and the harmful bacteria increase.

Therefore, trying to increase bifidobacteria in the intestines contributes to health.

2. Regulation of fructooligosaccharides on intestinal flora

The study found that the ability of the bacterial population in the large intestine to utilize fructooligosaccharides was different, and the results of the experiment showed that bifidobacteria were more capable of utilizing fructooligosaccharides than other bacteria in the intestine. Other bacteria can only use glucose, so supplementation with fructooligosaccharides can stimulate the growth of Bifidobacterium.

Low molecular weight fructooligosaccharides are rapidly fermented by the coliform bacteria in the colon, so that the beneficial bacteria are increased, while the harmful bacteria are inhibited.

Inulin (a type of fructooligosaccharide) with a large molecular weight ferments very slowly and can be maintained to the end of the large intestine.

Fructooligosaccharides can promote the proliferation of Bifidobacteria, which has been confirmed by many experiments.

3. How to buy? How to use it?

At present, cat intestinal medication, more common or lactulose, in the field of health care products, lactulose and fructooligosaccharides are called prebiotics, lactulose can be considered as the previous generation of products, the newly discovered fructooligosaccharides have better results.

Lactulose is more common, but fructooligosaccharides are better used:

If probiotics don't work well, try fructooligosaccharides

Direct search for fructooligosaccharides, are maternal and infant health products, casually find a high purity, and cheap.

If probiotics don't work well, try fructooligosaccharides

Dosage for cats:

Referring to humans, the amount of cats used, whether it is a drug, or any other additive, in general, a 5KG cat can be fed to cats according to 1/20 to 1/10 of the human dosage.

If probiotics don't work well, try fructooligosaccharides

Show humans a day with 15g.

Then for 5kg cats, the daily dosage is 0.75g ~ 1.5g.

If the cat is not 5kg, it is converted proportionally.



1 "Research on the Diversity Distribution of Mammalian Intestinal Flora and Core Functional Species"

2 "Physiological functions, production and application of fructooligosaccharides"


Many cat friends hope to talk about the common spare medicine for cat families, which is brewing, basically human medicine, almost all of which I have actually used, cheap and effective, and there are dozens of cat samples that have been practiced, which will be released in the next few days.

Welcome to look forward to it.


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